
Who is the real body of the sweeping monk? Jin Yong: Read the names of Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, and Xuzhu together

author:Rainbow after rain

The sweeping monk, an obscure existence in the Shaolin Temple's Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, his image is full of mystery. Every time the first rays of sunlight in the morning shine through the window lattice, sprinkled on the stone slabs of the Scripture Pavilion, the sweeping monk began his daily work. He was holding a bamboo broom, dressed in a simple gray monk's robe, wearing a shabby monk's hat, his face was covered with traces of time, but he still maintained a calm and calm.

The sweeping monk's movements are slow and rhythmic, and every time he swings the broom, it is like performing a ritual. His broom gently brushed the ground, sweeping away the dust, and it seemed to sweep away the distractions in his heart. In the Scripture Pavilion, there are mountains of scriptures, and the air is filled with the smell of paper and ink. The sweeping monk shuttles between these ancient books, as if he is in dialogue with history and walking with wisdom.

The little monks were full of curiosity about the sweeping monks. They often get together and discuss the origin and identity of the sweeping monk in a low voice. In their eyes, the sweeping monk is not just an ordinary cleaner, his demeanor and temperament reveal an extraordinary temperament. Whenever the little monks asked the old monk about the story of the sweeping monk, the old monk always smiled, and a trace of deep meaning flashed in his eyes.

The old monk told the young monks that the sweeping monk had been in the Shaolin Temple for many years, but no one knew his age and origin. Some people say that the sweeping monk was once a martial arts master, and because he was tired of the disputes in the rivers and lakes, he chose to live incognito in Shaolin Temple and lived a pure life. It is also said that the sweeping monk is an enlightened monk, his wisdom and cultivation are unfathomable, and he chooses to practice silently as a sweeping monk to show his devotion to the Dharma.

The existence of sweeping monks is an encouragement and a revelation for the monks of Shaolin Temple. With his actions, he told the world that cultivation does not lie in the external form, but in inner purity and concentration. The story of the sweeping monk has become a legend of the Shaolin Temple, inspiring generations of monks to pursue inner peace and wisdom.

With the passage of time, the image of the sweeping monk became more and more mysterious in the Shaolin Temple. He seems to have become a part of the Shaolin Temple and is inseparable, just like the scriptures in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. Whenever foreign tourists or martial arts people come to Shaolin Temple, they will be attracted by the image of the sweeping monk, trying to find a clue from him and solve the mystery on him.

However, the sweeping monk always confronts the curiosity and inquiry of the outside world with a detached attitude. He never took the initiative to talk to people and never revealed his past. He just silently swept the floor and practiced silently, as if his world only had the Hidden Scripture Pavilion, only those scriptures. His existence has become a mystery of the Shaolin Temple, a mystery that can never be solved.

The story of the sweeping monk has also attracted the attention of many literati and artists. They recorded the image of the sweeping monk with their pens and praised his nobility with poetry. The image of the sweeping monk has become a symbol in Chinese culture, symbolizing indifference to fame and fortune and the pursuit of inner peace and wisdom.

In the daily life of Shaolin Temple, sweeping monks are always the first to get up and the last to rest. His figure has become a unique scenery of Shaolin Temple. Whether it is the flowers blooming in spring or the snow falling in winter, the sweeping monk always sticks to his post, using his broom to sweep away the dust of the world and the distractions in his heart.

With the passage of time, the image of the sweeping monk has become more and more popular in the Shaolin Temple. His existence is not only a legend, but also a spirit and a power. He used his actions to tell the world that no matter how noisy the outside world is, the heart can remain pure and peaceful. The story of the sweeping monk continues, and his image is forever engraved in the long history of Shaolin Temple......

In the depths of the Shaolin Temple, the door of the Hidden Scripture Pavilion is always closed, as if hiding endless secrets. Here, it is the most sacred place of Shaolin Temple, and it is also the place where sweeping monks practice every day. In the early morning, when the first rays of sunlight shine through the high windows on the ancient scriptures, the sweeping monk begins his daily routine.

The figure of the sweeping monk is extremely small in the scripture pavilion, but his presence is extremely important. His movements are slow and rhythmic, and every time he swings his broom, he seems to be extra deliberate. The rustle of the broom when it comes into contact with the ground seems to speak an ancient language, one that only the sweepers themselves can understand.

The actions of the sweeping monks are not just simple cleaning, but more like a ritual, a kind of respect for the traditions of the Shaolin Temple. His every movement seemed so natural, as if he had some indescribable connection with this scripture pavilion and with these scriptures. There is always a faint smile on the face of the sweeping monk, which is a smile that is detached from the world, a smile that sees through the red dust.

