
Eighteen years ago, the 13-year-old boy who flew 1.5 hours at an altitude of 10,000 meters is doing now?

author:Moe Mobunsha
Eighteen years ago, the 13-year-old boy who flew 1.5 hours at an altitude of 10,000 meters is doing now?
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Eighteen years ago, the 13-year-old boy who flew 1.5 hours at an altitude of 10,000 meters is doing now?

In November 2004, a passenger plane flying from Kunming to Chongqing staged a shocking incident. When the B320-8670 passenger plane landed safely at Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport, the staff accidentally found an incredible passenger - a 13-year-old teenager Liang Panlong.

The thin figure was huddled in the landing gear compartment of the plane, trembling and almost unconscious. What's even more incredible is that he actually completed as long as 1 in the air at an altitude of 10,000 meters. 5-hour flight.

Liang Panlong was born in 1990 and is the child of an ordinary family in Huaihua, Hunan. Since he was a child, he has shown an extraordinary talent for painting, and has won awards at the Hunan Youth Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition, becoming the pride of his parents.

However, this talent has invisibly become a shackle on his growth path.

Eighteen years ago, the 13-year-old boy who flew 1.5 hours at an altitude of 10,000 meters is doing now?

His mother, Zuo Jun, had high hopes for Liang Panlong and strictly controlled his study and life. In order to cultivate her son's artistic talent, she even quit her job and devoted herself to her children's education.

His father, Liang Kaisheng, went to Nanhai, Guangdong to work, and took on the family's financial burden alone. The good intentions of his parents made the young Liang Panlong feel suffocated. He longed to play freely like other children, but whenever he saw his peers frolicking, he could only sit in the studio and look out the window with envy.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the rise of the Internet opened the door to a new world for Liang Panlong. Under the guidance of his classmates, he came into contact with online games for the first time and was instantly attracted to this virtual world.

The Internet café became a haven for him to escape from reality and a weapon against parental control. At first, he was able to control himself, but as time went on, his addiction worsened.

Eighteen years ago, the 13-year-old boy who flew 1.5 hours at an altitude of 10,000 meters is doing now?

After the mother, Zuo Jun, found out that her son skipped school and went to an Internet café, she severely scolded him and asked him to write a letter of guarantee. However, instead of being effective, this kind of tough discipline inspired Liang Panlong to resist even more intensely.

He began to run away from home frequently, each time more thrilling than the last.

In March 2004, Liang Panlong left home for the first time and went to Zhangjiajie alone. A week later, he returned safely, not only was he not punished, but he received more love from his mother.

This experience gave him a taste of "sweetness" and laid the groundwork for his future adventures.

Eighteen years ago, the 13-year-old boy who flew 1.5 hours at an altitude of 10,000 meters is doing now?

On September 1 of the same year, Liang Panlong ran away again, this time in order to prove to a netizen that he had been to Zhangjiajie by pickpocket, and climbed on a train to Guiyang despite the danger.

Although he was unable to meet with his netizens in the end, he suffered a traffic accident. This experience should have been a wake-up call for him, but his parents' tolerance and compromise instead fueled his rebellious behavior.

On November 4, Liang Panlong left home for the third time. This time, he came aimlessly to Huaihua South Railway Station and accidentally boarded a freight train. When the train arrived in Kunming, he was found by the staff and taken out of the carriage.

In this way, he began his wandering life in Kunming and embarked on a journey that completely changed his fate.

Eighteen years ago, the 13-year-old boy who flew 1.5 hours at an altitude of 10,000 meters is doing now?

This series of runaway incidents reflects Liang Panlong's inner contradictions and struggles. He longs for freedom and to be understood, but he can't get rid of the fetters of his family.

Every adventure is an escape from reality and an exploration of himself. Little did he know, however, that this rebellious behavior would eventually push him into an even more dangerous situation.

Liang Panlong, who lives in Kunming, wandered the streets for several days before being sent to an aid station by well-wishers. Here, he meets Shu Qing, who has the same sad background. Two lonely souls meet in a strange city and instantly resonate.

Shu Qing's innocent smile and yearning for airplanes ignited the spark of adventure hidden in Liang Panlong's heart.

