
Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" was sent to the ICU in the advanced stage of liver cancer, girlfriend: I need more than 2 million, and I have exhausted all my savings

Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" was sent to the ICU in the advanced stage of liver cancer, girlfriend: I need more than 2 million, and I have exhausted all my savings

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Wen 丨 Jue Gan

Editor丨Jue Qian

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Recently, a message about the Internet celebrity "gluten brother" Cheng Shulin has caused heated discussions on social media. It is reported that Cheng Shulin was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer and his condition is very critical, requiring liver transplantation and long-term treatment. Faced with high medical costs, Cheng Shulin's family launched a fundraising campaign, hoping to get help and support from the society. Behind this news, it has sparked a public discussion about the transparency of medical assistance and fundraising, and has also made people think deeply about how to better face personal health problems and how to effectively carry out medical assistance activities in the Internet age.

Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" was sent to the ICU in the advanced stage of liver cancer, girlfriend: I need more than 2 million, and I have exhausted all my savings

Video screenshot (source: Brother Gluten's personal video account)

1. The Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" is critically ill, and his family initiates fundraising

Recently, the condition of Internet celebrity "gluten brother" Cheng Shulin was exposed, he was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer, and he has now reached the stage where he needs to undergo liver transplantation, and the cost of this operation is as high as millions. In the face of such high medical expenses, Cheng Shulin's family could not bear such huge financial pressure, so they could only raise donations in the hope of getting help and support from the society.

Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" was sent to the ICU in the advanced stage of liver cancer, girlfriend: I need more than 2 million, and I have exhausted all my savings

It is reported that Cheng Shulin's girlfriend revealed in an interview that Cheng Shulin has been fighting tenaciously against liver cancer for many years, and the treatment costs during this period are basically borne by his girlfriend, and even for the treatment costs, his girlfriend once sold her house, which can be said to have exhausted all her savings. Nowadays, in the face of the huge cost of liver transplantation, family and friends can no longer continue to support, so they choose to raise money for Cheng Shulin's treatment through fundraising.

Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" was sent to the ICU in the advanced stage of liver cancer, girlfriend: I need more than 2 million, and I have exhausted all my savings

Up to now, Cheng Shulin's fundraising platform has received donations from all walks of life, and the amount of donations has exceeded 90,000 yuan, which includes donations from fans and donations from some enthusiastic netizens, and each donation represents the care and support for Cheng Shulin. To complete a successful liver transplant, the cost of at least 2 million yuan, and the current amount of donations is still far from this number, Cheng Shulin's family also said that they hope to be able to let more people know the progress of the fundraising through the transparent way of the fundraiser, and also hope to get more people's help and forwarding.

Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" was sent to the ICU in the advanced stage of liver cancer, girlfriend: I need more than 2 million, and I have exhausted all my savings

2. Medical assistance requires the strength and kindness of society

In the face of the torment of disease, every patient hopes to be able to receive timely treatment and help, and in this process, medical assistance needs the strength and kindness of the society, and the care and support of more people. Whether it's through fundraising or other forms of help, every act of kindness has the potential to be a light in the lives of others, giving them the courage and hope to move forward.

Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" was sent to the ICU in the advanced stage of liver cancer, girlfriend: I need more than 2 million, and I have exhausted all my savings

For Cheng Shulin's story, many netizens have forwarded and participated in the fundraising activities, they hope to contribute to Cheng Shulin's treatment through their own meager efforts, and also hope that Cheng Shulin can recover as soon as possible, stand on the stage again, and bring more happiness and touching to everyone. It can be said that in this society full of kindness and warmth, everyone has the potential to become a guardian angel in the lives of others, and inject infinite power into the lives of others with their love and good deeds.

Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" was sent to the ICU in the advanced stage of liver cancer, girlfriend: I need more than 2 million, and I have exhausted all my savings

In the process of carrying out medical assistance activities, the transparency of fundraising is also particularly important, and only through transparent fundraising methods can more people be willing to believe and participate in fundraising activities. Today's society has entered an era of digitalization and networking, and fundraising through Internet platforms has become a common way, and in this process, the transparent management of fundraising is particularly important, which requires the participation of relevant departments and public supervision to ensure that the funds can be truly used for the treatment and assistance of patients, and avoid improper use.

Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" was sent to the ICU in the advanced stage of liver cancer, girlfriend: I need more than 2 million, and I have exhausted all my savings

3. The team and fan group behind the Internet celebrity

In addition to the transparency of fundraising, the role of the team and fan base behind the influencer in medical relief activities cannot be ignored. In today's Internet era, Internet celebrities have become the focus of public attention, and their every move may attract widespread attention and discussion, and they also have a huge fan base.

Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" was sent to the ICU in the advanced stage of liver cancer, girlfriend: I need more than 2 million, and I have exhausted all my savings

Video screenshot (source: Brother Gluten's personal video account)

Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" was sent to the ICU in the advanced stage of liver cancer, girlfriend: I need more than 2 million, and I have exhausted all my savings

When facing a serious illness, the team and fan group behind the influencer should unite to provide support and help to show the warmth and strength of society. Whether it is in spiritual comfort or practical help, the team and fans play an important role, and their support and companionship can be the greatest strength for patients, and can also bring more attention and help to medical assistance activities.

Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" was sent to the ICU in the advanced stage of liver cancer, girlfriend: I need more than 2 million, and I have exhausted all my savings
Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" was sent to the ICU in the advanced stage of liver cancer, girlfriend: I need more than 2 million, and I have exhausted all my savings

As a public figure, Internet celebrities should also bravely face and disclose their illness when facing health problems, which can not only get more people's understanding and support, but also become an education and guidance for public health awareness, reminding everyone to pay attention to their health problems, and carry out physical examination and prevention in time, so as to better protect their health.

Internet celebrity "Brother Gluten" was sent to the ICU in the advanced stage of liver cancer, girlfriend: I need more than 2 million, and I have exhausted all my savings

Jue Qian concluded

The condition of "Brother Gluten" Cheng Shulin has aroused heated discussions among the public, and it has also made people deeply speculate about many problems. In the face of illness and difficulties, everyone needs care and help from the society, but also needs their own strength and courage, I believe that as long as everyone joins hands, whether it is in medical assistance activities, or in their own lives, we can usher in more warmth and hope.

I hope that Cheng Shulin can recover soon, and I also hope that all patients can receive timely treatment and help, whether it is physical or mental, can be warm and cared for. I also hope that everyone can pay attention to their health problems in their daily life, have regular physical examinations, and maintain an optimistic attitude, so that they can have a healthy and happy life.

Seeing this, Jue Qian believes that everyone has understood what happened, what do you want to say about this? Feel free to discuss in the comment section!

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