
"The strongest on the surface" Lin Yueyun: poached girlfriends twice, but couldn't squeeze into the wealthy family? I really underestimated her

author:Willing to talk about emotions

Lin Yueyun once shined in the Taiwanese entertainment industry. When she was young, her eyes were bright, her smile was like a flower, and her face was inlaid with a pair of big eyes like water, which was so beautiful that she conformed to people's traditional aesthetics. At the age of 22, Lin Yueyun's fate was changed by an accident, but because of her youth, she returned to the screen and became popular again.

In 1978, Lin Yueyun met Hou Shihong, a TV producer who was 18 years older than her. Hou Shihong was born in the Tainan Wang family, and was a student of Hokkien drama when he was young, and later served as the producer of the TV show "Penglai Immortal Island".

"The strongest on the surface" Lin Yueyun: poached girlfriends twice, but couldn't squeeze into the wealthy family? I really underestimated her

At that time, Hou Shihong was 40 years old, and he had a wife Guo Chunmei, ironically, Guo Chunmei was Lin Yueyun's best friend.

At first, Lin Yueyun was just an ordinary friend of Guo Chunmei, and she often visited their house. Gradually, she became familiar with Hou Shihong. As for how the two of them came together, Lin Yueyun always avoided talking about it.

However, soon after, she became pregnant out of wedlock.

"The strongest on the surface" Lin Yueyun: poached girlfriends twice, but couldn't squeeze into the wealthy family? I really underestimated her

This news was like a bombshell, exploding in Lin Yueyun's life. Lin Yueyun stood at the crossroads of her life, her eyes flashing with a complicated light. On the one hand, there is a thriving acting career, and on the other hand, there are unspeakable secret feelings.

Lin Yueyun knows that once she chooses the latter, she will bear the infamy of "little three" and embark on a life path full of thorns.

However, Lin Yueyun still made a choice that many people did not expect, she chose to give up her acting career and stand behind her boyfriend with peace of mind.

In her second year with Hou Shihong, she participated in some film works, such as "Marriage Event" with Qin Xianglin, in which she played the role of the second daughter in bitter love.

"The strongest on the surface" Lin Yueyun: poached girlfriends twice, but couldn't squeeze into the wealthy family? I really underestimated her

But judging by her performance, it seems that she has put more energy into this relationship.

Lin Yueyun's eyes flashed with longing for love, but also with confusion about the future. She touched her belly and a smile spread to her face, knowing that the trajectory of her life had changed completely at this moment.

The name that was once envied will be immersed in a protracted emotional vortex.

"The strongest on the surface" Lin Yueyun: poached girlfriends twice, but couldn't squeeze into the wealthy family? I really underestimated her

The emotional entanglement between Lin Yueyun and Hou Shihong has attracted wide attention because of its dramatic reality, and is known as a true portrayal of the "rich family grudge drama". After she became pregnant, her eyes flashed with anticipation and apprehension, hoping that she could "ascend" for her after the birth of the child.

She chose to take a quiet leave of absence for a year and moved into the house Hou Shihong bought for her to raise her baby with peace of mind.

However, the reality is often much more brutal than imagined. Hou Shihong saw that Lin Yueyun's belly was getting bigger and bigger, so he had to go home and have a showdown with his wife Guo Chunmei, indicating that he wanted to divorce. When Guo Chunmei learned the truth, she was furious and scolded the two for being immoral, especially the intolerable betrayal of Lin Yueyun.

"The strongest on the surface" Lin Yueyun: poached girlfriends twice, but couldn't squeeze into the wealthy family? I really underestimated her

Guo Chunmei even published it in the newspaper, accusing Lin Yueyun of being "both jian and ashamed" In the face of such humiliation, Lin Yueyun bit her lip and endured the pain in her heart.

In December 1978, Lin Yueyun gave birth to her daughter Hou Peicen. However, this little life, which was supposed to bring happiness, became a burden between her and Hou Shihong. Guo Chunmei resolutely refused to divorce, even when her husband died, she could not let Lin Yueyun succeed in ascending to the throne.

