
Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73

author:Tang Wencai is flying
Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73

She is the mother of Taiwanese actress Hou Peizen, but she is also a bad woman known as the "strongest junior", who obviously has the appearance of a heartthrob, but she refuses to get married, has a daughter out of wedlock, and lives "underground" with her daughter.

Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73

Chutian Jinbao——2011-04-20 "Hou Peizen's mother was exposed to repeatedly intervene in other people's marriages, and the love history of the little three was revealed"

This woman has a characteristic, that is, she picks her best friend's husband to start, pries the first man and gives birth to a child for him, and after prying the second man, she becomes a sticky candy, and boils the other party to inherit the property, these behaviors are laughed at and called "better than a monkey".

Now she is 73 years old, but she has been a mistress all her life, why does this woman have such a great charm to attract men, and why does she pick married men to start?

Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73

The "sau" operation of having a baby out of wedlock

In Taiwan, if Lin Yueyun claims to be the second, then no one dares to call herself the first, she is definitely the "strongest mistress".

As Hou Peicen's mother, Lin Yueyun naturally has an impeccable face, and even more beautiful than her daughter when she was young, and she is recognized as a big beauty.

Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73

Such a woman is the most popular among the seven aunts and eight aunts, and everyone wants to introduce her to aspiring young people and promising people, but she is not interested in all of them and declines with a smile.

It turns out that this woman has her own plans, she doesn't like boys of the same age who are struggling, but she likes those men who are married and have successful careers.

Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73

At the time, some people joked that she liked this type because of the lack of fatherly love, but this "quirk" was common at the time, and it was not special.

Lin Yueyun has a very good girlfriend named Guo Chunmei, and the relationship between the two is not ordinarily good, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is a sister.

Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73

Guo Chunmei is married and has a happy family, she can't bear to see Lin Yueyun being single all the time, so she has been persuading Lin Yueyun to find someone to marry quickly.

In the face of her best friend's concern, Lin Yueyun was moved and said yes, but no one expected that she would hit Guo Chunmei's husband Hou Shihong, who was 22 years old that year.

Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73

The reason why Hou Shihong can fascinate her is because this man has an extraordinary background, as a well-known TV producer in Taiwan, Hou Shihong not only looks Zhou Zheng and has a steady atmosphere, but also has a lot of fame in the circle.

Lin Yueyun, who was a Hokkien actor at the time, certainly wouldn't let such a man slip out of his hands.

Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73

By the time Guo Chunmei knew that her best friend and her husband were getting together, Lin Yueyun had already become Hou Shihong's underground lover, and Hou Shihong was still clamoring to divorce his wife.

Guo Chunmei was painful and sad, but she did not agree to the divorce, so Hou Shihong bought a big house and started a two-person life with Lin Yueyun.

Hou Peichen was born during this time, and because of her mother, she was born as an "illegitimate daughter" who was ridiculed.

Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73

But in the past few years, Hou Shihong has not succeeded in divorcing, he thinks that since he can't give the mother and daughter a name, he should spoil them more, on the one hand, to provide a good life for the two, and on the other hand, to make the two happy.

The more Lin Yunyue stayed at home, the more bored she became, so Hou Shihong took the initiative to take her to play mahjong, if he knew the development of the story in the future, he would definitely regret his decision.

Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73

Second-hand mistresses stop losses in time

Why is Lin Yueyun more refined than a monkey, it is because this woman really seized every opportunity to "change her fate".

When playing mahjong, Lin Yueyun met many rich wives, one of whom was Taiwanese socialite Cai Guizhao, the eldest daughter of Cai Wanchun and Yu Fengjiao, with a noble birth and a solid family background, which Lin Yueyun was far from being able to match.

Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73

But she still tried her best to become Cai Guizhao's best friend and met the other party's husband Qiu Jiaxiong.

Qiu Jiaxiong himself is just a weightlifter, if he hadn't broken into the other party's heart when Cai Guizhao was a student, he would never have married such a "noble girl".

Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73

Cai Guizhao is somewhat in love, not only did she insist on marrying Qiu Jiaxiong despite her parents' opposition, but also gave up the opportunity to go to university, and begged her parents to develop her husband's career after marriage.

Lin Yueyun met Qiu Jiaxiong, who had already relied on his daughter-in-law to walk on the road to success, and began the second plan to pry his best friend's husband.

Why did she change the "hook-up" partner, it was because she couldn't see hope in Hou Shihong.

Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73

At that time, Lin Yueyun had been Hou Shihong's mistress for many years, and seeing that her daughter Hou Peicen was already 5 years old, and the man had not yet successfully divorced, she decisively broke up with him and left with her daughter.

If it is placed on others, conditions such as "having a baby out of wedlock" will be introduced by the matchmaker to divorced and older old men, but Lin Yueyun is so methodical, she easily captured Qiu Jiaxiong's heart and pried away her best friend's husband again.

Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73

It is conceivable how big a blow this incident has hit Cai Guizhao.

I don't know if this poor woman is really deep-rooted, or if she is wise and pretending to be stupid, Cai Guizhao also did not choose to divorce, but she did not entangle with this pair of "dog men and women", and since then she has started a life of chanting scriptures to the Buddha and staying away from the red dust.

Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73

Qiu Jiaxiong didn't dare to make too much trouble, his approach was similar to Hou Shihong, first he bought a villa separately to support Lin Yueyun's mother and daughter, and then moved in to start the life of a family of three, and Lin Yueyun has since stopped and faded out of the entertainment industry.

Not to mention that Lin Yueyun has the ability, she herself has a very high emotional intelligence and is very good at observing words and feelings, and her daughter Hou Peicen is also very clever, the little girl understands her situation, and she is very good at looking at it, and she quickly became familiar with Qiu Jiaxiong.

Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73

It is said that when Hou Peichen was in elementary school, he had already affectionately called Qiu Jiaxiong "PAPA", which means father in French, and I don't know how Hou Shihong would feel when he knew it.

But it cannot be denied that Qiu Jiaxiong is really too good to say anything about this mother and daughter, asking for money for money, love for love, buying jewelry, clothes, bags, and even famous cars.

Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73

It can be said that under the wings of this man, Lin Yueyun and Hou Peicen have always lived a rich life.

But a junior is a junior, such feelings are not tolerated in the world, and Lin Yueyun's choice also had a negative impact on Hou Peichen.

Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73

Tears and helplessness behind public opinion

Many people know that Hou Peichen was once with Jay Chou, and everyone was praising the two of them for being talented men and women, and they were very compatible.

Jay Chou's talent is obvious to all, but Hou Peichen is not worse than anyone else, this girl not only inherited Lin Yueyun's beauty, but also was admitted to the University of Southern California in the United States with her own efforts.

Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73

is beautiful, talented and wealthy, for a while she became a popular female anchor in Taiwan, coupled with her relationship with Jay Chou, who doesn't envy this winner in life.

But it is precisely because of the relationship with Zhou Tianwang that the media picked up Hou Peicen's life experience, she has been an illegitimate daughter since birth, and her mother is the strongest junior who has continuously pried away her best friend's husband, Hou Peicen soon fell into the condemnation of public opinion.

Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73

To add insult to injury, at this time, Lin Yueyun's first best friend Guo Chunmei came out to accuse her, scolding her and saying, "Everything you have, how many people's tears are there......"

Jay Chou's mother also began to dislike Hou Peichen after learning the inside story, and even urged Jay Chou to break up with her, forced by public opinion and pressure from his mother, Jay Chou compromised, and this originally praised relationship ended.

Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73

I don't know what Hou Peichen thinks in her heart, whether she will blame her mother for her unbearable past, and whether Lin Yueyun will regret the choice she once made to bring such an embarrassing experience to her daughter.

But life has to go on, the mother and daughter still move forward as before, and on the day of Hou Peichen's wedding, the situation finally fluctuated.

Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73

Exhibitionist serious?

In 2011, Hou Peicen got married in a high-profile manner, and next to her, wearing a white wedding dress, was the elderly Qiu Jiaxiong, the man who took care of her growing up and came to marry as "PAPA".

