
This year's Futian is not ordinary, the "Fuwang" that meets once in 60 years, what is the Fuwang, what is the omen

author:Drunken stories

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This year's Futian is not ordinary, the "Fuwang" that meets once in 60 years, what is the Fuwang, what is the omen

In the scorching summer, the sun is like fire. When we were still complaining about the arrival of the scorching heat, an ancient and mysterious concept quietly entered people's field of vision - "Fu Wang". This year's Futian is unusual, because we will usher in the "Fuwang" that will happen once in 60 years. This little-known astronomical phenomenon not only carries the wisdom of our ancestors, but is also closely related to our daily life.

This year's Futian is not ordinary, the "Fuwang" that meets once in 60 years, what is the Fuwang, what is the omen

So, what exactly is "King Fu"? What's so special about it? Let's unravel the mysteries of this summer together.

Futian is a special period in the traditional Chinese 24 solar terms. It is not a fixed solar term, but a period of time determined according to the sexagenary cycle after the summer solstice. Usually, the volcanic sky is divided into three stages: the primary, the middle, and the end.

During this time, the weather is often unusually hot, and there can even be very hot weather such as "dog days". However, this year's Futian is a little different.

The concept of "Fu Wang" originated from the ancient astronomical calendar of the mainland. It refers to the situation when the day of the first day of the ambush happens to fall on the day of Gengjin. In traditional Chinese culture, the cycle of the sexagenary branch corresponds to the law of change in nature.

This year's Futian is not ordinary, the "Fuwang" that meets once in 60 years, what is the Fuwang, what is the omen
This year's Futian is not ordinary, the "Fuwang" that meets once in 60 years, what is the Fuwang, what is the omen

Gengjin Day is considered to be the time when Yang Qi is at its peak, so it is called "King Fu". And this situation, which is said to occur only once in 60 years, is an astronomical wonder.

So, what kind of impact will the arrival of "King Fu" bring us? There are many proverbs and omens about the "Fu King". One of the most well-known is "drenched in the king and wearing a jacket in June". Although this sentence may sound exaggerated, it contains profound meteorological wisdom.

This year's Futian is not ordinary, the "Fuwang" that meets once in 60 years, what is the Fuwang, what is the omen

It means that if it rains on the day of Fuwang, then the following summer may be cooler and you will even need to wear thick clothes. Although this statement cannot be taken entirely seriously, it also reflects the potential impact of "Fuwang" on the weather.

In contrast to this is another proverb: "After the sun, after the dry, after the autumn". The word "Fugo" here refers to the day after the ambush. If it's a sunny day, it could be a sign of a dry spell to come. This can have a detrimental effect on agricultural production, so farmers tend to pay extra attention to the weather on this day.

This year's Futian is not ordinary, the "Fuwang" that meets once in 60 years, what is the Fuwang, what is the omen

In addition to weather predictions, Fuwang is also closely related to the harvest of crops. There is a proverb that says, "If you drench the king, the rice will have worms." This may sound unlucky at first glance, but it is actually a good sign.

It means that if it rains on the day of Fuwang, it indicates that this year may be full of grains, and the grain production is so high that the stored grain may have insects. This reflects the ancient people's deep understanding of the relationship between rain and crop growth.

However, we must also understand that these proverbs and omens are not scientific laws, but the experience of the ancients who observed natural phenomena over a long period of time.

This year's Futian is not ordinary, the "Fuwang" that meets once in 60 years, what is the Fuwang, what is the omen

Today, with the development of modern meteorology, we have a more scientific and accurate method for predicting weather changes. However, these traditional ideas still have their value, not only as part of our cultural heritage, but also as an alternative perspective on nature and climate.

This year's "Fu Wang" will undoubtedly attract widespread attention. One might be worried, does this mean we're going to have an unusually hot summer? In fact, the answer to this question is not simple. Although Fuwang is often associated with high temperatures, the actual weather conditions are also affected by a variety of factors. Global climate change, atmospheric circulation patterns, local geographical environment, etc., will have an impact on specific weather conditions.

This year's Futian is not ordinary, the "Fuwang" that meets once in 60 years, what is the Fuwang, what is the omen

Therefore, we should not be overly superstitious about the omen of the "Fu Wang", but should look at this phenomenon rationally. It is more of a cultural symbol, a window into nature than a decisive weather forecast. In any case, in this special summer, we should be prepared for heat stroke and cooling, pay attention to the weather forecast, and adjust our life and work arrangements in a timely manner.

At the same time, the appearance of "King Fu" also gives us a chance to think. In this era of advanced technology, do we still need this traditional meteorological knowledge? The answer is yes.

These ancient wisdoms embody our ancestors' awe and understanding of nature. Not only are they part of our cultural heritage, but they also provide us with another way to observe nature and understand the climate. In the face of increasingly complex climate change, this traditional knowledge may provide some inspiration.

This year's Futian is not ordinary, the "Fuwang" that meets once in 60 years, what is the Fuwang, what is the omen

Overall, this year's "Fuwang" has added a special color to this summer. It is not only an astronomical phenomenon, but also a cultural symbol, a window to observe nature. Whatever kind of weather it brings, we should approach it with peace of mind. After all, whether it's hot or cool, it's a gift from nature. Let's look forward to this special Futian with awe and curiosity.

What do you think about this? Comments are welcome.

This year's Futian is not ordinary, the "Fuwang" that meets once in 60 years, what is the Fuwang, what is the omen
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