Under such circumstances, Lin Yueyun chose to forbear and put more energy on raising her daughter. Although Hou Shihong couldn't give her a name, he still liked this well-behaved daughter very much.

"The strongest on the surface" Lin Yueyun: poached girlfriends twice, but couldn't squeeze into the wealthy family? I really underestimated her

He once said in an interview: "After separating from her mother, I still often take her out to play, the family likes her very much, and my wife does not reject her."

However, as time passed, Lin Yueyun gradually realized that he could not replace Lin Yueyun. When Hou was 5 years old, she made a difficult decision. A hint of determination flashed in Lin Yueyun's eyes, as if telling herself: This is not the end, but a new beginning.

She gritted her teeth and chose to break up with Hou Shihong.

"The strongest on the surface" Lin Yueyun: poached girlfriends twice, but couldn't squeeze into the wealthy family? I really underestimated her

This relationship lasted for nearly 6 years, although it did not achieve positive results from a secular point of view, Lin Yueyun, as a mother, received the most precious gift - daughter Hou Peizen.

After the breakup, she was not depressed because of this, but revealed firmness in her eyes, as if telling herself: My life is still long, and I have more possibilities.

In fact, in the past few years of entanglement with Hou Shihong, another important person has appeared in Lin Yueyun's life. The appearance of this person will once again change the trajectory of her life and open another chapter in her life.

Lin Yueyun stands at another crossroads in her life, her eyes have both nostalgia for the past and more expectations for the future.

"The strongest on the surface" Lin Yueyun: poached girlfriends twice, but couldn't squeeze into the wealthy family? I really underestimated her

Lin Yueyun's life is like a movie with ups and downs, and Hou Shihong's kind gesture made her embrace the god of fate again. The experience stemmed from an impasse in her relationship with Hou Shihong.

Lin Yueyun thought that she might feel bored during pregnancy, so Hou Shihong introduced her to Cai Guizhao, the wife of his wealthy businessman friend Qiu Jiaxiong, so that the two of them could play cards to relieve their boredom when they were fine.

However, this seemingly ordinary introduction opened a door to wealth for Lin Yueyun.

"The strongest on the surface" Lin Yueyun: poached girlfriends twice, but couldn't squeeze into the wealthy family? I really underestimated her

As the daughter of Cai Wanchun, the largest financial capitalist in Wanwan and the founder of Cathay Pacific Group, Cai Guizhao's background can be described as extremely prominent. As a "Bai Fumei", Cai Guizhao, who was 42 years old at the time, had been married to her husband Qiu Jiaxiong for 24 years.

Qiu Jiaxiong is the chairman of Zantai Construction and is worth more than 100 million.

Lin Yueyun initially just played cards with Cai Guizhao to relieve her boredom, but every time after playing cards, Cai Guizhao would ask her husband to send her home. During these solitary moments, the ambiguous feelings between Lin Yueyun and Qiu Jiaxiong gradually grew.

"The strongest on the surface" Lin Yueyun: poached girlfriends twice, but couldn't squeeze into the wealthy family? I really underestimated her

Lin Yueyun's eyes flashed with the light of opportunity, she looked at Qiu Jiaxiong, and silently thought in her heart: Will this be my second spring? However, when Cai Guizhao found out and directly questioned the truth, Lin Yueyun's heart was filled with a ripple.

She listened to Cai Guizhao say, "I will never divorce for the rest of my life, and you can only be a woman outside", her face was not shocked, but her heart was mixed.

Despite this, Lin Yueyun decided to continue the relationship. She takes care of Qiu Jiaxiong meticulously, including but not limited to: playing golf with him, even if the other party's shoelaces are loose, she can immediately squat down to help him tie them; Qiu Jiaxiong has heart problems, and Lin Yueyun will massage him every night, and he has to fall asleep before sleeping.

"The strongest on the surface" Lin Yueyun: poached girlfriends twice, but couldn't squeeze into the wealthy family? I really underestimated her

This companionship, which has lasted for 30 years, can be called a miracle in life.

