
"Prince of Go" Chang Hao: Regardless of the opposition of his teacher, he married his aunt who was 8 years older and married for the second time, what is the current situation?

author:Willing to talk about emotions

On November 7, 1976, Chang Hao was born in an ordinary old-fashioned alley near the City God Temple in Shanghai. His father, Chang Fusen, was originally a carpenter, but later became an ordinary worker in the 15th cotton spinning factory in Shanghai, where he met Chang Hao's mother, Zhou Yueyuan. Chang Hao is an only child, and he has been loved by his parents since he was a child, especially his mother, who has accompanied him almost throughout his childhood.

When Chang Hao was 6 years old, he first came into contact with Go by visiting his mother's friends. This magical game immediately caught his attention. After receiving support from his mother, Chang Hao began to learn Go systematically.

"Prince of Go" Chang Hao: Regardless of the opposition of his teacher, he married his aunt who was 8 years older and married for the second time, what is the current situation?

Initially, he didn't think about becoming a world champion, he just thought it was fun to play Go.

His mother has always been very strict with Chang Hao, and she has been letting him read, write, and count since kindergarten. After entering primary school, Chang Hao has a very serious attitude towards learning, especially excellent math scores, and can get awards almost every time.

Although his language scores were slightly inferior, it did not affect his love for martial arts novels in the slightest.

"Prince of Go" Chang Hao: Regardless of the opposition of his teacher, he married his aunt who was 8 years older and married for the second time, what is the current situation?

Although Chang Hao is less than 10 years old, he has to go to school every day and learn chess in the afternoon, and often can't go home until more than 10 o'clock in the evening.

Despite the difficulties, he never gave up and showed amazing talent by winning several championships in some junior competitions.

On June 9, 1986, Chang Hao, who was only 9 years and 7 months old, defeated 11-year-old Sichuan player Yu Ping in the final of the "Prodigy Cup" and won the championship. On the same day, Nie Weiping, a famous Chinese chess player who was selecting talents on the spot, deliberately played chess with Chang Hao, and only let two sons but was still defeated by Chang Hao.

Nie Weiping was amazed by Chang Hao and was deeply shocked by his development potential.

"Prince of Go" Chang Hao: Regardless of the opposition of his teacher, he married his aunt who was 8 years older and married for the second time, what is the current situation?

In the summer of the same year, Chang Hao was selected for the National Youth Go Training Team, and his mother Zhou Yueyuan also resigned from her job as an iron rice bowl to support her son and accompanied him to Beijing. Here, Chang Hao had the honor of becoming a disciple of Nie Weiping and began his professional Go career.

Since then, Chang Hao, the "Prince of Go", has become famous, and this talented teenager seems destined to make waves in the world of Go. However, the gears of fate are quietly turning, and a love story that spans ages is about to be staged.

In the summer of 1986, 10-year-old Chang Hao had just entered the national youth training team and met 18-year-old Zhang Xuan in the national team. Zhang Xuan was born on June 22, 1968, a native of Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, and began to learn to play chess at the age of 8 and entered the national team at the age of 12.

"Prince of Go" Chang Hao: Regardless of the opposition of his teacher, he married his aunt who was 8 years older and married for the second time, what is the current situation?

At that time, Zhang Xuan had been promoted to the senior group of the national team, and in Chang Hao's eyes, he was "Teacher Zhang".

The first meeting between the two was not impressive. At that time, the national team would arrange for senior and junior players to play chess as a kind of guidance. Chang Hao and Zhang Xuan played a game of chess, and Zhang Xuan gave Chang Hao three sons.

However, unexpectedly, Chang Hao easily defeated Zhang Xuan, and this fight made Chang Hao a little unconvinced, feeling that Teacher Zhang looked down on him.

"Prince of Go" Chang Hao: Regardless of the opposition of his teacher, he married his aunt who was 8 years older and married for the second time, what is the current situation?

In September 1995, 19-year-old Chang Hao came to Japan with the Chinese team to participate in the 10th China-Japan Go Tournament. He became famous in one fell swoop, winning five games in a row, and the Chinese team got off to a winning start. Zhang Xuan, Chang Hao's former senior sister, is studying in Japan, and when she heard the good news, she was very proud and happy for this little junior brother.

By chance, Chang Hao came to Zhang Xuan's home with his teammate Yu Bin as a guest. Seeing each other again, Chang Hao, who was already an adolescent, had a feeling of love at first sight for Zhang Xuan. He was surprised to find that Mr. Zhang, who used to play chess together, was so young and beautiful.

And Zhang Xuan was also deeply impressed by the handsome, 1.8-meter-tall boy in front of him, although it was not love at first sight, but it was indeed bright.

"Prince of Go" Chang Hao: Regardless of the opposition of his teacher, he married his aunt who was 8 years older and married for the second time, what is the current situation?

In 1996, the two faced each other in many domestic competitions. In April, at the celebrity invitational tournament held in China, Zhang Xuan, who had just finished four years of studying abroad, defeated Chang Hao, who was at his peak.

