
The old man in the subway pulled the girl's legs and followed up: the identity was suspected to be exposed, the witnesses revealed the details, and the police responded

author:Eager to learn Douhua BKSuT


An incident occurred on the Beijing subway in which an old man forced a girl to give up her seat, which caused anger among netizens, and the old man's arrogant behavior made people angry. The story behind the old man's forced resignation was revealed, triggering a deep reflection on the phenomenon of "disrespect for the elderly".

The old man in the subway pulled the girl's legs and followed up: the identity was suspected to be exposed, the witnesses revealed the details, and the police responded

Force the girl to give up her seat

The old man in the subway pulled the girl's legs and followed up: the identity was suspected to be exposed, the witnesses revealed the details, and the police responded

There was an incident on Beijing Metro Line 10 where an old man forced a girl to give up her seat, in the video, the old man was angry, forcibly asked the girl to give up her seat, and covered the girl's mouth with his hand, and his arrogant behavior caused anger among netizens.

The old man in the subway pulled the girl's legs and followed up: the identity was suspected to be exposed, the witnesses revealed the details, and the police responded

It is understood that the girl in question, Xiao Man, is 24 years old this year, and her height and body shape look no different from that of ordinary adults.

The old man in the subway pulled the girl's legs and followed up: the identity was suspected to be exposed, the witnesses revealed the details, and the police responded

Originally, it seemed to be a very normal thing, but to everyone's surprise, the old man did not come over to talk to Xiao Man and ask her to give up his seat, but first talked to the middle-aged woman next to him for a while, stepped forward and drove the middle-aged woman away with confidence, and sat down by himself.

The old man in the subway pulled the girl's legs and followed up: the identity was suspected to be exposed, the witnesses revealed the details, and the police responded

Seeing this, everyone was dumbfounded, obviously they should give up their seats to the old man who was standing, why did they instead let the middle-aged woman who was standing stand up and let the old man sit?

The old man in the subway pulled the girl's legs and followed up: the identity was suspected to be exposed, the witnesses revealed the details, and the police responded

What's even more infuriating is that the old man not only did not thank the middle-aged woman, but also used his position of "should be given up" to "reward" Xiao Man, obviously bullying people with weakness and no temper.

The old man in the subway pulled the girl's legs and followed up: the identity was suspected to be exposed, the witnesses revealed the details, and the police responded

It was originally an inconsequential trivial matter, but because of the old man's arrogance, it aroused everyone's anger, and Xiao Man didn't want to put up with it anymore.

The old man in the subway pulled the girl's legs and followed up: the identity was suspected to be exposed, the witnesses revealed the details, and the police responded

The two had an argument in the carriage, and the door had already been closed, because the war between them delayed the time, and finally the train was a few minutes late before leaving.

The old man in the subway pulled the girl's legs and followed up: the identity was suspected to be exposed, the witnesses revealed the details, and the police responded

But the matter didn't end there, and then about half an hour or so, the old man actually found Xiao Man again, and this time she directly stepped forward and pulled Xiao Man's legs and forcibly pulled her up from the seat.

The old man in the subway pulled the girl's legs and followed up: the identity was suspected to be exposed, the witnesses revealed the details, and the police responded

Xiao Man has been resisting loudly throughout the process, but the other passengers around her seem to be unwilling to pay attention to her, everyone thinks that it is appropriate to give up their seats to the elderly, and the young people must abide by basic etiquette.

The old man in the subway pulled the girl's legs and followed up: the identity was suspected to be exposed, the witnesses revealed the details, and the police responded

In the end, Xiao Man still had no choice but to stand and complete the rest of the subway journey.

The old man in the subway pulled the girl's legs and followed up: the identity was suspected to be exposed, the witnesses revealed the details, and the police responded

For such an incident, netizens left messages saying that they couldn't stand it, "This old lady is too much", "The person who didn't need to force the old man to sit was forced to stand instead, he was really drunk", "Isn't this a bully soft persimmon that is easy to pinch".

Soon the pressure of public opinion snowballed, and finally forced the old man to make the decision to apologize publicly and consciously accept the punishment.

But what surprised everyone even more was that on the evening of June 26, it was revealed that the old man was administratively detained because of this incident, and we could not contact the relevant departments for verification.

The old man in the subway pulled the girl's legs and followed up: the identity was suspected to be exposed, the witnesses revealed the details, and the police responded

aroused heated discussions among netizens

Regardless of whether the old man was administratively detained or not, this incident, which should have been so ordinary that it could no longer be ordinary, became confusing because of the arrogance and excessive demands of the parties involved.

