
If you drink spring water in the countryside, if you accidentally eat a leech, will the leech survive in the stomach?

author:Liberty Alpine 7y3


The rural areas of Shonan are famous all over the country, and the local spring water is very popular with the nearby villagers, and tourists who come here also want to take a sip, but in the mouths of the people, the spring water has another layer of identity, that is, "living spring".

Capable of giving birth to vibrant "mung beans", snails, and of course, leeches and other precious animals, the people of this village drink it from an early age, and it is very resistant to the surrounding environment and good for the body.

If you drink spring water in the countryside, if you accidentally eat a leech, will the leech survive in the stomach?

However, many people are worried about how long the leeches they drink into their stomachs will survive in the body, and can the leeches really survive in the body?

How leeches stay in the springs.

In 1893, an old man here accidentally discovered this living spring on his way home from picking herbs in the mountains, and since then the local people have a place to drink water.

And the fact that there are leeches in the spring water is very clear to the villagers.

If you drink spring water in the countryside, if you accidentally eat a leech, will the leech survive in the stomach?

Usually in the early morning, the leech will surface and start to move.

In the summer, there are also people who catch leeches in the pond and sell them to pharmacies.

And there are leeches in this living spring, mainly because more than ten years ago, the entrance of this village was a quagmire, and you can often see leeches of all sizes crawling around.

If you drink spring water in the countryside, if you accidentally eat a leech, will the leech survive in the stomach?

However, with the continuous deterioration of the environment, the leeches here could not resist their strength and gradually decreased.

At this time, an old man suggested to the village that he hoped to exchange live leeches for money, so that everyone could keep a heart.

So the village chief used six yuan to buy a crop of leeches caught from the wild and put them in the pond.

How long will a leech that enters its body live.

Related to the life of leeches, the biggest principle of leeches is to blend in with the surrounding environment.

The large amount of blood in the leech's body can ensure that it can survive without food for two or three years, and at the same time, it can also alleviate the fight between the small number of leeches that can survive under the shortage of food.

If you drink spring water in the countryside, if you accidentally eat a leech, will the leech survive in the stomach?

At the same time, it can also prevent them from being observed and captured.

Leeches in the wild can only reproduce for three generations a year.

In the adaptation of the environment of leeches, can reproduce for about 6 generations.

This index can also indicate how long it can survive in the body.

If you drink spring water in the countryside, if you accidentally eat a leech, will the leech survive in the stomach?

The environment in the body is the key to the survival of leeches, and the temperature and other conditions of the human body have certain restrictions on the survival of leeches.

The nutrients that leeches can get are not very rich, the most important thing is blood.

In the body, the life of leeches is also relatively lonely.

At the same time, it is also possible that in some very special circumstances, leeches can harm people.

What are the dangers of leeches that enter the body?

The reason why the villagers are worried that leeches will enter the body alive is mainly because it will bring a new disease to the human body, which is very terrible, called leech disease, and the cause of this disease is the toxin in the body of leeches.

If you drink spring water in the countryside, if you accidentally eat a leech, will the leech survive in the stomach?

The secretions in the leech's body, mainly some enzyme fluids, can soften the flesh and blood.

At the same time, there is also antithrombin in these enzyme solutions, which can keep the blood in the leech's body liquid for a long time, so that it can continue to suck blood.

Once the human body eats leeches, the secretions in the leeche's body will enter the body with food and react with gastric juice to form an overly strong acidic substance, which may harm various organs of the human body and is very dangerous.

If you drink spring water in the countryside, if you accidentally eat a leech, will the leech survive in the stomach?


Therefore, when eating, we must carefully check the food to ensure that we do not eat leeches in our mouths when eating, so that it is safer.

At the same time, we should also cultivate our own dietary hygiene habits, the foundation of good health is to start from diet, I hope everyone can be healthy.