
The 22-year-old girl was diagnosed with brain death, and her parents were ready to sign an organ donation agreement

author:Maruko Bunsha
The 22-year-old girl was diagnosed with brain death, and her parents were ready to sign an organ donation agreement
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The 22-year-old girl was diagnosed with brain death, and her parents were ready to sign an organ donation agreement

In April 2022, Chibi City, Hubei Province ushered in the Qingming holiday. Xiao Yu, a 17-year-old senior in high school, finally had the opportunity to go home to rest, but unexpectedly encountered an accident that was enough to change her life.

What was supposed to be a moment of warm reunion turned into a life-and-death crisis due to a drug poisoning.

The diagnosis at the local hospital was like a bolt from the blue: Xiao Yu had fallen into a state of brain death. Faced with this cruel reality, her parents tearfully signed an organ donation agreement, hoping that their daughter's life would continue in another form.

However, in this moment of despair, a message from an expert rekindled the flame of hope: "This girl is still saved!" This sentence not only saved a life, but also brought a chance for the family to be reborn.

The 22-year-old girl was diagnosed with brain death, and her parents were ready to sign an organ donation agreement

The Qingming holiday was supposed to be a short time for Xiao Yu, a senior in high school, to relax, but it unexpectedly became the beginning of a tragedy. Xiao Yu, who returned home, did not slack off in his studies, but continued to bury his head in the stacks of books and make the final sprint for the upcoming college entrance examination.

Her mother, distressed by her daughter's hard work, carefully prepared a sumptuous meal, hoping to replenish her daughter's energy.

On that seemingly ordinary morning, Xiao Yu's mother also specially brought her fresh fruits and told her to pay attention to rest. However, when lunchtime came, no matter how much the mother called, there was no response from the daughter.

With a sense of foreboding, she pushed open the door of her daughter's room, and the sight before her instantly plunged into a panic: Xiao Yu fell to the ground, unconscious, and an empty pill bottle without a label was scattered around him.

The 22-year-old girl was diagnosed with brain death, and her parents were ready to sign an organ donation agreement

With trembling hands, the mother called the emergency number and at the same time contacted her husband, who was working. An ambulance roared and rushed Xiao Yu to the hospital. However, because it was discovered too late, the best time to rescue was missed.

Despite the doctors' best efforts, they still couldn't wake up Xiao Yu, who had fallen into a deep coma.

"We have tried our best to treat the patient with gastric lavage, but the toxins have started to flow through the bloodstream throughout the body and gradually invade the brain." The attending doctor's words were like a bolt from the blue, shattering the last glimmer of hope for the Xiao family's parents.

They looked at their pale daughter in the hospital bed in disbelief, unable to believe that everything in front of them was real.

The 22-year-old girl was diagnosed with brain death, and her parents were ready to sign an organ donation agreement

One critical illness notice after another was delivered to the Xiao family's parents, whose trembling hands could barely hold it. In desperation, they even knelt on the ground and prayed incessantly in the direction of the rescue room.

However, the final diagnosis was still heartbreaking: Xiao Yu's brain was almost completely necrotic and he had to rely on a ventilator to maintain his vital signs.

Faced with this cruel reality, Xiao Yu's parents fell into deep self-blame and grief. They kept thinking about the bits and pieces of their daughter's life, trying to find the cause of this tragedy.

However, no matter how much they trace, they can't change the fact in front of them: their beloved daughter, the once sunny and cheerful girl, is now hovering on the edge of life and death.

The 22-year-old girl was diagnosed with brain death, and her parents were ready to sign an organ donation agreement

At this heartbreaking moment, Xiao Yu's parents' thoughts couldn't help but return to the bits and pieces of their daughter's life. Xiao Yu has been a kind and warm girl since she was a child, and her good deeds always make her parents feel extremely proud.

Whenever he comes home from school, Xiao Yu always uses his pocket money to buy some bread and ham sausages to feed the stray cats and dogs in the community. The father had witnessed his daughter's gentle smile on her face as she brought food to these homeless little animals.

This love did not come out of nowhere, but continued throughout her childhood and adolescence.