Who is the real body of the sweeping monk? Jin Yong: Read the names of Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, and Xuzhu together

The broom of the sweeping monk seems to have magical power, it can not only sweep away the dust on the ground, but also sweep away the distractions in people's hearts. Every time the sweeper waved his broom, the air in the pavilion seemed to become fresher, and the handwriting on those scrolls became clearer. The existence of the sweeping monk makes this scripture pavilion more sacred and more peaceful.

Under the sweeper's broom, every corner of the scripture pavilion was carefully cleaned by him. He never overlooks a single detail, and every corner is spotlessly cleaned. The sweeping monk's broom seems to have infinite power, it can sweep away all dirt and keep the pavilion in its purest state.

Under the sweeper's broom, every book in the Scripture Pavilion was gently brushed by him. His movements were so gentle, as if he was afraid to disturb the peace of the scrolls. Under the sweeper's broom, the dust on the scrolls was swept away one by one, revealing their original appearance. The sweeping monk's broom is like a key that opens the mysterious door of the Scripture Pavilion.

Under the sweeper's broom, every stone slab in the Scripture Pavilion was carefully wiped by him. His movements are so serious, as if he were treating a precious work of art. Under the sweeper's broom, every mark on the stone slab was wiped clean by him, revealing their original luster. The sweeping monk's broom is like a paintbrush, depicting a beautiful picture of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Under the sweeper's broom, every pillar of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion was gently stroked by him. His movements were so gentle, as if he was comforting an old friend. Under the sweeping monk's broom, every crack in the pillar was smoothed by him, revealing their original texture. The sweeping monk's broom is like a musical instrument, playing the harmonious movement of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Under the sweeper's broom, every window of the Scripture Pavilion was gently wiped by him. His movements are so meticulous, as if he is treating a precious treasure. Under the sweeper's broom, every stain on the window was wiped clean by him, revealing their original transparency. The sweeping monk's broom is like a key that opens the door of light in the Scripture Pavilion.

Under the broom of the sweeping monk, every part of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is full of life. His movements were so harmonious, as if he was in dialogue with every corner of this scripture pavilion. Under the broom of the sweeping monk, every part of the Scripture Pavilion becomes vivid, as if they all have a life of their own. The sweeping monk's broom is like a magic wand, giving the Pavilion endless vitality.

Under the broom of the sweeping monk, every moment of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is full of tranquility. His movements were so peaceful, as if he was communicating with every moment of this scripture pavilion. Under the sweeper's broom, every moment of the Pavilion became quiet, as if they were all immersed in a deep meditation. The sweeping monk's broom is like a key that opens the door of tranquility in the Scripture Pavilion.

Under the broom of the sweeping monk, every minute and second of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is full of meaning. His movements were so focused, as if he was in dialogue with every minute and every second of this scripture pavilion. Under the broom of the sweeping monk, every minute and every second of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion becomes meaningful, as if they are all telling a deep wisdom. The broom of the sweeping monk is like a key that opens the door of wisdom in the Zangjing Pavilion.

Under the broom of the sweeping monk, every detail of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion was carefully cared for by him. His movements are so meticulous that he is treating a priceless treasure. Under the broom of the sweeping monk, every detail of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion was taken care of by him, revealing their original beauty. The broom of the sweeping monk is like a key that opens the beautiful door of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Under the broom of the sweeping monk, every book in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion exudes the light of wisdom. His movements were so solemn, as if he were treating a sacred treasure. Under the sweeper's broom, each book exudes its original light, illuminating every corner of the Scripture Pavilion. The sweeping monk's broom is like a key that opens the light of wisdom in the Scripture Pavilion.

Under the broom of the sweeping monk, every part of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is full of harmony. His movements were so coordinated, as if he was in dialogue with every part of this scripture pavilion. Under the sweeper's broom, every part of the Pavilion became harmonious, as if they were all playing a deep harmony. The broom of the sweeping monk is like a key that opens the harmonious sound of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Who is the real body of the sweeping monk? Jin Yong: Read the names of Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, and Xuzhu together

Under the broom of the sweeping monk, every moment of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is full of calm. His movements were so calm, as if he was communicating with every moment of this scripture pavilion. Under the sweeper's broom, every moment of the Pavilion became calm, as if they were all immersed in a deep calm. The broom of the sweeping monk is like a key that opens the door of peace in the Scripture Pavilion.

Under the broom of the sweeping monk, every minute and every second of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is full of tranquility. His movements were so quiet, as if he was in a dialogue with every minute and every second of this scripture pavilion. Under the broom of the sweeping monk, every minute and every second of the Pavilion became quiet, as if they were all immersed in a deep tranquility. The sweeping monk's broom is like a key that opens the door of tranquility in the Scripture Pavilion.

Under the broom of the sweeping monk, every part of the scripture pavilion is full of serenity. His movements were so serene, as if he was in a dialogue with every part of this scripture pavilion. Under the sweeper's broom, every part of the Pavilion became serene, as if they were all immersed in a deep serenity. The broom of the sweeping monk is like a key that opens the peaceful door of the Scripture Pavilion.

