
The time of birth is smooth, it's too classic, collect it and take a look!

author:Look up under the stars
The time of birth is smooth, it's too classic, collect it and take a look!
The time of birth is smooth, it's too classic, collect it and take a look!
The time of birth is smooth, it's too classic, collect it and take a look!
The time of birth is smooth, it's too classic, collect it and take a look!
The time of birth is smooth, it's too classic, collect it and take a look!
The time of birth is smooth, it's too classic, collect it and take a look!
The time of birth is smooth, it's too classic, collect it and take a look!
The time of birth is smooth, it's too classic, collect it and take a look!
The time of birth is smooth, it's too classic, collect it and take a look!
The time of birth is smooth, it's too classic, collect it and take a look!
The time of birth is smooth, it's too classic, collect it and take a look!
The time of birth is smooth, it's too classic, collect it and take a look!
The time of birth is smooth, it's too classic, collect it and take a look!
The time of birth is smooth, it's too classic, collect it and take a look!
The time of birth is smooth, it's too classic, collect it and take a look!
The time of birth is smooth, it's too classic, collect it and take a look!
The time of birth is smooth, it's too classic, collect it and take a look!
The time of birth is smooth, it's too classic, collect it and take a look!

Feng Qingyang followed the woman in white through the dense paths of Phantom Mountain Villa, and came to a bamboo forest that seemed ordinary but hidden mysteries. The bamboo shadows in the forest are swaying, and the sunlight shines through the dense bamboo leaves, mottled and reflected on the two of them, making the surrounding atmosphere seem particularly mysterious.

The woman stopped, turned to Feng Qingyang and said, "This place is extraordinary, and it is the heart of my Phantom Villa. Since you are seeking peerless martial arts, you should proceed with caution. ”

Feng Qingyang nodded in understanding. His eyes kept looking at the bamboo forest, as if he was looking for something. Seeing his attentive expression, the woman bowed her head slightly and motioned for him to follow her into the depths of the bamboo forest.

When the two came to the center of the bamboo forest, they suddenly saw a quaint stone tablet erected in a clearing, with a few lines of handwriting engraved on the stone tablet, which seemed to be old, but the handwriting was still clearly visible.

"The fog is phantom, and the hidden edge is full of energy." Feng Qingyang read out the words on the stone tablet softly, and thought to himself, is this the clue to the secret of peerless martial arts?

The woman in white seemed to see through his thoughts, and said with a slight smile: "This monument is the treasure of the Phantom Mountain Villa, and it is rumored that it contains a great secret. But for thousands of years, no one has been able to understand the mystery. ”

When Feng Qingyang heard this, he couldn't help but be more interested in this stone tablet. He carefully observed every stroke on the stele, trying to find the clue in it.

At this moment, a strange movement broke the silence of the bamboo forest. Feng Qingyang and the woman in white became alert at the same time, and followed the reputation, only to see a group of people in black quietly appearing at the edge of the bamboo forest, their eyes revealing a trace of greed and ruthlessness.

"It seems that we are not the only ones who know this secret." The woman in white whispered, a flash of determination in her eyes.

Feng Qingyang clenched his long sword and took a deep breath, he knew that a fierce battle was coming. He said to the woman in white: "Girl, please take a step back, leave these uninvited guests to me to deal with." ”

The woman in white shook her head lightly and replied, "This place is the solemn place of my Phantom Mountain, how can I retreat." Today, we are fighting side by side. ”

Before the words fell, the man in black had already surged in like a tide. Feng Qingyang and the woman in white stood back to back, their bodies flashed, their swords flashed like rainbows, and they instantly fought with the man in black.

Feng Qingyang's swordsmanship is superb, and each sword accurately stabs at the vital point of the man in black. And the martial arts of the woman in white are also quite extraordinary, her palm is light and elegant, and each palm strike carries a soft force, but it implies murderous intent.

During the battle, Feng Qingyang noticed that the woman in white's moves contained a familiar shadow, and his heart moved, and he suddenly remembered a mysterious sect in the rivers and lakes-Phantom Moon Sect. Could it be that she is the descendant of the Phantom Moon Sect?

As the battle progressed, the men in black gradually gained the upper hand. There are many of them, and they are all very skilled. Although Feng Qingyang and the woman in white resisted bravely, they gradually felt powerless.

At the critical moment, a crisp flute suddenly sounded, and a figure appeared on the battlefield like a ghost. The man was wearing an emerald green robe and holding a jade flute, which was Biluo, one of the famous "flute and sword doubles" in the rivers and lakes.

The appearance of Biluo immediately changed the situation on the battlefield. His flute sound is melodious and tactful, but it contains a strong internal force. Every time the flute sounded, a man in black fell down.

Feng Qingyang and the woman in white took the opportunity to fight back and defeated the remaining men in black one by one. After the battle, the three of them looked at each other and smiled, and a kind of self-evident trust and friendship was born between them.

Bi Luo looked at Feng Qingyang and the woman in white, and smiled: "The two are very skilled, Bi admires them." I don't know if I can appreciate my face and talk about martial arts together? Qing Yang and the woman in white glanced at each other, and they both saw the color of recognition in each other's eyes. So, the three of them left the bamboo forest together, walked towards the depths of the villa, and started a new legend of the rivers and lakes.

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