
Daily GitHub Exploration | An overview of the new era of technology and leading the new direction of future development

author:Brother Cheng looks at open source
Embark on a GitHub exploration journey to discover the cutting-edge open source projects of the moment. From plug-in frameworks and APIs to graphical user interface libraries and financial transaction databases, this article covers a wide range of technical areas to provide you with insights to lead the way forward.

1. Dalamud: FFXIV Plugin Framework and API

Daily GitHub Exploration | An overview of the new era of technology and leading the new direction of future development


Stars as of press time: 1026 (New: 22 today)

Warehouse Language: C#

仓库开源协议:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


This article aims to take a deep dive into Dalamud, a plugin development framework and API for Final Fantasy XIV.

Project role

Dalamud provides an API that enables developers to create plugins that interact with game data and chat features, as well as provide in-game overlays.

Description of the warehouse

The repository contains the components and pipes used to load Dalamud, including:

  • DLL injector
  • .NET Core运行时加载器
  • Dalmaud Core API & Plugin Framework


Examples of plugins developed with Dalmuud include:

  • Manage inventory and equipment
  • Optimized the combat experience
  • Provides game data and analytics

Objective evaluation or analysis

Dalmuud is appreciated by developers for its flexibility, ease of use, and community support. However, it may require a high level of technical skill to create complex plugins.

Suggestions for use

To use Dalmaud, it is recommended to use FFXIVQuickLauncher to manage and launch it. Developers can use the API documentation and developer FAQs to create their own plugins.


Dalmuud is a powerful plugin framework that enables FFXIV players to extend the game and enhance their gaming experience. It provides the freedom to interact with the game and create custom content, while providing strong community support.

2.Dear ImGui: 轻量级 C++ 图形用户界面库

Daily GitHub Exploration | An overview of the new era of technology and leading the new direction of future development
Daily GitHub Exploration | An overview of the new era of technology and leading the new direction of future development


Stars as of press time: 57470 (new today: 50)

Warehouse language: C++

仓库开源协议:MIT License


Welcome to Dear ImGui's GitHub repository documentation. This article will provide you with an in-depth insight into the library, including its purpose, technical analysis, and practical applications.

Project role

Dear ImGui is designed to facilitate rapid iteration and empower programmers to create content creation tools and visualization/debugging tools. The library prioritizes simplicity and productivity, and doesn't have some of the features that are common in some premium libraries.

Suggestions for use

  • Available in game engines (for tools), real-time 3D applications, full-screen applications, embedded applications, and any console platform application that does not use a standard operating system.
  • Minimize state synchronization.
  • Minimize UI-related state storage on the user side.
  • Minimize setup and maintenance.
  • Facilitates the creation of dynamic UIs that reflect dynamic datasets.
  • Facilitates the creation of code-driven and data-driven tools.
  • Facilitates the creation of temporary short-term tools and long-term, more granular tools.
  • Easy to modify and improve.
  • Portable, minimizes dependencies, and runs on the target platform (console, phone, etc.).
  • High running efficiency and low memory footprint.
  • Battle-tested and used by [many giants in the gaming industry].


Dear ImGui is a lightweight and powerful graphical user interface library that is ideal for applications that require rapid iteration and flexibility. It has been widely used in game development and other industries, and it is still being improved and expanded.

3.WebSocket-Web.JS: WhatsApp Web Browser API Client

Daily GitHub Exploration | An overview of the new era of technology and leading the new direction of future development


Stars as of press time: 14176 (New: 23 today)

仓库语言: JavaScript

仓库开源协议:Apache License 2.0


This is an open-source library that provides NodeJS with a WebSocket API that connects to the WhatsApp web browser application, providing access to WhatsApp's various features through the NodeJS interface.

Project role

WebSocket-Web.JS uses Puppeteer to control the WhatsApp web browser application, giving access to its internal functions. This practice minimizes the risk of being detected and blocked by WhatsApp's anti-bot measures.

Description of the warehouse

The GitHub repository for this repository includes detailed documentation, installation guides, and sample usages. It has a helpful developer community that is able to provide support and help with troubleshooting.

Objective evaluation or analysis

This project has gained a lot of popularity among the developer community because of its user-friendly interface and comprehensive documentation. Its open-source nature allows users to customize and extend its functionality.