Chang Hao was in awe of Zhang Xuan's strength, and two months later in the game in Nanjing, Chang Hao made full preparations and finally won back a city.

These fights made the two appreciate each other even more. After Zhang Xuan returned to the national team, they had more opportunities to meet. In their daily training, they often play chess together and chat with each other.

"Prince of Go" Chang Hao: Regardless of the opposition of his teacher, he married his aunt who was 8 years older and married for the second time, what is the current situation?

Zhang Xuan, who is extroverted, lively and lovely, and Chang Hao, who is introverted and mature and steady, complement each other, and they feel very happy and happy when they are together.

As time passed, the relationship between the two grew deeper. Despite the difference of 8 years, they did not notice that the two hearts were quietly getting closer and closer. This seemingly impossible sister-brother love gradually sprouted in this way, laying the groundwork for the next love story.

As the time spent together in the national team accumulated, the relationship between Chang Hao and Zhang Xuan gradually warmed up. However, in the face of the eight-year age gap and Zhang Xuan's marriage experience, this relationship has been questioned.

"Prince of Go" Chang Hao: Regardless of the opposition of his teacher, he married his aunt who was 8 years older and married for the second time, what is the current situation?

Soon there were rumors of their romance in the national team, and their teammates talked about it, which made Zhang Xuan feel very embarrassed and stressed.

Zhang Xuan's heart was full of contradictions and struggles, and she asked herself more than once: "I am 8 years older than him and have been married, is this really appropriate?" This question has been bothering her and making her hesitate to face the relationship.

The sensitive and careful Chang Hao discovered Zhang Xuan's thoughts, although he was young, his maturity surpassed his age. Chang Hao always silently accompanies Zhang Xuan, comforts her with actions, and expresses his sincere love.

"Prince of Go" Chang Hao: Regardless of the opposition of his teacher, he married his aunt who was 8 years older and married for the second time, what is the current situation?

His persistence and sincerity finally moved Zhang Xuan, making her gradually let go of her worries and accept this love that spans ages.

However, when the relationship was learned by Nie Weiping and Chang Hao's parents, they were strongly opposed. Chang Hao's mentor Nie Weiping believes that Chang Hao is on the rise in his career and should not be tied up by feelings, and is worried that this will affect Chang Hao's Go development.

Chang Hao's parents are more worried that the huge age difference will affect their son's future happiness.

"Prince of Go" Chang Hao: Regardless of the opposition of his teacher, he married his aunt who was 8 years older and married for the second time, what is the current situation?

Under many obstacles, Chang Hao showed extraordinary determination. He patiently explained to his mother, trying to get her to accept the relationship. Chang Hao told his mother: "The wife of Kobayashi Koichi, a Japanese Go master, is 13 years older than him, and their marriage is still very happy.

Chang Hao's persistence and sincerity finally moved his parents, and they no longer strongly opposed the relationship.

In January 1999, 23-year-old Chang Hao proposed to Zhang Xuan. In such a hurry, he didn't even have time to prepare the ring. Chang Hao said to Zhang Xuan affectionately: "It's okay if we register, if the name is justified, others won't say anything."

"Prince of Go" Chang Hao: Regardless of the opposition of his teacher, he married his aunt who was 8 years older and married for the second time, what is the current situation?

Zhang Xuan was moved by Chang Hao's sincere feelings, but was still worried that he was too young, and proposed to wait another year or two, however, Chang Hao resolutely said that he would spend the rest of his life with Zhang Xuan.

In the end, Chang Hao and Zhang Xuan received a marriage certificate at the Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau. Not long after they fell in love, they bought a two-bedroom apartment of more than 80 square meters in Beijing and started a new life.

Although this marriage was not blessed by Nie Weiping, which led to a gap between Chang Hao and his teacher, Chang Hao and Zhang Xuan proved with practical actions that their relationship was enough to cross the age gap.

"Prince of Go" Chang Hao: Regardless of the opposition of his teacher, he married his aunt who was 8 years older and married for the second time, what is the current situation?

In 2000, 31-year-old Zhang Xuan gave birth to a daughter in Beijing, and Chang Hao named her Chang Yuemin. After having children, Chang Hao and Zhang Xuan's life focus shifted to their families, resulting in Chang Hao's Go training time being reduced, but he did not give up his pursuit of Go.

In order to take care of her family, Zhang Xuan gradually reduced the frequency of her participation, and she no longer even participated in some small competitions. She put more energy into her family life and made a big difference.

Zhang Xuan rarely cooked, but for Chang Hao, she learned to cook a variety of new dishes, every time Zhang Xuan cooks a meal, Chang Hao will eat very happily, and do not forget to praise his wife's cooking skills, after dinner, Chang Hao always takes the initiative to undertake housework, such as washing dishes and washing pots, interpreting their love with practical actions.

"Prince of Go" Chang Hao: Regardless of the opposition of his teacher, he married his aunt who was 8 years older and married for the second time, what is the current situation?

The couple are very similar in their philosophy of educating their daughter, they do not force their daughter to learn Go, but let her do what she likes according to her interests.