As he grew older, Xiao Yu's acts of kindness became more diverse. She began to cut back on food and clothing, using the pocket money she saved to participate in volunteer work. At school, she is always willing to help, whether it is a classmate or a friend, she will lend a helping hand whenever there is a need.

The 22-year-old girl was diagnosed with brain death, and her parents were ready to sign an organ donation agreement

This character has won unanimous praise from teachers and students.

Not long ago, Xiao Yu's father had a conversation with her about the future. Her daughter expressed her passion for choosing a major in medicine or law, and was determined to contribute more to society.

These words touched my father and made him both proud and proud.

However, now, this girl, who was once full of energy and dreams, is lying quietly on the hospital bed, and the breath of life is so faint that it is almost imperceptible. Faced with this cruel reality, Xiao's father suddenly thought of a possibility: organ donation.

The 22-year-old girl was diagnosed with brain death, and her parents were ready to sign an organ donation agreement

"Maybe... We can let Yu'er's life continue in another way. Father Xiao said to his wife in a trembling voice. This proposal was met with strong opposition from his wife at first.

In traditional Chinese beliefs, it is generally believed that the deceased should remain intact and buried in peace. Even cremation is a matter of reservations for many people, let alone organ donation.

Xiao's mother couldn't accept the idea that her daughter's body would be cut, and she only hoped that her daughter would leave peacefully and no longer suffer any more pain. However, after her husband's patient explanation, she gradually understood the significance of this decision.

She realized that this might be her last chance to fulfill her daughter's last wish to continue helping others in her own way.

The 22-year-old girl was diagnosed with brain death, and her parents were ready to sign an organ donation agreement

With mixed feelings, the couple expressed their desire to donate their organs to the doctor. The doctor was also shocked when he heard this, but then showed admiration.

They understand what a difficult and great decision the parents are making.

On the afternoon of April 4, 2022, just as Xiao's parents were about to sign the consent form for organ donation, a doctor named Ji Chunlan rushed to the hospital from the organ donation department of Wuhan People's Hospital.

Her arrival inadvertently became a key turning point in changing her fate.

The 22-year-old girl was diagnosed with brain death, and her parents were ready to sign an organ donation agreement

The arrival of Dr. Ji Chunlan brought an unexpected turn to this sad story. Different from the regular coordination of organ donation, Dr. Ji showed unusual concern and carefully inquired about Xiao Yu's condition and every detail of the treatment process.

Her actions caused confusion among everyone present, but no one expected that this meticulousness would be the key to saving lives.

At the moment when Xiao Yu's parents were shaking their hands and tearfully signing the donation agreement, Dr. Ji's mobile phone suddenly rang. On the other end of the phone, Yu Chai, director of the intensive care medicine department of Wuhan People's Hospital, heard the voice, and his words were like a beam of light in the darkness: "This girl is still saved, don't donate organs for the time being."

This news was like a bombshell, instantly igniting everyone's hope. Xiao Yu's parents were incredulous, their eyes glistening with tears of surprise and confusion.

The 22-year-old girl was diagnosed with brain death, and her parents were ready to sign an organ donation agreement

Dr. Ji immediately conveyed the good news to them, explaining, "It is because you have agreed to donate your organs that we were able to detect this opportunity for treatment in time.

Before organ donation, we had to have a second follow-up visit, which brought hope for Xiao Yu.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the ward instantly changed from despair to excitement. Xiao Yu's parents were so excited that they even wanted to kneel down to thank Dr. Ji.

However, Dr. Ji stretched out his hand to stop them, and said solemnly, "You should be glad that you were able to make such a great decision. If you hadn't agreed to donate our organs, we wouldn't have been able to travel all the way from Wuhan.

The 22-year-old girl was diagnosed with brain death, and her parents were ready to sign an organ donation agreement

Everyone present was shocked by this sudden turn of events. Medical staff quickly moved to prepare for Xiao Yu's transfer to Wuhan People's Hospital. Every minute and every second is incomparably precious, and everyone understands that this may be the last chance to save Xiao Yu's life.