Suggestions for use

It includes features such as:

  • Send and receive messages, including images, audio, and documents
  • Manage group chats and group messages
  • Set user status and profile photos, as well as mute or block contacts
  • Interact with chat history, send replies and react to messages


WebSocket-Web.JS is a valuable tool for developers looking to automate tasks on WhatsApp Web or integrate WhatsApp features into their apps. Its constant development and active community support help guarantee its reliability and continued relevance.


Daily GitHub Exploration | An overview of the new era of technology and leading the new direction of future development
Daily GitHub Exploration | An overview of the new era of technology and leading the new direction of future development


Stars as of press time: 11393 (New: 2 today)

仓库语言: JavaScript

仓库开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


Zigbee2MQTT is an open-source tool that allows you to use Zigbee devices without a vendor gateway or bridge.

Project role

Zigbee2MQTT 使用 zigbee-herdsman 与 Zigbee 适配器通信,并使用 zigbee-herdsman-converters 将设备模型映射到 Zigbee 群集。 Zigbee2MQTT 模块负责驱动 zigbee-herdsman 并将 Zigbee 消息映射到 MQTT 消息。


Zigbee2MQTT integrates with a variety of smart home solutions, such as:

  • Home Assistant
  • Homey
  • Domoticz
  • Gladys Assistant
  • IoBroker

Suggestions for use

  • 使用 MQTT 集成 Zigbee2MQTT
  • Access the project documentation for installation and configuration instructions
  • Check the Supported devices list to see if your device is compatible


Zigbee2MQTT is a powerful tool that allows you to break vendor lock-in and create flexible and scalable smart home systems with Zigbee devices.

5.Ruffle:Flash 播放器的替代品


Stars as of press time: 14867 (New: 6 today)

Repository language: Rust

Repository open source protocol: Other


Ruffle is an Adobe Flash player emulator written in the Rust programming language, targeting both desktop and WebAssembly-based web versions.


Ruffle is the future of Flash content, offering a modern and sustainable way to experience and preserve this iconic web technology.

6. TigerBeetle: Financial Transaction Database


Stars as of press time: 8058 (New: 250 added today)

Warehouse language: Zig

仓库开源协议:Apache License 2.0


TigerBeetle is a financial transaction database designed for mission-critical security and performance to power OLTP for the next 30 years.

Project role

TigerBeetle's core data structure is called "Jetstream", and it's an optimized B-tree that provides high performance and scalability. It also employs "time series sharding" technology, which distributes data across multiple shards to improve concurrency and scalability.

Description of the warehouse

The repository contains the source code, documentation, and samples of the TigerBeetle database. It is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.


TigerBeetle has been used in a variety of financial applications, including:

  • Bank transaction processing
  • Stock trading
  • Cryptocurrency trading

Objective evaluation or analysis

Pros: * High throughput and low latency * Excellent data consistency * GAAP GAAP compliant Cons: * Still under development, missing some features * May not be suitable for all types of financial applications

Suggestions for use

TigerBeetle is best suited for demanding financial trading applications that require high throughput, low latency, and data consistency.


TigerBeetle is a powerful database of financial transactions designed for mission-critical security and performance. It offers a range of benefits that make it ideal for this type of application.

7.Elden Ring 存档编辑器


Stars as of press time: 127 (New: 2)

Repository language: Rust

仓库开源协议:Apache License 2.0


This article will provide an in-depth look at the Elden Ring Archive Editor (ER-Save-Editor), a powerful tool that is compatible with PC and PlayStation saves.

Description of the warehouse

"Elden Ring Archive Editor. Available for PC and PlayStation Save Wizard exported saves.

Objective evaluation or analysis

ER-Save-Editor 已获得超过 127 颗星,证明了其在 Elden Ring 玩家中的受欢迎程度。

Suggestions for use

  • The tool should be used sparingly, and it is important to back up the archive before modifying it.
  • It is mainly used to create character builds, and it is not recommended to cheat in online games.


The Elden Ring save editor is a powerful and easy-to-use tool that allows players to customize their Elden Ring gaming experience. While it doesn't guarantee that it won't be banned, it offers more opportunities for exploration and experimentation in single-player play.

