
No matter how thick the family is, you have to read it, if you don't understand, collect it and take a look!

author:Look up under the stars
No matter how thick the family is, you have to read it, if you don't understand, collect it and take a look!
No matter how thick the family is, you have to read it, if you don't understand, collect it and take a look!
No matter how thick the family is, you have to read it, if you don't understand, collect it and take a look!
No matter how thick the family is, you have to read it, if you don't understand, collect it and take a look!
No matter how thick the family is, you have to read it, if you don't understand, collect it and take a look!
No matter how thick the family is, you have to read it, if you don't understand, collect it and take a look!
No matter how thick the family is, you have to read it, if you don't understand, collect it and take a look!
No matter how thick the family is, you have to read it, if you don't understand, collect it and take a look!
No matter how thick the family is, you have to read it, if you don't understand, collect it and take a look!
No matter how thick the family is, you have to read it, if you don't understand, collect it and take a look!
No matter how thick the family is, you have to read it, if you don't understand, collect it and take a look!
No matter how thick the family is, you have to read it, if you don't understand, collect it and take a look!
No matter how thick the family is, you have to read it, if you don't understand, collect it and take a look!
No matter how thick the family is, you have to read it, if you don't understand, collect it and take a look!
No matter how thick the family is, you have to read it, if you don't understand, collect it and take a look!
No matter how thick the family is, you have to read it, if you don't understand, collect it and take a look!
No matter how thick the family is, you have to read it, if you don't understand, collect it and take a look!
No matter how thick the family is, you have to read it, if you don't understand, collect it and take a look!
No matter how thick the family is, you have to read it, if you don't understand, collect it and take a look!
No matter how thick the family is, you have to read it, if you don't understand, collect it and take a look!

The three of them, the woman in white and Biluo, walked out of the bamboo forest and followed a winding path to a quiet courtyard in Phantom Villa. The rockery in the courtyard is flowing water, the ancient trees are towering to the sky, and a small and exquisite pavilion stands quietly in a corner. On the stone table in the pavilion, a pot of hot tea and three delicate teacups have been arranged.

"This place is the meditation pavilion of my Phantom Villa, and no one comes to disturb it on weekdays, which is just right for us to talk about martial arts." The woman in white smiled and led the wind to sit down at the stone table.

Bi Luo nodded in thanks, his eyes fell on Feng Qingyang, and a trace of appreciation flashed in his eyes: "The young man's swordsmanship is strong, I don't know what school he inherits?" It is a blessing to have this fate today and sit and drink tea together. ”

Feng Qingyang picked up the teacup, took a sip, felt the warmth and fragrance of the tea, and secretly thought about how to answer. His identity is special and cannot be easily revealed, so he said tactfully: "There is no sect and no faction in the Xia, he has always been alone, and the swordsmanship is all learned at will, and it is not worth mentioning." ”

The woman in white shook her head slightly, she knew that Feng Qingyang was not an ordinary person, and in the battle in the bamboo forest just now, she had already seen the deep meaning contained in Feng Qingyang's swordsmanship. She looked at Biluo and changed the topic: "Brother Biluo's flute and sword are both unique, and his fame moves the rivers and lakes. I don't know what Brother Biluo thinks of the enemy encountered in the bamboo forest? ”

Biluo's eyes lit up, and he said in a deep voice: "That group of black-clothed people are extraordinary, and they cooperate tacitly, and they are obviously strictly trained. Their goal is clearly the secret hidden by Phantom Heights. Although I have traveled for many years, I have no clue where these people came from. ”

After hearing this, Feng Qingyang was also full of doubts in his heart. He thought back to the battle just now, those men in black had different martial arts paths, and they obviously didn't come from the same sect. So, what kind of power is hidden behind them?

Just as the three of them were pondering, the silence of the courtyard was broken by the sound of hurried footsteps. A disciple of Phantom Mountain Villa hurried over, his face a little panicked.

"Report! Outside the villa, black-clad figures appeared again, and they seemed to be preparing a larger attack. The disciple panted and reported.

The three of them glanced at each other, and they all saw a solemn look in each other's eyes. The woman in white got up and said decisively: "It seems that this turmoil is not trivial, and we can't sit still." Brother Biluo, the wind is clear, and he went to the front hall of the villa with me to discuss countermeasures. ”

The wind and the blue fall also stood up, they knew that this situation had begun, and they had to go all out to withstand the coming wind and rain.

The four of them quickly left the Meditation Pavilion and hurried towards the antechamber of Phantom Villa. Along the way, the vigilance inside the villa has been significantly strengthened, and there are disciples patrolling everywhere, and the atmosphere is tense and severe.

When I came to the front hall, I saw that the elders and masters of the Phantom Mountain Villa had gathered in the hall, their faces were solemn, and they were obviously discussing countermeasures for the upcoming crisis.

The woman in white walked into the hall and introduced the situation of the wind and blue fall to everyone. The people of Phantom Hill welcomed them and thanked them for their bravery in the bamboo forest.

Immediately, everyone began to discuss countermeasures. Some advocate holding on to the villa and using the traps of the villa to defend against the enemy; Others propose to take the initiative and crush the enemy with thunder. Controversy erupted one after another, and the atmosphere became more and more tense.

In the end, Feng Qingyang stood up and put forward his opinion. He believes that the enemy is in the dark, they are in the light, and passive defense is not a long-term solution. It is better to send out elite forces to secretly investigate the origin and purpose of the enemy, and at the same time strengthen the mountain village defenses and prepare for the worst.

After some discussion, everyone finally agreed to Feng Qingyang's proposal. As a result, Phantom Mountain Villa began to act, on the one hand, it strengthened its vigilance and defense, and on the other hand, it sent a master to secretly investigate the movements of the man in black.

In this way, the friendship forged in the tea-scented meditation pavilion continued in the antechamber of Phantom Hills. Feng Qingyang, the woman in white and Biluo also decided to stay in the villa for the time being to face this unknown storm together.

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