Under the broom of the sweeping monk, every book in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion exudes the breath of wisdom. His movements were so focused, as if he were dealing with a sacred treasure. Under the broom of the sweeping monk, each book exudes its original breath, permeating every corner of the Scripture Pavilion. The sweeping monk's broom is like a key that opens the wisdom of the Zangjing Pavilion.

Under the broom of the sweeping monk, every part of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is filled with the power of tranquility. His movements were so powerful, as if he was in dialogue with every part of this scripture pavilion. Under the sweeper's broom, every part of the Pavilion became full of power, as if they were all exuding a deep power of tranquility. The sweeping monk's broom is like a key that unlocks the tranquil power of the Scripture Pavilion.

Under the broom of the sweeping monk, every moment of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is full of peace. His movements were so peaceful, as if he was communicating with every moment of this scripture pavilion. Under the broom of the sweeping monk, every moment of the Pavilion became peaceful, as if they were all immersed in a deep peace. The broom of the sweeping monk is like a key that opens the peaceful door of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Under the broom of the sweeping monk, every minute and every second of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is filled with the glory of tranquility. His movements were so glorious, as if he was in dialogue with every minute and every second of this scripture pavilion. Under the broom of the sweeping monk, every minute and every second of the Pavilion became bright, as if they were all exuding a deep and serene light. The sweeping monk's broom is like a key that opens the tranquil light of the Scripture Pavilion.

Under the broom of the sweeping monk, every part of the Scripture Pavilion is filled with serene harmony. His movements were so harmonious, as if he was in dialogue with every part of this scripture pavilion. Under the sweeper's broom, every part of the Pavilion became harmonious, as if they were all playing a deep harmony of tranquility. The sweeping monk's broom is like a key that opens the tranquil harmony of the Scripture Pavilion.

Under the broom of the sweeping monk, every part of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is filled with the power of tranquility. His movements were so powerful, as if he was in dialogue with every part of this scripture pavilion. Sweeping

In the morning bell and dusk drum of Shaolin Temple, the little monks always have an irrepressible curiosity about the sweeping monks. They often get together and discuss the sweeper's every move in a whisper, trying to find some extraordinary clues in his mundane and mysterious daily life. The sweeping monk is always alone, silently sweeping the floor in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and his figure is both distant and close in the eyes of the little monks, both ordinary and extraordinary.

The little monks noticed that the sweeping monks always seemed extraordinarily focused and pious when sweeping the floor. Every movement of his exposes a calm and unhurried temperament, as if he is not just sweeping the ground, but is carrying out an esoteric practice. Whenever the sweeping monk gently brushed the scrolls, those ancient words seemed to glow with new vitality under his broom.

The little monks' curiosity about the sweeping monks was finally partially answered by chance. It was a sunny afternoon, and when the old monk was explaining the Dharma to the young monks, he inadvertently mentioned the sweeping monks. There was a hint of depth in the old monk's eyes, and his voice was low and powerful, as if telling an ancient legend.

The old monk told the young monks that the sweeping monk had been in the Shaolin Temple for many years, but no one knew his age and origin. The sweeping monk never talked to people too much, and he always maintained a detached attitude, as if his heart had long since transcended the distractions of the world. The old monk said that the extraordinary thing about the sweeping monk is not his identity or his past, but his unwavering and pure heart.

Who is the real body of the sweeping monk? Jin Yong: Read the names of Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, and Xuzhu together

The old monk also mentioned that the status of sweeping monks in Shaolin Temple is very special. Although he is not a senior monk in the temple, his cultivation and wisdom are deeply respected by the monks in the temple. The existence of sweeping monks, for Shaolin Temple, is a spiritual symbol and a model of practice. Every time he sweeps the floor, it is a profound understanding of Buddhism and an exploration of the true meaning of life.

The little monks were fascinated by this, and they began to observe the sweeper's every move more closely, trying to learn some of the true meaning of the Dharma from his actions. They found that the sweeping monk was always so focused and calm when sweeping the floor, as if he had no distractions in his heart. His every movement seemed so natural and smooth, as if he had some kind of ineffable connection with this scripture pavilion and these scriptures.

As time passed, the little monks' curiosity about the sweeping monks gradually turned into a kind of admiration. They began to imitate the behavior of the sweeping monks, trying to find that concentration and peace in their practice. They also began to study the Dharma more deeply, hoping to be like the sweeping monks, with a steadfast and pure heart.

The old monk was very relieved to see the changes in the little monks. He knew that the existence of the sweeping monks had deeply affected these young monks. They began to take their practice more seriously and to comprehend the Dharma more religiously. The old monk believed that the extraordinary status of the sweeping monk would inspire generations of Shaolin monks to pursue inner peace and wisdom.

