
The traffic capacity of the Shenzhong Passage is worrying! Less than an hour after opening to traffic, congestion everywhere?

author:Huli nonsense

Description: The Shenzhong Passage, which has just been opened to traffic for less than an hour, has seen unprecedented congestion. The traffic flow is full of traffic and the traffic is paralyzed, which makes countless people wonder: Is the capacity of the Shenzhong Passage worrying? We need to think about the hidden problem behind this!

The traffic capacity of the Shenzhong Passage is worrying! Less than an hour after opening to traffic, congestion everywhere?


Shock! Less than an hour after the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, there was an unprecedented congestion scene. The traffic flow is full of traffic and the traffic is paralyzed, which makes countless people wonder: Is the capacity of the Shenzhong Passage worrying? We need to think about the hidden problem behind this!

The Shenzhong Channel, which has just been opened to traffic, has been pinned on countless expectations. It connects two major economic towns and provides a more convenient and fast mode of transportation for the general public. However, the reality has taken us by surprise. It took less than an hour to open to traffic, and there were congestion everywhere, and the vehicles were crowded. This scene has made countless people question the design and planning of the passage.

The traffic capacity of the Shenzhong Passage is worrying! Less than an hour after opening to traffic, congestion everywhere?

As a transportation infrastructure project, the capacity of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor is crucial. However, this paralyzing congestion has once again shown us the problem. Have you done a sufficient capacity assessment beforehand? Is there a reasonable prediction and response to future traffic flows?

The concern of traffic capacity not only affects the convenience of public travel, but also involves the overall benefit and development of society. A lot of time and resources are wasted in congestion, which not only causes unnecessary fuel consumption and environmental pollution, but also brings a huge psychological burden to people. Highway congestion has been a problem for a long time, and the situation of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor has once again ignited our attention.

The traffic capacity of the Shenzhong Passage is worrying! Less than an hour after opening to traffic, congestion everywhere?

In the face of this situation, we should fundamentally think about how to improve the capacity of transportation infrastructure. First of all, we need to increase the prediction and evaluation of traffic flows. Reasonable planning and design can effectively avoid congestion in the later stage. At the same time, we should also focus on improving the connectivity of roads and the coordination of traffic organization, breaking bottlenecks and improving traffic efficiency.

The traffic capacity of the Shenzhong Passage is worrying! Less than an hour after opening to traffic, congestion everywhere?

In addition to the planning and construction of government departments, the optimization of individual behavior is also an important part of solving the problem of congestion. Drivers should be aware of traffic rules and not change lanes, rush or occupy emergency lanes. Only when everyone abides by the rules and works together to maintain traffic order can we truly achieve unimpeded travel.

The traffic capacity of the Shenzhong Passage is worrying! Less than an hour after opening to traffic, congestion everywhere?

The congestion of the Shenzhong Corridor is a wake-up call for us, and it also gives us an opportunity for reflection and improvement. Traffic congestion is not just a single problem, but a complex system engineering. Governments, businesses and individuals should all take responsibility and work together to improve traffic conditions and bring better travel experiences to citizens.