Eighteen years ago, the 13-year-old boy who flew 1.5 hours at an altitude of 10,000 meters is doing now?

On November 11, driven by curiosity, two children quietly sneaked into Kunming Airport. The airport's fence, which had fallen into disrepair, provided them with an "entrance" with a diameter of about 60 centimeters.

When they saw the huge plane in front of them, their excitement was palpable. Shu Qing took the lead in climbing onto the wheels of the plane and challenged Liang Panlong. Although Liang Panlong hesitated, with the encouragement of his companions, he also mustered up the courage to follow.

However, fate ruthlessly shattered this seemingly exciting adventure. As the plane starts, the two children fall into a panic. At the moment of takeoff, Shu Qing lost his balance and fell from a high altitude.

Liang Panlong witnessed all this, and his heart was full of fear and self-blame. But when life and death were at stake, the instinct to survive made him cling to the metal rod at the top of the wheel.

Eighteen years ago, the 13-year-old boy who flew 1.5 hours at an altitude of 10,000 meters is doing now?

Next 1. 5 hours, for Liang Panlong, is not only a physiological extreme challenge, but also a spiritual baptism. In an environment of minus 40-50 degrees Celsius, at a high altitude without oxygen, he experienced unimaginable ordeal for ordinary people.

Surprisingly, however, Liang later recalled that he did not feel breathless or particularly cold, but instead felt hot at certain moments and even took off a piece of clothing.

According to experts, this abnormal feeling may be due to the body's stress response at extremely low temperatures. The abnormal dilation of blood vessels causes blood flow to accelerate, resulting in a brief increase in body temperature.

However, this feeling is actually a misjudgment of the physical condition by the brain, masking the real danger.

Eighteen years ago, the 13-year-old boy who flew 1.5 hours at an altitude of 10,000 meters is doing now?

When the plane began to land, Liang Panlong faced a new test of life and death. When the landing gear compartment opened and the wheels were lowered, he had to reposition in mid-air.

With amazing willpower and survival instincts, he managed to climb back into the landing gear compartment. However, the piece of clothing he had just taken off was hanging from the wheels, which became a key clue for the staff to find him later.

When the plane finally landed at Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport, Liang Panlong was already on the verge of a coma. When the crew spotted him, he was curled up in the landing gear compartment, trembling all over, but miraculously retaining the faint signs of life.

This thrilling experience not only left a serious physical wound on Liang Panlong, but also left a deep imprint on his young mind. Shu Qing's departure has become his eternal pain and the starting point for him to re-examine his life.

Eighteen years ago, the 13-year-old boy who flew 1.5 hours at an altitude of 10,000 meters is doing now?

In a later interview, Liang Panlong recalled his state of mind at that time: "I saw him (Shu Qing) falling, and I knew what that meant. But I wasn't scared at the time, and I thought it would just be fate if I fell too.

The calmness and open-mindedness revealed in these words make people sigh: how can a 13-year-old child maintain his composure in such an extreme environment? Perhaps, it was this extraordinary psychological quality that helped him survive this test of life and death.

However, this experience also brought a huge psychological shadow to Liang Panlong. Shu Qing's death became an eternal pain in his heart, and it also made him start to rethink the meaning and value of life.

This adventure not only changed the trajectory of his life, but also cost him a lot.

Eighteen years ago, the 13-year-old boy who flew 1.5 hours at an altitude of 10,000 meters is doing now?

Liang Panlong, who lived for the rest of his life after the disaster, began a long and difficult road to recovery accompanied by his parents. In order to help her son start over, his mother Zuo Jun changed his name for him, hoping that the new name "Liang Zisong" would bring a new chapter in his life.

This decision is not only to protect the privacy of the child, but also to place the parents' expectations on the future of their son.

However, the after-effects of flying at high altitudes are not easy to eliminate. Liang Zisong was diagnosed with aviation otitis media and noise-induced hearing loss, with an inverted eardrum in his right ear and a perforated eardrum in his left ear.