The story of the sweeping monk spread in the Shaolin Temple and became a kind of legend. Whether it is a new monk or a senior monk who has been practicing for many years, they all have a deep respect for the sweeping monk. They know that although the sweeping monk is unknown, his cultivation and wisdom are the most valuable wealth of Shaolin Temple.

The image of the sweeping monk has become a symbol of the Shaolin Temple, a kind of spiritual guidance. His presence made the monks of Shaolin Temple understand that cultivation does not lie in the external form, but in the inner purity and concentration. The story of the sweeping monk will be passed down forever, inspiring every practitioner to pursue inner peace and wisdom.

The three giants of the rivers and lakes, Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, and Xu Zhu, each have a pivotal position in the martial arts. However, even characters like them, in the dialogue at the small pavilion outside the Shaolin Temple, could not help but express deep awe for the martial arts and wisdom of the sweeping monks.

Xiao Feng, as the leader of the beggar gang, is heroic and strong, but in front of the sweeping monk, he feels as if he is just a drop in the ocean. Duan Yu, the prince of Dali, although he is not known for his martial arts, his six-vein divine sword and Ling Bo Weibu are enough to make him unique in the rivers and lakes. Xuzhu, originally a small monk in Shaolin Temple, later became the head of the Xiaoyao faction, his martial arts and internal strength are unfathomable. However, even the three of them were curious and yearning for the extraordinary martial arts and profound wisdom hidden under the ordinary appearance of the sweeping monk.

In the pavilion, the three of them sat around and talked about their experiences and opinions about the sweeping monks. Xiao Feng spoke first, and there was a hint of emotion in his tone: "The sweeping monk looks ordinary, but every time I see him, I can feel the extraordinary aura emanating from him." His martial arts seem to have reached an indescribable realm. ”

Duan Yu nodded in agreement, his eyes flashing with curiosity: "I have observed the sweeping monk's movements from afar, it seems simple, but it contains profound martial arts principles. His every movement seemed so natural, as if he was one with heaven and earth. ”

Xuzhu pondered and said: "The depth of the sweeping monk's internal strength is the only one I have seen in my life. His peace of mind is even more admirable. I think his martial arts and wisdom must have gone through a long period of practice and comprehension. ”

The conversation between the three of them was full of admiration and curiosity for the sweeping monk. They decided to visit the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion at night, hoping to get guidance and understanding from the sweeping monks. They believed that the martial arts and wisdom of the sweeping monks would be of great help to their martial arts practice.

As night fell, the three of them quietly came to the outside of the Scripture Pavilion. They lightly bypassed the guards and quietly entered the Scripture Pavilion. In the dim light, they saw the figure of the sweeping monk, who was still silently sweeping the floor, as if he was not aware of their arrival.

Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, and Xu Zhu stood quietly aside, observing the movements of the sweeping monk. They found that every movement of the sweeping monk seemed so natural and harmonious, as if his broom was not sweeping the floor, but depicting a map of martial arts. They held their breath for fear of disturbing the practice of the sweeping monks.

Who is the real body of the sweeping monk? Jin Yong: Read the names of Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, and Xuzhu together

As time passed, the trio began to try to imitate the movements of the sweeping monk, hoping to learn some of the true meaning of martial arts. They found that although the sweeping monk's movements were simple, every time he swung the broom, it contained profound internal force and body changes.

Xiao Feng tried to integrate the movements of the sweeping monk into his eighteen palms of dragon descending, and he found that his palm power became more mellow and free. Duan Yu combined the movements of the sweeping monk with his six-vein divine sword, and his sword qi became more agile and unpredictable. Xuzhu integrated the movements of the sweeping monk into his own free-spirited martial arts, and his use of internal force became more subtle and far-reaching.

Under the silent guidance of the sweeping monk, the three of them each comprehended some new martial arts realms. Their hearts were full of gratitude, and at the same time, they also admired the sweeping monk's martial arts cultivation and wisdom even more. They knew that this night visit to the Hidden Scripture Pavilion would become a valuable experience in their martial arts practice.

However, the sweeping monk did not seem to be aware of their presence, and he continued to sweep the floor silently, as if his world was only this Tibetan scripture pavilion, and only these scriptures. Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, and Xu Zhu looked at each other and smiled, they knew that the extraordinariness of the sweeping monk was not something they could comprehend for a while. They decided to keep this experience in their hearts and continue to practice hard after returning home, hoping that one day they would reach the level of sweeping monks.

Late at night, the three of them quietly left the Scripture Pavilion, but their hearts were full of admiration and yearning for the sweeping monks. They believe that as long as they persevere in their cultivation, one day, they will be able to reach the pinnacle of martial arts like sweeping monks. And the figure of the sweeping monk will always inspire them to continue to move forward in the martial arts.

