
Funny sentences that are reasonable but have a serious illness

author:Nana Grandma Parenting

1. "The world has become so clear since I decided that it is no longer normal.

2. Pure love? No, I'm more inclined to the weight of pure gold.

3. Push yourself? No, I choose to give myself a respite.

4. Good isn't the size of the bust, it's the depth of the inside.

Funny sentences that are reasonable but have a serious illness

5. I didn't even choose the right multiple-choice questions, but I was looking for true love in the vast sea of people.

6. Want to fall in love? I'm a sharer, and I'm willing to share even the money for food.

7. Otaku? If I had money, you wouldn't even see a shadow of me.

8. Three women with a case of wine talk about men; Three men with a pack of cigarettes talk about women.

9. Meeting in the vast sea of people may be a little joke of the universe.

Funny sentences that are reasonable but have a serious illness

10. I may not be the smartest, but I must be the most self-deprecating.

11. Life is not a race, but a long walk, with the occasional stop to smell the flowers.

12. Money can't buy happiness, but at least you can buy a cup of coffee and enjoy the sun after an afternoon.

13. Love is not a fairy tale, but it can be a delicious dinner that puts people in a good mood.

Funny sentences that are reasonable but have a serious illness

14. I'm not the best, but I'm unique, like a limited edition work of art.

15. Socializing is not necessary, but the occasional gathering can make people realize that the world is so big and I am so small.