In 2004, Lin Yueyun and Qiu Jiaxiong publicly admitted their romantic relationship. Qiu Jiaxiong even ignored the fact that his father-in-law was alive, so he took the "little three" Hou Peicen back to his hometown to live a sweet life for a family of three.

He dotes on Hou Peicen very much, and has always regarded him as his own Since Lin Yueyun and Hou Shihong broke up, the daily expenses of the mother and daughter are basically borne by Qiu Jiaxiong.

"The strongest on the surface" Lin Yueyun: poached girlfriends twice, but couldn't squeeze into the wealthy family? I really underestimated her

However, this relationship did not go well, and the turmoil was not trivial. In 2003, Qiu Jiaxiong gave Lin Yueyun a luxury car villa without hesitation, which directly caused strong dissatisfaction with Hou Shihong's wife Guo Chunmei at that time, and publicly accused Lin Yueyun of being a "little three" in the media: "How many people's tears have all the happiness you have today?" "

In the face of such accusations, Lin Yueyun seemed to be indifferent, her eyes flashed with determination, as if telling everyone: I can not be the main room, but I must become an indispensable person in his life.

In a 30-year relationship, Lin Yueyun has experienced the transformation from a young and beautiful actress to a mature and stable lady. Her eyes are no longer confused or apprehensive, but full of calmness and confidence. Although she was not in the middle of the house, she was able to live a privileged life under the protection of the wealthy.

"The strongest on the surface" Lin Yueyun: poached girlfriends twice, but couldn't squeeze into the wealthy family? I really underestimated her

Lin Yueyun watched her daughter's growth, full of pride and relief. She understands that her situation makes her daughter have to develop a pleasing personality, but it happens to be Hou Peichen's advantage in the entertainment industry.

Therefore, Hou Peichen has made many friends in the circle and is known as a representative of good popularity.

Martha, a member of Mayday, once publicly stated on the show that his "junzhong lover" during his military service was Hou Peizen. In 2004, Hou Peicen and Jay Chou, the "king" whose career is in full swing, fell in love with each other because of the recording of the program, and this relationship was called "Zhou Hou Love".

"The strongest on the surface" Lin Yueyun: poached girlfriends twice, but couldn't squeeze into the wealthy family? I really underestimated her

Although it failed to achieve positive results due to various reasons, it is enough to prove that Hou Peichen's charm is extraordinary.

In addition to Jay Chou, Hou Peicen is also loved by stars such as Cecilia Cheung and Xiao S. Her social circle continues to expand, from a TV anchor to an all-round entertainment celebrity, Hou Peichen's growth and changes are remarkable.

In 2011, under the mediation of Lin Yueyun, Hou Peichen married Huang Bojun, vice president of sales of Citigroup Global Securities, in Bali, and Qiu Jiaxiong handed over Hou Peichen to the groom as a father, which seems to have clarified Hou Peichen's identity.

"The strongest on the surface" Lin Yueyun: poached girlfriends twice, but couldn't squeeze into the wealthy family? I really underestimated her

Hou Peichen's growth history can be said to be a history of Lin Yueyun paving the way for her daughter. From an illegitimate daughter to a celebrity, from a TV intern to a celebrity in the entertainment industry, and then to marrying into a wealthy family, Hou Peicen's every step is full of her mother's hard work.

Lin Yueyun looked at her daughter's glamorous appearance, but her heart was full of sourness, she knew very well how many hardships were behind her daughter's success, and how much was because of the impact of her complex life experience.

The news of Qiu Jiaxiong's death in 2014 was like a lightning bolt that swept across the sky where Lin Yueyun lived, catching her off guard. The man who accompanied her through 30 years of spring and autumn finally came to the end of his life.

"The strongest on the surface" Lin Yueyun: poached girlfriends twice, but couldn't squeeze into the wealthy family? I really underestimated her

Lin Yueyun's eyes were full of unspeakable bitterness: there was nostalgia for that man, helplessness about life, and confusion about the future.