In addition, his eyesight was also affected, and he was often unable to see clearly in front of him. When you fall asleep at night, the symptoms of leg and foot cramps are more frequent. These physical discomforts, combined with inner trauma, made him seem out of place in school life.

Eighteen years ago, the 13-year-old boy who flew 1.5 hours at an altitude of 10,000 meters is doing now?

In order to treat the sequelae of these high-altitude illnesses, the Liang couple took their son to seek medical treatment everywhere. Although they had previously reached an agreement with the airport, the high cost of medical care still placed a heavy financial burden on the family, which was not wealthy.

In high school, the double blow of academic pressure and physical condition made Liang Zisong confused again. In the second semester of his sophomore year of high school, he made a difficult decision due to the continuous decline in his grades: to leave campus and follow his parents to Chongqing to work.

This choice seems to be a retreat, but it is actually the beginning of his initiative to face life.

However, due to household registration issues, Liang Zisong was unable to find a suitable school in Chongqing. He could only study at home for the time being, but his heart was always eager to go back to school.

Eighteen years ago, the 13-year-old boy who flew 1.5 hours at an altitude of 10,000 meters is doing now?

He once sighed: "Whenever I see others sitting in the classroom listening attentively, I have a strong desire in my heart, I really want to go back to campus, and I have always dreamed of being admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts."

The experience of this period made Liang Zisong cherish life more and know how to care for others more. Although the physical and psychological wounds were difficult to fully heal, he began to learn to face life with a positive attitude and try to find his own path in life.

Time flies, and the 13-year-old boy who experienced the test of life and death at an altitude of 10,000 meters has now entered the age of standing. Eighteen years have passed, and Liang Zisong's life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Now Liang Zisong has opened a pet shop in Dadukou, Chongqing, and has realized his childhood dream of taking care of small animals. This choice seems to be a redemption of the past and a cherishing of life.

Eighteen years ago, the 13-year-old boy who flew 1.5 hours at an altitude of 10,000 meters is doing now?

In the process of caring for these little beings, he found inner peace and contentment.

In his spare time, Liang Zisong still maintains his love for painting. He would pick up a paintbrush and pour his inner feelings into the painting. These paintings not only decorate his pet shop, but also serve as a way for him to dialogue with the past.

Although many years have passed, Shu Qing's departure is still an eternal pain in Liang Zisong's heart. He often recalls the adorable boy who "looked like Harry Potter", and the dangerous times they had experienced together felt like yesterday.

However, this pain has also become a motivation for him to move forward, making him cherish his present life more and be kind to everyone around him.

Eighteen years ago, the 13-year-old boy who flew 1.5 hours at an altitude of 10,000 meters is doing now?

Today, Liang Zisong has learned how to reconcile with his past. That thrilling high-altitude trip was no longer his nightmare, but became an integral part of his life.

It has shaped today's Liang Zisong, making him more aware of the preciousness of life and more cherishing the people and things around him.

In the past 18 years, I have witnessed the transformation from a rebellious teenager to a mature man. The story of Liang Zisong is not only a process of personal growth, but also a mirror, reflecting the resilience of life and the complexity of human nature.

Liang Zisong's story has triggered people's deep thinking about family education and adolescent psychology. His experience illustrates the negative effects of excessive expectations and strict control.

Eighteen years ago, the 13-year-old boy who flew 1.5 hours at an altitude of 10,000 meters is doing now?

If the parents' good intentions are not expressed in an appropriate way, they may become a reason for the child to escape.

The emergence of problems such as Internet addiction also reflects the new challenges to the mental health of adolescents in modern society. This requires the joint attention and response of families, schools and all sectors of society.

However, the most critical problem may lie in the lack of communication at home. As Leung Tsz Chung Primary School teacher points out, communication barriers between parents and children are often the source of the problem.

Only by establishing a parent-child relationship of mutual understanding and respect can we truly help adolescents grow up healthily and avoid tragedies.

Eighteen years ago, the 13-year-old boy who flew 1.5 hours at an altitude of 10,000 meters is doing now?

Leung's story is a wake-up call for us to re-examine our approach to education, to focus on our children's inner needs, and to create a more inclusive and understanding environment for their growth.

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