According to eyewitnesses, the old man is a retired teacher, and almost all of them ask others to give up their seats when they travel, whether they are men or women, as long as they are docile, they are on his list of seat concessions.

Some passengers speculated that it might be because his retirement life was a bit boring, and he needed to regain the sense of superiority he had as a teacher on the subway.

More people believe that it may be because of the old man's own problems that make him unable to stand for a long time, otherwise they cannot explain why he has to force others to give up their seats in this way when he can sit down.

Regardless of the reason behind it, it is obviously wrong to forcibly ask someone to give up their seat in a public place, and according to Article 2 of the Anti-Domestic Violence Law, acts of violence against others in public places outside the home and infringement of the personal rights and interests of others can be considered domestic violence.

And even regardless of the letter of the law, it is common sense that young people cannot be bullied unscrupulously just because they are older.

It should be said that everyone is no stranger to this kind of incident, and there have been disputes over seat concessions on buses, subways or ferries, and sometimes even turn into physical conflicts.

In the face of such news, everyone often sighs "how can the old people nowadays be like this", and it seems that young people are regarded as tools that should serve themselves anytime and anywhere.

And what makes people even more speechless is that many times in the face of the unreasonable demands of the elderly, even the young people who were dragged by the arm and slapped could only swallow their anger.

Although there are more and more people around me who persuade young people to be brave enough to defend their rights and interests, it is still difficult for ordinary people to refuse in the face of an obviously old man who is obviously old and in poor health.

Some psychologists even pointed out that in fact, many elderly people are also twisted in their hearts, "Can't I walk with a cane and can't sit down to rest?" Can't you let me more? ”

This mentality has become a habit among some elderly people, and the more gently and politely they reject them, the more dissatisfied they will become, and the more they will bully the old and the young.

The old man in the subway pulled the girl's legs and followed up: the identity was suspected to be exposed, the witnesses revealed the details, and the police responded

The old man's surname is Ye

Nearly a month has passed since the incident on June 24, and information about the elderly has been further excavated.

According to insiders, the old man, surnamed Ye, is 65 years old, and is currently retired and has been teaching for a long time during his work in the original unit.

But interestingly, when witnesses described the image of the old man, they said that he was not a gentle, elegant, kind and amiable image, but a typical "fierce old man".

Every time he gets on the bus, he scans the passengers around him with a sinister look, and is able to tell in a short time which people seem to be easier to talk and which ones are more stubborn.

If possible, he will give preference to "negotiating" with female passengers, because the vast majority of women are more likely to compromise when faced with entanglements or arguments than men.

What's more, it was revealed that Metro Line 10 is not the first time that the old man has asked others to give up their seats, and many passengers have encountered the "terrifying" seat concession request of the old man before this.

But because everyone was unwilling to fuel his arrogance, even if he was unhappy in his heart, he could only endure standing hard.

It's a pity that the old man himself doesn't understand the truth of "soft ability to overcome rigidity", and every time he gets in the car, he can pick out a "suitable" object to bully.

Reflection gives way

From the video, we can see that the old man surnamed Ye is justified throughout the whole process, and seems to feel that he has the right to ask others to give up his seat as an elderly passenger.

And when Xiao Man resisted, he was even more annoyed, directly pulled the opponent's legs, and used his physical advantage to forcibly suppress it.

If it weren't for the other passengers' words to stop him, I'm afraid he would have done something even more excessive.

Such an arrogant and unreasonable behavior is not only infuriating, but also allows us to see the evil phenomenon hidden behind the four words "disrespect for the elderly".

It should be said that it is a kind act for young people to give up their seats to elderly passengers on the subway, and there should be a spiritual inheritance of "respect for the elderly" in this process.

If, for various reasons, the elderly passengers become the targets of forced relinquishment of their seats, then the whole act of kindness will have the opposite effect, and even hurt the young people themselves in the process.

It's a pity that such examples are not uncommon, and most of the time, mandatory requirements like the old man surnamed Ye can still succeed.

In the face of them, it is difficult for ordinary passengers to resist effectively, and even if they are reluctant, they can only stand and walk the rest of the journey.

What's even more terrifying is that once they refuse to give up their seats in anger, they may lead to more excessive behavior, and the "fierce old men" often bully the weak, and no one around them dares to discipline them.

The old man in the subway pulled the girl's legs and followed up: the identity was suspected to be exposed, the witnesses revealed the details, and the police responded


The outrageous behavior of the old man in this incident is infuriating, and it is a virtue for a young man to give up his seat to an old man, but if it is forced to do so, it hurts the young man himself, which is worth pondering. In public, both young and old people should respect each other and avoid situations where "fierce old people" bully young people. What do you think?


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