
Monthly GitHub Exploration|These high-quality open source projects are not to be missed

author:Brother Cheng looks at open source
This issue selects high-quality open source projects under the five major programming languages of HTML, CSS, JS, Python, and Vue, covering database query, audio generation, permission management, wiki building, managing interface templates, image editing, music players and other fields, helping you improve development efficiency and gain insight into the forefront of the industry.

1. Vanna: Extensible database query framework

Monthly GitHub Exploration|These high-quality open source projects are not to be missed
Monthly GitHub Exploration|These high-quality open source projects are not to be missed


Stars as of press time: 8970 (added in the past month: 1506)

Repository language: Python

仓库开源协议:MIT License


Vanna is a RAG (Retrieval Enhanced Generation) based Python framework that provides support for SQL generation and related features. This article provides an in-depth introduction to Vanna's role, technical explanations, repository descriptions, and usage suggestions.

Project role

Vanna uses the RAG architecture, combined with the advantages of LLM to generate text and vector database to search for relevant information, to achieve efficient and accurate SQL generation.

Description of the warehouse

  • Repository name: vanna
  • Language: Python
  • License: MIT
  • LLMs:OpenAI、ChromaDB
  • Database Connection: Any SQL database that can be connected via Python


  • Provide user interaction through interfaces such as Jupyter notebooks, Streamlit applications, Slack bots, and more.
  • Generate complex SQL queries, such as "Find out the top 10 customers who meet certain criteria".

Objective evaluation or analysis

  • Advantages: high accuracy, security, self-learning ability, database agnostic, scalability.
  • Limitations: The choice of LLM or vector database can affect performance.

Suggestions for use

  • Choose the right LLM and vector database based on data size and query complexity.
  • Provides high-quality training data, including DDL, documents, and SQL queries.
  • Take advantage of the extension options to customize Vanna to your needs.


Vanna is a powerful and extensible framework that simplifies the database query process, improves query efficiency and accuracy, and provides powerful support for data analysis and business insights.

2. Stabilize Audio Tool: Audio Generation Model


Stars as of press time: 2222 (added in the past month: 738)

Repository language: Python

仓库开源协议:MIT License


stable-audio-tools is a generative model library for conditional audio generation. It provides training and inference code that enables researchers and developers to explore cutting-edge technologies for audio generation.

Project role

stable-audio-tools uses the PyTorch Lightning framework and supports multi-GPU and multi-node training. It also provides JSON configuration files for defining model hyperparameters, training settings, and dataset information.

Description of the warehouse

The repository contains the following main files:

  • used for model training
  • Used to generate unwrapped model checkpoints
  • Provides a basic Gradio interface for testing the trained model


stable-audio-tools 已用于生成各种音频内容,例如:

  • Vocal synthesis
  • Musical accompaniment generated
  • Sound effects enhanced

Objective evaluation or analysis

stable-audio-tools is considered one of the leading libraries in the field of audio generation, with the following advantages:

  • Flexibility and scalability
  • Wide selection of models
  • Active community support

Suggestions for use

以下是使用 stable-audio-tools 的建议:

  • 熟悉 PyTorch 和 PyTorch Lightning
  • Background knowledge in the field of audio generation
  • Follow the documentation and examples in the repository


stable-audio-tools is a powerful library of audio generation tools that provides researchers and developers with the tools they need to explore the cutting-edge technologies of audio generation. Its flexibility and scalability make it suitable for a wide range of applications, from text-to-audio synthesis to sound design innovation.

3.RuoYi-Vue3:基于SpringBoot和Vue3 的前后 端分 离 框架

Monthly GitHub Exploration|These high-quality open source projects are not to be missed
Monthly GitHub Exploration|These high-quality open source projects are not to be missed


Stars as of press time: 4153 (added in the past month:201)

Repository language: Vue

仓库开源协议:MIT License


The purpose of this article is to introduce RuoYi-Vue3, a headless framework built on SpringBoot and Vue3 to provide rich features and convenient user experience.

Project role

  • 前端技术栈:Vue3、Element Plus、Fast
  • 后端框架:SpringBoot、Spring Security、JWT
  • Provides core functions such as user management, data permissions, menu management, and logging

Description of the warehouse

This repository contains RuoYi-Vue3 front-end code, and the specific functions are as follows:

  • User Management: Configure system users
  • Department Management: Manage the organization
  • Role management: Assign permissions and data scopes
  • Menu management: Maintain system menus and permissions
  • Log management: Records operation and exception logs


RuoYi-Vue3 has been used in many practical projects, such as:

  • Enterprise-grade rights management system
  • Internal collaboration platform
  • Customer relationship management system

Objective evaluation or analysis


  • Advanced technology stack: Modern technologies such as Vue3 and SpringBoot are used
  • Functional perfection: Covers the core requirements of the permission management system
  • Ease of use: Comprehensive documentation and community support are available

Suggestions for use

  • It is suitable for projects that need to quickly build a permission management system
  • Customization capabilities can be extended to meet the needs of your project
  • It is recommended to use the latest versions of Vue and SpringBoot


RuoYi-Vue3 is a powerful, easy-to-use headless framework that provides an ideal choice for rapid development of permission management systems. Its rich functions and perfect community support will greatly improve the development efficiency.

4.Wiki.js - A modern, lightweight wiki app

Monthly GitHub Exploration|These high-quality open source projects are not to be missed
Monthly GitHub Exploration|These high-quality open source projects are not to be missed


Stars as of press time: 23910 (added in the past month:264)

Repository language: Vue

仓库开源协议:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Wiki.js is a modern, lightweight, and powerful wiki app built on Node.js for building and managing a feature-rich, self-hosted knowledge base or collaboration platform.

