
Retirement is endless, the old people are scrambling for jobs, where do young people go?

author:Sincere Evening Breeze I
Retirement is endless, the old people are scrambling for jobs, where do young people go?

Retreating is not a bad thing, but a state of mind.

When it comes to the topic of retreat, it really makes people laugh and cry!

Do you know that those old people who are still struggling in the workplace after retirement are like square dance aunts in our community.

Retirement is endless, the old people are scrambling for jobs, where do young people go?

I should enjoy the beauty of the red sunset, but I want to compete with young people for the basketball court!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not belittling them. In fact, their fighting spirit is worth learning from.

Retirement is endless, the old people are scrambling for jobs, where do young people go?

But then again, why can't we give way to young people and let them do their jobs in the workplace?

The young man roared: "Retired, why are you still competing with us for jobs?" Behind this is their anxiety about employment pressure.

Retirement is endless, the old people are scrambling for jobs, where do young people go?

Especially in recent years, many college students cannot find a suitable job after graduation, children are anxious, and adults are even more impatient.

Retirement is endless, the old people are scrambling for jobs, where do young people go?

And those retired seniors, they have worked for decades and accumulated a wealth of experience and wisdom in life.

It stands to reason that they should be at home to entertain their grandchildren and enjoy their families.

Retirement is endless, the old people are scrambling for jobs, where do young people go?

But some old people just can't be idle, so they have to continue to shine in the workplace.

They take pensions and enjoy pension benefits, but they still have to squeeze the subway and grab jobs with young people, isn't this finding fault for themselves?

Retirement is endless, the old people are scrambling for jobs, where do young people go?

What's even infuriating is that they will also pull down wages across the industry.

You must be thinking, how can an old man with decades of work experience have a lower salary than a young man?

Retirement is endless, the old people are scrambling for jobs, where do young people go?

But the reality is that they are willing to take on projects at a lower price just to pass the time and prove their worth.

As a result, wages in the industry as a whole are lowered, and the pressure on young people's lives is even greater.

Retirement is endless, the old people are scrambling for jobs, where do young people go?

Actually, there is no need for retirees to do this. They have worked hard for decades and have made great contributions to society.

Now that you are retired, you should enjoy your life, travel, go to the gym, and spend time with your family.

Retirement is endless, the old people are scrambling for jobs, where do young people go?

This will not only make you feel good physically and mentally, but also leave more opportunities for young people.

Of course, some elderly people are forced to continue working because of life.

Retirement is endless, the old people are scrambling for jobs, where do young people go?

The post-70s generation has only one child, and if the pension is low, will it be troublesome for the children?

Therefore, the old man does not want to make trouble for his children, so he is doing a job and saving some more money for his own retirement.

The choices of the older generation have their bitterness; The struggles of young people also deserve sympathy. What is needed is understanding, not confrontation.

Retirement is endless, the old people are scrambling for jobs, where do young people go?

But what I want to say is that we should pay attention to this social issue and provide better pension security and employment opportunities for these elderly people.

Instead of blindly accusing them of retreating, after all, they also have their own difficulties and difficulties.

The topic of retreat is indeed worth thinking about. We should respect everyone's choices and lifestyles, but also focus on social issues and seek solutions.

Only in this way can we make society develop more harmoniously and steadily.

Retirement is endless, the old people are scrambling for jobs, where do young people go?

And what about the retirees? Let them enjoy their old age! After all, they have already given too much for society.

Let's dance with the older generation, dancing to the melody of harmony and joy, instead of getting entangled in the stage of competing for jobs. After all, life is not an arena, but a colorful picture scroll that we weave together.

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Retirement is endless, the old people are scrambling for jobs, where do young people go?

Disclaimer: Personal opinion, for reference only