
How much is 10,000 yuan in the past equivalent to now? Someone has sorted it out, so let's collect it and take a look

author:Look up under the stars
How much is 10,000 yuan in the past equivalent to now? Someone has sorted it out, so let's collect it and take a look
How much is 10,000 yuan in the past equivalent to now? Someone has sorted it out, so let's collect it and take a look
How much is 10,000 yuan in the past equivalent to now? Someone has sorted it out, so let's collect it and take a look
How much is 10,000 yuan in the past equivalent to now? Someone has sorted it out, so let's collect it and take a look
How much is 10,000 yuan in the past equivalent to now? Someone has sorted it out, so let's collect it and take a look
How much is 10,000 yuan in the past equivalent to now? Someone has sorted it out, so let's collect it and take a look
How much is 10,000 yuan in the past equivalent to now? Someone has sorted it out, so let's collect it and take a look
How much is 10,000 yuan in the past equivalent to now? Someone has sorted it out, so let's collect it and take a look
How much is 10,000 yuan in the past equivalent to now? Someone has sorted it out, so let's collect it and take a look
How much is 10,000 yuan in the past equivalent to now? Someone has sorted it out, so let's collect it and take a look
How much is 10,000 yuan in the past equivalent to now? Someone has sorted it out, so let's collect it and take a look
How much is 10,000 yuan in the past equivalent to now? Someone has sorted it out, so let's collect it and take a look
How much is 10,000 yuan in the past equivalent to now? Someone has sorted it out, so let's collect it and take a look
How much is 10,000 yuan in the past equivalent to now? Someone has sorted it out, so let's collect it and take a look
How much is 10,000 yuan in the past equivalent to now? Someone has sorted it out, so let's collect it and take a look
How much is 10,000 yuan in the past equivalent to now? Someone has sorted it out, so let's collect it and take a look
How much is 10,000 yuan in the past equivalent to now? Someone has sorted it out, so let's collect it and take a look
How much is 10,000 yuan in the past equivalent to now? Someone has sorted it out, so let's collect it and take a look
How much is 10,000 yuan in the past equivalent to now? Someone has sorted it out, so let's collect it and take a look

On the rivers and lakes, the wind and clouds are changing, and heroes are numerous. In this vast land, the various factions of the martial arts are constantly fighting, and between the swords and swords, countless heroes and heroes are fighting for honor, power and love.

The beginning of the story takes place in a small village called Qingyun Village. Surrounded by mountains, this village is like a paradise away from the hustle and bustle. However, in this quiet village, there is an unknown young hero - Li Yunfei.

Li Yunfei, an ordinary teenager in Qingyun Village, has a handsome face and a thin body. His parents died when he was a child, and he was raised by his grandfather. Despite living in poverty, he has a resilient heart. Every morning, he would go alone to the ancient tree at the entrance of the village to practice the swordsmanship passed down from his family. Although his swordsmanship is simple, it contains profound internal strength, and every move and style reveals a fierce aura.

On this day, the sun was shining and the breeze was blowing. Li Yunfei was concentrating on practicing his sword when suddenly, the sound of horses' hooves broke the silence of the valley. He looked up and saw a group of men and horses in black galloping towards him, led by a tall middle-aged man with a grim face and a cold light in his eyes.

This team of people is the owner of the famous Black Wind Village on the rivers and lakes - Black Wind Shuangsha. They have been rampant in the rivers and lakes for many years, doing all kinds of evil, and they are a cancer on the rivers and lakes. This time I came to Qingyun Village, obviously I had a plan.

Black Wind took a fancy to Li Yunfei, who was practicing swords, at a glance, he saw Li Yunfei's extraordinary temperament, and decided to take it for his own use. So, he led his subordinates straight to Li Yunfei.

"Boy, your swordsmanship is good, are you willing to join my Black Wind Village?" Black Wind Shuangsha said coldly.

Li Yunfei frowned, he knew the notoriety of Heifeng Village, so naturally he would not agree. He clenched his long sword and said coldly, "I'm used to being free, and I don't want to be restrained by others. ”

Hearing this, a trace of anger flashed in Hei Fengshuang's eyes, he didn't expect this young man to dare to refuse his invitation. He sneered and said, "Boy, you are toasting and not eating and drinking!" Give it to me! ”

Following his order, the bandits of Heifeng Village pulled out their weapons one after another and besieged Li Yunfei. For a moment, the sword light flickered, the sword shadow was heavy, and the entire valley was shrouded in a murderous aura.

In the face of the siege of everyone, Li Yunfei was not afraid, he wielded a long sword, displayed family swordsmanship, and launched a fierce battle with the bandits. Although his swordsmanship is simple, it is extremely powerful, and every shot carries an aura of determination. In the fierce battle, he gradually comprehended the essence of swordsmanship, and swordsmanship became more and more proficient.

After a hard battle, Li Yunfei finally repelled the bandits in Heifeng Village. However, he also exposed his strength because of this, attracting more enemies in the rivers and lakes. Since then, he has embarked on a road full of thorns.

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