Outside the mountain gate of Shaolin Temple, there is a quaint pavilion, which stands quietly among the pines and cypresses, as if a wise man who has gone through vicissitudes of life, silently watching this ancient temple. In this small pavilion, the three giants of the rivers and lakes - Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, and Xu Zhu, sat together and started an in-depth conversation about the sweeping monks.

Xiao Feng, the former leader of the beggar gang, was known for his heroism and straightforwardness, but at this moment there was a subtle hint of admiration in his eyes. He broke the silence first, and said in a deep voice: "Although I have not witnessed the martial arts of the sweeping monk, every time I see him, I can feel the extraordinary temperament exuded by him. His every move seems ordinary, but in fact it contains unfathomable internal force. ”

Duan Yu, the prince of Dali, is famous for his graceful and suave and six-vein divine sword, and at this time he couldn't help but nod in agreement: "I have observed the sweeping monk's sweeping movements from afar, and the seemingly simple sweep is actually in line with the truth in martial arts. His every movement is smooth and natural, as if it merges with the natural laws between heaven and earth. ”

Xuzhu, the head of the Shaolin Temple, has a deep internal force and extensive knowledge, and he also said in a deep voice at this moment: "The depth of the sweeping monk's internal strength and the stability of his heart are the only ones I have seen in my life." His cultivation has long gone beyond the scope of martial arts and reached a realm of harmonious coexistence with nature. ”

The three of them discussed the martial arts and wisdom of the sweeping monks, and their words were full of awe and curiosity. Xiao Feng suddenly proposed: "Since we have so much respect for the sweeping monk, why don't we visit the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion at night, maybe we can get some guidance and understanding from him." ”

Duan Yu and Xuzhu glanced at each other, and their eyes showed a glint of approval. Duan Yu said with a smile: "Brother Xiao's words are very true, although we have our own strengths, if we can get the guidance of the sweeping monk, we will definitely benefit a lot." ”

Xuzhu also nodded and agreed: "The Tibetan Scripture Pavilion of Shaolin Temple is a holy place of martial arts, and the sweeping monks guard it day and night, which must have its deep meaning." If we can understand one or two things from this, it will be of great help to our own martial arts practice. ”

As night fell, the three of them came lightly to the outside of the Scripture Pavilion. Holding their breath, they cautiously bypassed the guards and quietly entered the Scripture Pavilion. In the dim light, they saw the figure of the sweeping monk, who was still silently sweeping the floor, as if he was not aware of their arrival.

Who is the real body of the sweeping monk? Jin Yong: Read the names of Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, and Xuzhu together

Outside the mountain gate of Shaolin Temple, Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, and Xu Zhu sat in the small pavilion, and their eyes invariably turned to the direction of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. In the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, the figure of the sweeping monk loomed in the dim light, and the seemingly simple sweeping action made the three top masters in the rivers and lakes feel awe.

Xiao Feng, the former leader of the beggar gang, is famous for his heroic spirit and extraordinary martial arts, but at the moment he is curious about the ordinary actions of the sweeping monk. He knows very well that real masters are often hidden in the ordinary, and every movement of the sweeping monk may contain profound martial arts philosophy.

Duan Yu, the prince of Dali, is famous in the rivers and lakes for his suave and six-vein divine sword skills. He was also full of curiosity about the martial arts and wisdom of the sweeping monk, hoping to get some inspiration from the sweeping monk to improve his martial arts cultivation.

Xu Zhu, the head of the Carefree School, although young, is respected by people in the rivers and lakes for his profound internal strength and unique martial arts insights. He admired the sweeping monk's internal force and mental cultivation, and longed to get a glimpse of the martial arts secrets of the sweeping monk.

The three of them discussed for a long time in the small pavilion, and finally decided to visit the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion at night, hoping to get guidance and understanding from the sweeping monk. They believed that the sweeping monk's martial arts cultivation and wisdom would be of great help to their martial arts practice.

The three of them returned to the pavilion and continued to discuss their experiences and their respective realizations. Xiao Feng felt that his palm technique was more rounded, Duan Yu's swordsmanship was more agile, and Xuzhu's internal force was more exquisite. They knew that this was just the beginning, and the sweeping monk's martial arts were unfathomable, and they needed more time and effort to comprehend and practice.

They decided that from now on, they would study the martial arts of the sweeping monk more deeply, not only to learn his movements, but also to learn his mentality and spirit. They believe that only by truly understanding the essence of the martial arts of the sweeping monk can they go further in the martial arts.

The three of them spent a sleepless night in the pavilion, their hearts filled with excitement and anticipation. They knew that this night visit to the Zangjing Pavilion would be an important turning point in their martial arts practice. They are looking forward to more opportunities in the future to deeply study and comprehend the martial arts of the sweeping monks.