Anyone who watches this scene will feel complicated in their hearts, their father doesn't come, and this stepfather has not married his mother, but anyone who is unwilling to use his brain can't figure out the relationship.

Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73

And the most "eye-catching" thing that day was not the bride herself, but Lin Yueyun was very excited.

Maybe she was happy for her daughter who was raised with hard work, or maybe she was sad that she didn't have the opportunity to wear a wedding dress in her life, she cried a lot.

Hou Peicen felt sorry for her mother, so she passed the bridal bouquet to her mother, Lin Yueyun smiled and said that receiving the bouquet was equivalent to getting married, and the words were all hinting at the "husband and wife" relationship between herself and Qiu Jiaxiong.

Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73

But it didn't take long for the 76-year-old Qiu Jiaxiong to suddenly fall seriously ill, and the news completely disrupted the already complicated relationship.

Qiu Jiaxiong was lying on the hospital bed, and the person who took care of him was not Lin Yueyun, who got along with him day and night, nor Hou Peicen, whom he loved so much, but his wife Cai Guizhao, who had been chanting scriptures in front of the Buddha for more than 30 years.

Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73

It is unknown why Qiu Jiaxiong chose to return to his wife when he was seriously ill, but Cai Guizhao's approach is beyond reproach.

is obviously the one who was betrayed, but she still tried her best to take care of her husband, until Qiu Jiaxiong died, and handled the funeral for him, not only giving Qiu Jiaxiong the last dignity, but also doing what a wife should do.

Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73

Minnan Net2011-04-20 "Hou Peichen's mother has been a junior for 29 years, choked up and apologized to the other party's wife"

When Cai Guizhao was praised by the media, Lin Yueyun and Hou Peicen were scolded by public opinion, because one of them ignored the death of his lover, and the other had no feelings about the death of "PAPA".

Even the two had dinner with friends during Qiu Jiaxiong's funeral, and the mother and daughter fell into the limelight after being photographed by the media.

Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73

At that time, Hou Peichen explained that they would mourn Qiu Jiaxiong in other ways, and also insinuated that the two were absent from the funeral because of internal circumstances, in an attempt to turn public opinion around.

Later, she even took her mother on the show to whitewash the "black history", Lin Yueyun said open-mindedly that she had let go of the past and looked forward in her future life.

Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73

But Taiwan is so big, there are too many people who know the specific situation of the two, and everyone can't accept Lin Yueru's indifferent explanation at all, and some people even reprimand her for beautifying her "mistress" behavior, and she has never been the most hurt.

Especially Lin Yueyun, who snatched her best friend's husband twice in a row, has never stopped on the road of "little three" all her life, and finally took most of Qiu Jiaxiong's property, she is not qualified to "sell miserably" in front of the public.

Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73


Now Lin Yueyun is 73 years old, she has never been married in her life, and she has not waited for a man to give her a name, the only thing worth affirming is to cultivate an excellent daughter.

Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73——2017-02-22"She is Hou Peicen's mother and a fierce mother"

Some people say that this kind of thing was very common in that era, people don't kill for themselves, but Lin Yueyun is too successful, she is a successful junior, which many people are ashamed of.

But it can't be denied that the behavior of "Little San" is indeed not tolerated by morality and ethics, if everyone destroys other people's families for their own sake like Lin Yueyun, then who else dares to get married?


[1] - 2017-02-22 "She is Hou Peicen's mother and a fierce mother"

Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73
[2] Chutian Jinbao - 2011-04-20 "Hou Peicen's mother was exposed to repeatedly intervene in other people's marriages, and the love history of the little three was revealed"
Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73
[3] Wuhan Evening News - 2010-01-11 "Hou Peicen wants men to belong completely to herself, not to learn from Hou's mother to be a "little three""
Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73
[4] Minnan Net 2011-04-20 "Hou Peicen's mother has been a junior for 29 years, choked up and apologized to the other party's wife"
Hou Peicen's mother Lin Yueyun: She was a famous actress when she was young, and now she is very happy at the age of 73

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