8.Starship:极致精简、闪电快速且可无限定制的任意 Shell 提示符

Daily GitHub Exploration | An overview of the new era of technology and leading the new direction of future development
Daily GitHub Exploration | An overview of the new era of technology and leading the new direction of future development


Stars as of press time: 42203 (New: 24 today)

Repository language: Rust

仓库开源协议:ISC License


The purpose of this article is to introduce Starship, a prompt tool for any shell, and explore its role, technical explanations, use cases, and related information.

Project role

Starship is written in Rust and is known for its speed and flexibility. It supports a rich set of modules that allow users to customize all aspects of the prompt, including appearance, function, and information display.

Description of the warehouse

With over 42000 stars, Starship is highly praised on GitHub. It is an open-source project released under the ISC license.


Starship is widely used in a variety of shells, including Bash, Zsh, Fish, and PowerShell, providing users with a highly personalized and informative prompt experience.

Objective evaluation or analysis

Starship is considered to be one of the most advanced shell prompt tools out there. Its speed, customization, and flexibility make it highly regarded among users.

Suggestions for use

Starship is easy to install and configure, and users can customize it to their liking, taking full advantage of its features.


Starship is an extremely valuable tool that provides an advanced prompt experience for any shell. It satisfies the user's needs for speed, customizability, and informative prompts.

9.OpenCore Legacy Patcher:赋予老 Mac 新生

Daily GitHub Exploration | An overview of the new era of technology and leading the new direction of future development


Stars as of press time: 11547 (New: 13 today)

Repository language: Python

Repository open source protocol: Other


OpenCore Legacy Patcher 是一款 Python 项目,旨在帮助用户在不再受 Apple 支持的 Mac 上安装和运行 macOS Big Sur 及更高版本。

Project role

This project is based on [Acidanthera's OpenCorePkg]# and [Lilu]#, which can:

  • 支持 macOS Big Sur、Monterey 和 Ventura
  • OTA system updates are available
  • Available for Penryn and above Macs
  • Supports WPA Wi-Fi and Personal Hotspot on BCM943224 and above wireless chipsets
  • Unlock features like Sidecar and AirPlay to Mac, even on native Macs
  • Enhance SATA and NVMe power management on non-Apple storage devices

Description of the warehouse

该仓库包含 OpenCore Legacy Patcher 的源代码、文档和相关资源。


该项目已被广泛用于在 iMac、MacBook Pro 和 Mac Pro 等过往型号的 Mac 上运行 macOS Big Sur。

Objective evaluation or analysis

OpenCore Legacy Patcher is a powerful solution for running macOS on unsupported Macs. It is easy to set up and use, and offers excellent compatibility and stability.

Suggestions for use

  • Only fresh installations and upgrades are supported.
  • Follow the official guide for detailed setup instructions.
  • 加入 OpenCore Patcher Paradise Discord 服务器以获取支持。


OpenCore Legacy Patcher provides a way for older Mac users to experience the latest macOS version on unsupported hardware. It is a tech-savvy and proven solution that extends the life of your Mac and provides a great and stable user experience.

10. Deep learning with PyTorch

Daily GitHub Exploration | An overview of the new era of technology and leading the new direction of future development


Stars as of press time: 8872 (New: 15 today)

仓库语言: JupyterNotebook

仓库开源协议:MIT License


This GitHub repository provides comprehensive material for the Deep Learning with PyTorch course, providing a beginner-friendly approach to mastering the concepts of PyTorch and machine learning.

Project role

The material consists of a series of notebooks, exercises, and slides designed to guide learners through the basics of PyTorch and its applications. The course emphasizes code-first learning and encourages experimentation to enhance understanding.


This course is suitable for beginners in machine learning or deep learning who want to learn PyTorch. It assumes basic Python coding skills and minimal knowledge of machine learning.

Objective evaluation or analysis

The material is organized into chapters, each focusing on a specific topic. Learners are encouraged to learn the material in order and experiment with the provided code to gain hands-on experience. Additional resources and links to further reading are also included for reference.


This codebase is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to improve their PyTorch skills and deepen their understanding of machine learning. By learning the material and actively engaged, learners can build a strong foundation in this essential deep learning framework.

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