As the sky grew brighter, the three reluctantly left the pavilion and returned to their respective lives. But in their hearts, they always remember the experience of visiting the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion at night, as well as the inspiration and guidance given to them by the sweeping monks. They believe that as long as they persevere in their cultivation, one day, they will also be able to reach the level of sweeping monks and become true martial arts masters.

In the deep silence of the Shaolin Temple's Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, the three leaders in the rivers and lakes - Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, and Xu Zhu were fortunate to receive the guidance of the sweeping monks. They sat around this seemingly ordinary but unfathomable monk, listening to his profound insights into martial arts, life, and all things in the universe.

The sweeping monk's voice was calm and deep, and he did not directly answer the questions of the Big Three about martial arts techniques, but talked about the importance of inner peace and self-transcendence from a broader perspective. He said: "The way of martial arts is not only the external fist and foot kung fu, but also the inner cultivation. Only when the heart reaches true peace can one transcend oneself and reach the highest level of martial arts. ”

The words of the sweeping monk were like morning bells and dusk drums, shaking the hearts of the three martial arts masters. They realized that although they had achieved something in martial arts, their inner cultivation was far from reaching the realm that the sweeping monk said. The sweeping monk continued: "Inner peace is not to escape from reality, but to stay awake in the midst of chaos and not be shaken by the outside world. ”

The sweeping monk then told the story of the Buddha's enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, as a way to convey to the triumvirate the teachings of letting go of attachment and opening wisdom. He said: "The Buddha meditated under the Bodhi tree for 7749 days, letting go of all attachments and desires, and finally realized the true meaning of life. Although we are not Buddhas, we can also learn from his spirit, learn to let go, and learn to open up the wisdom of the heart. ”

Who is the real body of the sweeping monk? Jin Yong: Read the names of Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, and Xuzhu together

The words of the sweeping monk deeply touched the three martial arts masters. Xiao Feng pondered, he thought of his past grievances and hatreds, and realized that only by letting go of these attachments could he truly reach the free realm of martial arts. Duan Yu thought of the mystery of his life experience and his dedication to love, and he began to think about how to let go of these external constraints and pursue inner peace. Xu Zhu reflected on his dependence on the martial arts of the Xiaoyao School, and he realized that only by transcending these external techniques could he truly comprehend the essence of martial arts.

The sweeping monk looked at the three martial arts masters, and he knew that they had begun to transform their hearts. He continued: "The highest level of martial arts is not to defeat the opponent, but to defeat oneself. When we are able to transcend ourselves and achieve inner peace, we will be able to perceive the weaknesses of our opponents as well as our own weaknesses, so as to achieve true invincibility. ”

Every word of the sweeping monk was like a beacon that illuminated the hearts of the three martial arts masters. They began to realize that martial arts was not just a fighting technique, but also a philosophy of life, a deep understanding of life and the universe.

Under the inspiration of the sweeping monk, the three martial arts masters began to re-examine their martial arts path. They realized that the cultivation of martial arts is not only the exercise of the body, but also the cultivation of the soul. They decided that from now on, they should pay more attention to inner cultivation and pursue inner peace and self-transcendence.

The words of the sweeping monk were like a clear spring, nourishing the hearts of the three martial arts masters. They felt that their hearts had become wider and deeper, and their understanding of martial arts had become more profound. They knew that this conversation with the sweeping monk would be an important turning point in their martial arts practice.

With the passage of time, the three martial arts masters gradually comprehended the true meaning of martial arts under the inspiration of the sweeping monk. They began to see the world, their opponents, and themselves in a more peaceful and intelligent way. Their hearts have become stronger, and their martial arts have become more sophisticated.

The philosophical enlightenment of the sweeping monk not only affected the three martial arts masters, but also affected the entire rivers and lakes. They spread the wisdom of the sweeping monks to all directions, so that more people can benefit from this profound martial arts philosophy. And the sweeping monk still silently swept the floor in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and with his actions and words, he continued to enlighten everyone who sought wisdom and peace.

Under the dim light of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, and Xu Zhu stood quietly, waiting for the teachings of the sweeping monk. Their hearts were full of anticipation and awe, because they knew that this seemingly ordinary monk in front of them had wisdom and cultivation beyond ordinary people.

The sweeping monk stopped the broom in his hand, his eyes were calm and deep, as if he could perceive people's hearts. He spoke slowly, with an indescribable tranquility in his voice: "The way of martial arts is not the strength of bare hands, nor the skill of skill, but the tranquility of the heart and the clarity of the meaning." ”

The triumvirate listened to the sweeping monk's words, and they could feel the deep meaning behind these simple words. The sweeping monk continued: "The peace of mind is not a lake without waves, but a sea without waves. No matter how the outside world changes, you can maintain a sense of clarity and tranquility in your heart. ”

Xiao Feng pondered, he thought of his past excitement and impulsiveness, and realized that those were all manifestations of inner unpeace. Duan Yu thought of his attachment to emotions and began to think about how to let go of these attachments in order to achieve inner peace. Xu Zhu reflected on his pursuit of martial arts, and realized that true martial arts is not only an external skill, but also a manifestation of internal cultivation.

