
How does an average project manager become excellent? Gap analysis and improvement strategies

author:Zoho vs SaaS

Excellent project managers surpass ordinary project managers in emotional value, way of thinking, way of expression, project pursuit, attitude towards mistakes and working methods, and are good at using project management tools to improve team efficiency and achieve project success.

How does an average project manager become excellent? Gap analysis and improvement strategies

1. Emotional value

The average project manager is not open-minded enough and is easily influenced by work tasks and team members' behaviors. If team members make mistakes, they often have low emotional value and can't tolerate the negativity that comes with work stress. The average project manager focuses on the individual rather than the team's achievements and contributions, and when someone in the team reaps results, it is difficult for the average project manager to provide positive emotional value to the team members and motivate everyone.

Second, the way of thinking

Ordinary projects understand the importance of business processes, but they can't make the best use of people's talents and materials, and assign the right people to the right places to give them enough resources to carry out their work. In general, the resource utilization rate is low, and the senior project manager is good at using tools such as resource utilization charts to let each member give full play to their talents, and everyone's work is not too saturated or too idle, and it remains moderate.

How does an average project manager become excellent? Gap analysis and improvement strategies

3. Expression

Ordinary project managers will directly convey Party A's requirements, corporate culture, and project goals to everyone in the team, while senior project managers are good at using structured thinking to vividly express customer needs and project goals, and the language is concise and easy to understand.

Fourth, the pursuit of the project

The average project manager likes to convey ambiguous project results, "probably", "probably", "almost" are their common words, and the final product must be a similar product. Excellent project managers pursue excellence, perfectionism, and do the best user experience, and customers are very satisfied with the product.

5. Positive work mistakes

When ordinary project managers face problems in their work, the first thing they think of is the handsome pot, and find the problems of employees, such as employees' lack of experience and lack of execution, and then pass them on to individuals. A good project manager will often face up to mistakes, will not be too the members, reflect on their own work management problems, and share responsibilities with team members to solve problems together.

Methods of work

The working method of the average project manager is usually based on his own current ideas, ignoring the overall planning of the team. This way of working can easily lead to a lot of unexpected problems, there are always temporary tasks "plugged", and the result can be imagined, the manager and the individual in the team are physically and mentally exhausted.

Senior project managers are good at using project management tools, WBS decomposition of complex projects, modular management of projects, according to customer requirements, company requirements, clear planning of task critical path, the team can use limited time to overcome the most critical problems and most important tasks, and continue to optimize and improve.

How does an average project manager become excellent? Gap analysis and improvement strategies

Zoho Projects is an online project management solution that can provide efficient and scientific task management, resource allocation, and team collaboration for project managers such as Gantt charts to plan project progress, WBS structured project breakdown, and timesheet management.