Description of the warehouse

This GitHub repository contains the source code and related files for Wiki.js.

Objective evaluation or analysis

Wiki.js has been widely praised for its ease of use, powerful features, and scalability.

Suggestions for use

Wiki.js is for individuals, teams, or organizations who want to build and manage a feature-rich, self-hosted wiki.


Wiki.js is a powerful and user-friendly wiki solution that's perfect for building and managing your knowledge base.

5.Vuestic Admin:免费且美观的 Vue 3 管理界面模板

Monthly GitHub Exploration|These high-quality open source projects are not to be missed
Monthly GitHub Exploration|These high-quality open source projects are not to be missed


Number of stars as of press time: 10295 (added in the past month:91)

Repository language: Vue

仓库开源协议:MIT License


In this article, we'll introduce Vuestic Admin, a free and beautiful Vue 3 admin interface template that helps developers quickly build efficient and responsive admin interfaces.


Vuestic Admin is a free and powerful Vue 3 admin interface template that gives developers the foundation they need to build modern, efficient applications. Its wide range of features and active community support make it an invaluable resource for developers looking to quickly start managing interface development projects.

6.S-UI:高级 Web 面板

Monthly GitHub Exploration|These high-quality open source projects are not to be missed


Number of stars as of press time: 2070 (added in the past month:215)

Repository language: Vue

仓库开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


In this article, we'll take a deep dive into S-UI, an advanced web panel built on top of SagerNet/Sing-Box, and explore its purpose, technical details, and instructions for use.

Project role

S-UI is built with the Vue.js framework and supports:

  • Multi-language interface
  • Multi-client connections
  • Advanced traffic routing interfaces

Description of the warehouse

The S-UI project is hosted on GitHub under the GPLv3 license.


S-UI has been widely used for:

  • Set up and manage proxy servers
  • Monitor network traffic
  • Provide a secure and customizable web interface

Objective evaluation or analysis

S-UI is known for its following benefits:

  • Easy to use and intuitive interface
  • Rich feature set Open source and free

Suggestions for use

To use S-UI:

  • Install the S-UI
  • Sign in with your default credentials
  • Configure your proxy settings
  • Start monitoring and managing your network traffic


S-UI is a powerful tool that provides a comprehensive solution for proxy server management. Its user-friendly interface, diverse features, and open-source nature make it ideal for tech enthusiasts and network administrators.


Monthly GitHub Exploration|These high-quality open source projects are not to be missed


Stars as of press time: 4442 (added in the past month: 303)

Repository language: Vue

仓库开源协议:MIT License


This article explores the GitHub repository vue-fabric-editor, which provides an open-source image editor based on fabric.js and Vue.

Project role

  • Plug-in architecture: Easy to extend, customize functions such as assets, context menus, and shortcuts.
  • Simple and easy to use: Lightweight, concise-oriented graphical editor.
  • Rich features: custom templates, gradients, custom fonts, and more.


This project has been applied to several scenarios, including:

  • Design image templates
  • Create a promotional poster
  • Edit product images

Objective evaluation or analysis

vue-fabric-editor is a powerful image editor with the following advantages:

  • Easy to use: Clean interface and intuitive controls.
  • Customizable: The features can be customized according to your needs.
  • Rich features: Meet the needs of lightweight picture editing.

Suggestions for use

vue-fabric-editor 推荐用于以下场景:

  • Create a promotional poster
  • Edit product images
  • Design social media graphics


vue-fabric-editor provides users with a comprehensive and easy-to-use image editing tool, which is ideal for creating and editing images thanks to its customizability and powerful features.


Monthly GitHub Exploration|These high-quality open source projects are not to be missed


Stars as of press time: 27714 (added in the past month: 401)

Repository language: Vue

仓库开源协议:MIT License


YesPlayMusic is an open-source, free, high-value third-party NetEase cloud player that supports multiple operating systems, providing rich features and a smooth user experience.

Project role

Developed using Vue.js Family Bucket, the interface is beautiful and elegant, and the operation is smooth.

  • Support NetEase Cloud account login to enjoy the full music library.
  • Support MV playback, lyrics display, private FM and other NetEase cloud native functions.
  • There are no social features, focusing on a pure music playback experience.
  • Support a variety of audio sources, and automatically replace grayed out song links.
  • Automatic check-in every day, making it easy for you to receive benefits.


Users use YesPlayMusic instead of the official NetEase Cloud Player for a better visual enjoyment and listening experience. By analyzing YesPlayMusic's code, the developers learned best practices for Vue.js and Electron's packaging configuration.

Objective evaluation or analysis

YesPlayMusic has been widely popular for its good looks, rich features, and cross-platform support. Compared to the official NetEase Cloud Player, it offers more customization options and a personalized experience.

Suggestions for use

Download the installation package and install it according to the system.

  • After logging in to your NetEase Cloud account, you can enjoy the full functionality.
  • Customize shortcuts and interface settings to your liking.
  • Explore YesPlayMusic's wide range of features to enhance your listening experience.


YesPlayMusic is an excellent third-party NetEase cloud player that provides users with a cross-platform, high-value, feature-rich music playback solution. Whether you're a loyal user of NetEase Cloud or someone looking for a higher-quality music playback experience, YesPlayMusic is worth checking out.

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