The sweeping monk looked at them and continued: "Self-transcendence is not to transcend others, but to transcend one's own limitations. Everyone has potential powers, and it is only when you are able to transcend your fears, doubts, and attachments that you can truly unleash these powers. ”

His words were like morning bells and dusk drums, awakening the deep consciousness of the Big Three. The sweeping monk also mentioned the story of the Buddha's enlightenment, saying, "The Buddha was under the Bodhi tree, not seeking external supernatural powers, but seeking inner awakening. He let go of all attachments, including attachment to the self, and eventually attained supreme enlightenment. ”

The triumvirate was deeply touched by the words of the sweeping monk, and they began to realize that the highest level of martial arts was not to defeat their opponents, but to achieve inner freedom and tranquility. Xiao Feng felt that his heart had become more open-minded, and he began to understand that true strength came from inner peace and firmness.

Who is the real body of the sweeping monk? Jin Yong: Read the names of Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, and Xuzhu together

Duan Yu felt that his emotions became deeper, and he began to learn how to transform emotions into inner strength, rather than letting them become his own constraints. Xu Zhu felt that his concept of martial arts had been sublimated, and he began to realize that the true meaning of martial arts lies in harmonious coexistence with nature and integration with his true inner self.

The words of the sweeping monk were like a beacon, illuminating the way forward for the triumvirate. They began to look at martial arts, life, and the world with a new perspective. Their hearts have become broader, and their martial arts have become more profound.

The sweeping monk looked at them with a hint of relief in his eyes. He knew that these three people had already begun to transform their hearts, and they would bring this transformation into their martial arts practice, into their own lives, and finally achieve true self-transcendence.

In the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, the dialogue between the sweeping monk and the triumvirate lasted for a long time. They discussed martial arts, life, the universe, and discussed the heart, emotions, and wisdom. The words of the sweeping monk were like a clear spring, nourishing the hearts of the three giants, allowing them to take a solid step on the path of martial arts cultivation.

With the passage of time, the three giants, under the inspiration of the sweeping monk, gradually comprehended the true meaning of martial arts. Their hearts have become stronger, and their martial arts have become more sophisticated. They knew that this conversation with the sweeping monk would be an important turning point in their martial arts practice, leading them to a higher realm.

In the tranquility of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion of Shaolin Temple, the sweeping monk took the story of the Buddha's enlightenment as a guide and conveyed the profound teachings of letting go of attachment and opening wisdom to the three giants of Xiao Feng, Duan Yu and Xuzhu. These three leaders in the rivers and lakes, although they are strong in martial arts, but in front of the sweeping monks, their hearts are as pure as newborn babies, eager for the nourishment of wisdom.

The sweeping monk's voice is calm and powerful, and he slowly recounts the Buddha's enlightenment experience under the Bodhi tree: "After countless practices and explorations, the Buddha finally chose to meditate under the Bodhi tree. He let go of all the prosperity and attachment in the world, including his attachment to himself, and finally realized the true meaning of life after 7749 days. ”

Xiao Feng listened, his heart, which had fluctuated due to hatred and honor, was unusually calm at the moment. He began to wonder, although his martial arts were powerful, had he also been bound by these external attachments? He realized that the real strength may not lie in the external martial arts, but in the inner peace and clarity.

Duan Yu was deeply touched by the words of the sweeping monk, and he thought of his dedication to Wang Yuyan and his sense of responsibility to Dali. He began to reflect on whether he should let go of these attachments and seek a more transcendent state. He felt that only by letting go could he truly open his inner wisdom and comprehend the deeper meaning of martial arts.

Xu Zhu, the young head of the Carefree School, although he had mastered advanced martial arts at a young age, under the teachings of the sweeping monk, he felt that his understanding of martial arts was far from enough. He began to realize that martial arts is not only a skill, but also a spiritual practice. He was determined to let go of his dependence on the martial arts of the Xiaoyao School and seek a more essential way of martial arts.

The sweeping monk looked at the three martial arts masters, and he knew that they had begun to transform their hearts. He continued: "Letting go of attachment is not to give up pursuit, but not to be confused by external things in the pursuit, and to maintain inner clarity and freedom. Only in this way can you unlock true wisdom and comprehend the highest realm of martial arts. ”

The Triumvirate was fascinated by the words of the sweeping monk, and they began to try to put them into practice. Under the guidance of the sweeping monk, Xiao Feng began to practice internal strength, trying to find inner peace through vipassana. Duan Yu tried to integrate his emotions into martial arts, making them the source of his strength. Inspired by the sweeping monks, Xuzhu began to explore the deeper connection between the harmonious coexistence of martial arts and nature.