In this way, what should have been a sad farewell turned into a new journey full of hope. Xiao Yu's parents followed closely on the stretcher, their eyes full of anticipation for the future and gratitude to the doctors.

This unexpected turn of events not only gave Xiao Yu a glimmer of life, but also gave the family a chance to embrace hope again.

On the way to Wuhan, everyone's hearts were full of anticipation and nervousness. They know that every moment that follows will be a race against time for the relay of life.

The 22-year-old girl was diagnosed with brain death, and her parents were ready to sign an organ donation agreement

And the end of this relay race may be the moment when Xiao Yu regains his life.

In the process of emergency transport of Xiao Yu, the medical team of Wuhan People's Hospital has already begun intensive preparations. Yu Chai, director of the Department of Critical Care Medicine, led the expert group to quickly convene a consultation and formulate a rescue plan.

Considering that Xiao Yu had accumulated a large amount of toxins in his body, and that these toxins had invaded his brain, they decided to adopt a bold and complex treatment plan: a large blood change for the whole body.

The procedure required a lot of blood support, and the hospital immediately began to allocate blood bank resources. However, the amount of blood required for the surgery far exceeds the hospital's reserves. Director Yu Chai immediately made a decision and sent an emergency request for help to other hospitals for blood support.

The 22-year-old girl was diagnosed with brain death, and her parents were ready to sign an organ donation agreement

At this moment, the emergency medical network of cross-hospital collaboration was quickly activated, demonstrating the strong synergy of the medical system.

On the afternoon of April 5, 2022, Xiao Yu finally arrived at Wuhan People's Hospital. Without the slightest delay, she was immediately wheeled into the operating room. The medical team led by Director Yu Chai began an operation in a race against time.

For ten hours, everyone outside the operating room waited anxiously with bated breath.

For Xiao Yu's parents, these ten hours seemed as long as a century. They paced back and forth in the hallway, never leaving the door to the operating room.

The 22-year-old girl was diagnosed with brain death, and her parents were ready to sign an organ donation agreement

The hospital staff took turns comforting them, bringing them hot water and food, but they could barely eat, and all their attention was focused on the closed door.

Finally, after a long wait, the door to the operating room opened. Director Yu Chai walked out with a tired but relieved smile on his face. He told anxiously awaiting family members: "The operation was successful, but the next observation period is also critical.

This news is like a shot in the arm and gives everyone the strength to continue to persevere.

However, the real test has only just begun. Everyone waited with bated breath for Xiao Yu's awakening, hoping that this young life could overcome the test of fate and reopen his eyes.

The 22-year-old girl was diagnosed with brain death, and her parents were ready to sign an organ donation agreement

About four hours after the whole body blood change surgery ended, a miracle finally happened. First, Xiao Yu's fingers began to tremble slightly, and then her eyes slowly opened.

When she finally came to her senses, the room erupted in cheers, and all the waiting and worry turned into tears of joy at this moment.

Xiao Yu's parents were so excited that they couldn't speak, and they held their daughter's hand tightly, as if to confirm that all this was true. Director Yu Chai and his team had a relieved smile on their faces, knowing that they had not only saved a life, but also given a family hope for a new life.

Over the next few months, Xiao Yu underwent rehabilitation in the hospital. Her condition gradually improved, and she regained her former vitality. However, the high cost of medical care has become a new challenge for families.

The 22-year-old girl was diagnosed with brain death, and her parents were ready to sign an organ donation agreement

With the assistance of the hospital, this problem was finally solved through the donation of water drops and donations from all walks of life.

This girl, who was once on the verge of death, is now reborn. Her story is not only a testimony to a medical miracle, but also a testament to the tenacity of life. It reminds us to pay more attention to the physical and mental health of teenagers, because sometimes, seemingly trivial problems can turn into the last straw that breaks a young life.

Although the exact cause of Xiao Yu's poisoning has not yet been identified, her experience has undoubtedly sounded the alarm for many people. This story not only demonstrates the professionalism and dedication of the medical staff, but also the love and mutual help of the community.

It tells us that life has the potential to work miracles as long as hope is not given up.

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