Facts have proved that her daughter does not have much enthusiasm for Go, but likes to swim, and every holiday, Chang Hao will take her daughter to swim and play in the water and enjoy the fun of family together.

Although Chang Hao invested more time in his family, this did not affect his pursuit of Go. With the support of his wife, he continued to fight hard in the ring. Finally, in the final of the 5th Yingshi Cup in 2005, Chang Hao defeated South Korean chess player Choi Cheol-han and won the first world championship in his life.

"Prince of Go" Chang Hao: Regardless of the opposition of his teacher, he married his aunt who was 8 years older and married for the second time, what is the current situation?

This hard-won championship is not only the result of Chang Hao's years of hard work, but also a powerful response to people's doubts. Chang Hao had failed many times before winning this world title.

There was also a lot of criticism about his marriage with Zhang Xuan, and many chess fans even accused Zhang Xuan of delaying the development of the "Go genius" Chang Hao.

However, in Chang Hao's view, Zhang Xuan is not just a stumbling block on his way forward, but a driving force that pushes him forward. He was convinced that without his wife's understanding and support, he would not have been able to achieve what he is today.

"Prince of Go" Chang Hao: Regardless of the opposition of his teacher, he married his aunt who was 8 years older and married for the second time, what is the current situation?

This world championship is not only a personal victory for Chang Hao, but also the result of the joint efforts of the husband and wife, which also fully proves that they have found a balance between marriage and career.

Time flies like an arrow. Chang Hao and Zhang Xuan's love has lasted for more than 20 years. In 2017, the 41-year-old Chang Hao served as the vice chairman of the Chinese Go Association, and his position contributed to the development of China's Go industry.

He began to lead a new generation of chess players around the tournament and pass on his experience to young people.

"Prince of Go" Chang Hao: Regardless of the opposition of his teacher, he married his aunt who was 8 years older and married for the second time, what is the current situation?

Although Zhang Xuan has retired from the professional game of Go, she has not completely given up this hobby. On October 19, 2021, 53-year-old Zhang Xuan was invited by the Lady Go Salon in her hometown of Fuzhou to serve as a senior consultant.

In the face of the invitation from her hometown, Zhang Xuan did not hesitate to accept the meeting at the Wu Qingyuan Weiqi Hall in Fuzhou, Zhang Xuan, who was dressed in a red plaid skirt, looked particularly energetic, and she sincerely said in an interview: "I am from Fuzhou, I have special feelings for Fuzhou, and I am very happy to have such an opportunity", and Zhang Xuan is very pleased to be able to contribute to the cause of Go in her hometown.

In their spare time, the couple also often participates in Go activities. On November 28, 2018, in the China Construction Third Bureau Cup Doubles Match, Chang Hao and Zhang Xuan teamed up to play against the Japanese couple Naoki Hane and Xigeko Hane.

"Prince of Go" Chang Hao: Regardless of the opposition of his teacher, he married his aunt who was 8 years older and married for the second time, what is the current situation?

After more than two hours of fierce battle, they successfully defeated their opponents to reach the final, and although they failed to win the championship in the subsequent finals, this experience allowed them to relive the passion of fighting side by side in the past.

In December 2019, the second "Wu Qingyuan Cup" World Women's Go Championship came to an end in Zhang Xuan's hometown of Fuzhou. Chang Hao and Zhang Xuan attended the opening ceremony together. As can be seen from the photos, the years have left traces on their faces - 43-year-old Chang Hao is slightly blessed, and 51-year-old Zhang Xuan can hardly hide the traces of time.

But their figures standing hand in hand still convey the warmth of love.

"Prince of Go" Chang Hao: Regardless of the opposition of his teacher, he married his aunt who was 8 years older and married for the second time, what is the current situation?

Today, Chang Hao and Zhang Xuan's marriage has gone through 23 years. The 46-year-old Chang Hao is still active in the Go world and continues to hold the important position of vice chairman of the Chinese Go Association.

He is involved in the development of Go in China, and often leads a new generation of players to participate in various competitions, passing on his experience to young people.

The 54-year-old has found a balance between family and a career in Go. Although she has taken a back seat, her love for Go has never diminished, and she often participates in competitions and events. Especially in her hometown of Fuzhou, she plays an important leading role in the development of Go.

"Prince of Go" Chang Hao: Regardless of the opposition of his teacher, he married his aunt who was 8 years older and married for the second time, what is the current situation?

She served as a senior advisor to the Fuzhou Ladies Go Salon and made a positive contribution to the promotion of women's Go.

Their only daughter, Chang Yuemin, is 22 years old and is studying in the United States. Although she did not inherit her parents' Go career, with the support of her parents, she has found her own interests and direction in life, and is working hard to achieve her life goals.

Although time has left traces on their faces - Chang Hao is slightly blessed, and Zhang Xuan is no longer young, but their relationship is still the same. Every time they appear in public, they support each other and show their loving side.

"Prince of Go" Chang Hao: Regardless of the opposition of his teacher, he married his aunt who was 8 years older and married for the second time, what is the current situation?

They face the challenges of life hand in hand and manage this love across ages together.

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