During Qiu Jiaxiong's illness, Cai Guizhao's children often took care of him in the hospital. Once, Lin Yueyun happened to meet them in the hospital. Legend has it that she was slapped by the daughter of the main room, and then silently wept at the bedside.

Qiu Jiaxiong, who is in his 70s, was distressed when he saw this scene, and even wanted to get out of bed to stop it.

"The strongest on the surface" Lin Yueyun: poached girlfriends twice, but couldn't squeeze into the wealthy family? I really underestimated her

For Lin Yueyun's future life, Qiu Jiaxiong made a will after being found to be ill, leaving most of the property to the third mother and daughter, leaving only a house and a small amount of cash for his wife.

This move provided a guarantee for the future of Lin Yueyun's mother and daughter, but also planted the seeds of family strife.

However, what made everyone unprepared was that at Qiu Jiaxiong's funeral, Lin Yueyun and Hou Peicen did not show up. was supposed to be handled and taken care of by Cai Guizhao, but the mother and daughter who have been together for 30 years did not appear.

"The strongest on the surface" Lin Yueyun: poached girlfriends twice, but couldn't squeeze into the wealthy family? I really underestimated her

This move has sparked widespread discussion and speculation in society.

What's even more shocking is that a few days later, the media actually photographed a dinner party full of laughter and laughter between Lin Yueyun's mother and daughter, which seemed to be completely unaffected by outside rumors. Lin Yueyun had a faint smile on her face, but her eyes were unfathomable.

She seems to have learned to ignore outside voices and focus on her own life and that of her daughter.

"The strongest on the surface" Lin Yueyun: poached girlfriends twice, but couldn't squeeze into the wealthy family? I really underestimated her

This legacy turmoil made Lin Yueyun the focus of public opinion again. As for her relationship with her mother and daughter, some people accuse them of being ruthless and unjust, while others believe that this is their way of drawing a line with the Qiu family.

In any case, this incident marked the complete shattering of Lin Yueyun's "dream of a wealthy family", and a trace of exhaustion flashed in her eyes, but it was more about thinking about the future, and in her heart, she may have already had a new plan.

After this turmoil, Lin Yueyun and Hou Peicen's lives don't seem to have changed much. They still maintain an elegant image and are active in their respective circles. However, under their glamorous appearance, it is unknown whether they have secretly hurt themselves for this past.

"The strongest on the surface" Lin Yueyun: poached girlfriends twice, but couldn't squeeze into the wealthy family? I really underestimated her

Lin Yueyun intervened in her best friend's marriage twice, first entangled with Hou Shihong, and then fell in love with Qiu Jiaxiong for 30 years, which caused widespread discussion in the society and attracted a lot of criticism and accusations.

Some praised her tenacity and strategy for finding the possibility of survival for herself and her daughter in difficult circumstances. However, more people condemned her for destroying other people's families, but she never really entered the wealthy family.

The consensus of netizens is that she interfered with other people's families twice, and although she failed to succeed in the end, she obtained hundreds of millions of family properties, which is despicable.

"The strongest on the surface" Lin Yueyun: poached girlfriends twice, but couldn't squeeze into the wealthy family? I really underestimated her

Last year, Lin Yueyun and her daughter Hou Peicen participated in the "Mother-in-law and Mother" program together. In the show, when Lin Yueyun talked about her experience, her eyes revealed exhaustion. She said that she was afraid that her daughter would be affected by her past, and her tone revealed a little helplessness and self-blame, which was also the first time she publicly reflected on the past.

However, in the face of criticism from netizens, Lin Yueyun and Hou Peicen still seem to be going their own way. Their attitude seems to say: I don't care what you say. Perhaps, in their view, refined egoism is the way to survive.

But who knows if they have struggled and suffered in their hearts under the glamorous exterior? Lin Yueyun's eyes flashed with complicated emotions from time to time, maybe only she knew what kind of price she had paid along the way.

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