
The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, netizens: Why did you blow up and rebuild

author:Twilight time
The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, netizens: Why did you blow up and rebuild

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On June 30, friends who live near the northern section of the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway in Hubei may suddenly hear a "bang" and see the "mushroom cloud" rising. Don't be surprised, it's the state that is carrying out the bridge demolition work!

The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, netizens: Why did you blow up and rebuild

So the question is, is there a quality problem with the bridge at the good end, and it is not a tofu slag project, why should it be demolished and rebuilt?

The bridge has reached the age standard

The demolished bridge is an important component of the mainland expressway, connecting the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway from north to south.

The highway was built in 1986, and so far, it has provided great convenience for the transportation of the mainland, and has created a fairly high GDP, and its service life has been close to forty years!

The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, netizens: Why did you blow up and rebuild

As one of the most important components of the mainland's transportation network, the state will definitely not be willing to dismantle it unless it is a last resort, after all, the economic value it provides to the mainland is quite high!

However, the safety of people's lives is above all else, and compared with some traffic projects, it is obvious that the safety of people's lives is more important.

After all, the bridge is gone, and it can be rebuilt, but if the people are gone! That's a real big deal!

The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, netizens: Why did you blow up and rebuild

This is also the core reason why the state chose to demolish and rebuild some bridges in the northern section of the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway.

It should be clear that with the development of society, the per capita GDP of the mainland is also increasing, the people's income is also increasing, and the mainland's automobile manufacturing industry is gradually improving.

Therefore, cars have long entered the homes of tens of millions of people, and self-driving travel has become the mainstream for many people. In this case, there is undoubtedly a huge pressure on transportation!

The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, netizens: Why did you blow up and rebuild

Even on the expressway, there are often traffic jams, which is in fact one of the requirements for the expansion of the mainland expressway.

Under such circumstances, the country chose to "break the wrist of a strong man", upholding the principle of not going to the old and not coming to the new, or gritting its teeth and choosing to dismantle these bridges.

From the current situation, there are two main reasons for demolition.

The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, netizens: Why did you blow up and rebuild

The first is the service life of the bridge. According to the beginning of the design of normal bridges, the theoretical life can reach 80 to 100 years, but this is only a theoretical value after all.

In fact, after the construction of the bridge, the life of the bridge will continue to be reduced due to various environmental effects such as wind and sun exposure and the use of manpower.

Generally, the life of the bridge can be stable at 20 years, which is already very good. It should be clear that under normal circumstances, a considerable part of the high-speed trucks are still large trucks.

The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, netizens: Why did you blow up and rebuild

These trucks are quite heavy because they are transporting goods, so they put a lot of pressure on the bridge surface!

The Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway in the mainland has been maintained for nearly 40 years, of course, part of the reason for manual repair and maintenance, but even so, most of the bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway have already reached the end of their service life.

Combined with the great pressure of mainland highway transportation, there is an urgent need for expansion work, and the combination of two factors has determined the current bridge demolition work.

However, it is not a simple task to demolish a bridge, after all, the impact of bridge blasting will be enormous.

The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, netizens: Why did you blow up and rebuild

Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the most accurate blasting of the bridge and calculate the area affected in advance to evacuate the nearby residents.

Because the matter is too big, for the sake of safety, the relevant departments also specially invited several academicians to negotiate how to point the blasting work. After deliberation by several academicians, a decision was finally made to demolish the 83 buildings within 12 hours.

Information source: Jiupai News 2024-06-30——"The largest scale in the history of China's transportation! 56 bridges in the northern section of the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway in Hubei were demolished at the same time today》
The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, netizens: Why did you blow up and rebuild

An unprecedented bridge demolition operation

For the vast majority of countries, it takes a long time to dismantle a bridge, but the mainland is able to blast dozens of bridges within 12 hours.

Some netizens may simply think that you only need to plant explosives to blow it up, but this is not the case!

The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, netizens: Why did you blow up and rebuild

However, not all bridges are suitable for fixed-point blasting, and some bridges may not be able to use fixed-point blasting at all due to local ecological factors or their own proximity to downtown areas.

In this case, the best thing to do is to have big machinery on the field!

The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, netizens: Why did you blow up and rebuild

And in order to better implement the bridge demolition work this time, the state has also made considerable efforts!

The relevant units responsible for this task have directly mobilized more than 100 of the most famous companies with large machinery in the country, started 3,000 mechanical facilities, and more than 5,400 people participated in the work alone.

And the core requirement of all this, while completing the task with quality and quantity, must not cause huge impact and damage to the society and ecology, otherwise it will go against the original intention.

The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, netizens: Why did you blow up and rebuild

The blasting of the five bridges in Hubei Province is because the bridge is too high and large machinery cannot come in handy, so it chooses fixed-point blasting.

You know, blasting is not the most difficult problem, the aftermath is the most critical. After all, after blasting the bridge, it is not possible to affect the normal traffic of vehicles.

This requires the relevant units to build temporary bridges before or immediately after blasting for vehicles to travel normally.

The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, netizens: Why did you blow up and rebuild

And some overpasses, it is also necessary to clean up the debris and ruins on the road surface as soon as possible to make room for normal vehicles.

At the same time, the construction of new and expanded bridges needs to be carried out in an orderly manner.

If there is a problem in one of these links, the result may be a traffic jam, which will also have some impact on the mainland's economic development.

The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, netizens: Why did you blow up and rebuild

Of course, in the face of these, in fact, everyone does not need to worry at all, you must know that the mainland has the title of "infrastructure madness".

You must know that in the early days of reform and opening up, the mainland seriously lacked experience in bridge construction, and there was a window period. After years of hard work, the mainland has become a country with rich experience and technology in bridge construction and demolition.

The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, netizens: Why did you blow up and rebuild

And all this thanks to a sentence - if you want to be rich, build roads first! Only when the road is open can we better transport wealth.

This view proved to be indeed prescient. And the person who put forward this point of view has a super strategic vision and vision.

The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, netizens: Why did you blow up and rebuild

Nowadays, the popularity of new energy vehicles, there will be more cars into thousands of households, and today, the mainland can basically do a car alone, and in the future a car may have more than a number of cars.

This is also one of the reasons why the country chose to expand the bridge, in order to plan for the future. Every step of the country's plan is super forward-looking, and we look forward to the country's early completion of the bridge expansion work.

Source: The Paper 2021-04-23——"Looking at China along the Expressway|Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway, the "backbone" of the interconnection between the capital and the Greater Bay Area"
The largest in the history of China! All 56 bridges on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway were demolished, netizens: Why did you blow up and rebuild
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