With the passage of time, under the teachings of the sweeping monks, the triumvirate gradually realized the true meaning of letting go of attachment and opening wisdom. Their hearts have become broader, and their martial arts have become more profound. They began to look at martial arts, life, and the world with a new perspective.

Who is the real body of the sweeping monk? Jin Yong: Read the names of Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, and Xuzhu together

The teachings of the sweeping monks are like a beacon that illuminates the path forward for the triumvirate. Their minds have become stronger, and their martial arts have become more sophisticated. They knew that this conversation with the sweeping monk would be an important turning point in their martial arts practice, leading them to a higher realm.

In the tranquility of the Shaolin Temple's Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, and Xuzhu began a deep self-reflection under the inspiration of the sweeping monk. They looked back on what they had done in the rivers and lakes, every fight, every contest, and the waves caused by their persistence. The words of the sweeping monks were like morning bells and dusk drums, awakening their deep inner consciousness.

Xiao Feng, the former leader of the beggar gang, was tortured by the mystery of his life experience and the grievances of the rivers and lakes. Under the guidance of the sweeping monk, he began to realize that the real strength does not come from the strength of martial arts, but from the peace and clarity of the mind. He remembered the anger and hatred he had had, and those emotions were like a storm that made him lose his mind. Now, he understands that only by letting go of these attachments can he achieve inner peace and truly control his own power.

Duan Yu, the prince of Dali, once felt lost due to emotional entanglements and identity constraints. The teachings of the sweeping monk taught him that true freedom is not about escaping, but about finding peace in the depths of the heart. He began to reflect on his dedication to Wang Yuyan and his responsibility to Dali. He realized that only when his heart was at peace could he love others better and take on his own responsibilities better.

Xu Zhu, the head of the Carefree School, once felt pressure from the burden of his master and the pursuit of martial arts. The words of the sweeping monk made him realize that the highest level of martial arts is not the mastery of skills, but the harmony of the soul. He began to let go of his over-reliance on the martial arts of the Loose School and instead sought a way of martial arts that coexisted in harmony with nature. He realized that only when his mind was integrated with all things in heaven and earth could he comprehend the true meaning of martial arts.

The three of them expressed their deep agreement with the teachings of the sweeping monks. They know that these teachings are not only a guide to martial arts, but also an enlightenment to life and the philosophy of life. They decided to take these teachings to heart as a guideline for their future walks.

Under the inspiration of the sweeping monk, the minds of the triumvirate began to grow significantly. Xiao Feng's mind has become more open-minded, and his martial arts have become more mellow, no longer having the fierceness and impulsiveness of the past. Duan Yu's emotions became deeper, and his six-vein divine sword became more agile as a result, no longer affected by emotional fluctuations. Xuzhu's internal force has become more refined, and his free-spirited martial arts have become more natural as a result, and he no longer has the deliberate and forcible requirements of the past.

As time passed, the Triumvirate gradually realized the importance of peace of mind under the teachings of the sweeping monks. Their hearts have become stronger, and their martial arts have become more sophisticated as a result. They began to look at martial arts, life, and the world with a new perspective.

The teachings of the sweeping monks are like a beacon that illuminates the path forward for the triumvirate. Their hearts have become broader, and their martial arts have become more profound as a result. They knew that this conversation with the sweeping monk would be an important turning point in their martial arts practice, leading them to a higher realm.

With the passage of time, the three giants, under the inspiration of the sweeping monk, gradually comprehended the true meaning of martial arts. Their hearts have become stronger, and their martial arts have become more sophisticated as a result. They knew that this conversation with the sweeping monk would be an important turning point in their martial arts practice, leading them to a higher realm.

In the seclusion of the Shaolin Temple's Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, and Xuzhu, three outstanding figures in the rivers and lakes, were deeply touched by the words of the sweeping monk. They began to reflect on what they had done in the past in the rivers and lakes, and those past struggles, grievances, honors and setbacks gradually showed new meaning under the inspiration of the sweeping monks.

Xiao Feng, the leader of the beggar gang who had suffered from the mystery of his life experience and the grievances of the rivers and lakes, began to re-examine his heart under the guidance of the sweeping monk at this moment. He realized that true strength lay not in how many enemies he could defeat, but in his ability to maintain peace and clarity in the face of adversity. He thought back to the anger and hatred he had had, and those emotions were like a raging storm that made him lose his mind and direction. Now, he understands that only by letting go of these attachments can he achieve inner peace and truly control his own power.

Under the inspiration of the sweeping monk, the three began to reflect deeply. They realize that every contest and every battle in the rivers and lakes is a test of their hearts. They began to understand that true strength does not come from external martial arts, but from inner peace and wisdom. They realize that only when their hearts are strong enough can they be as stable as Mount Tai in the turmoil of the rivers and lakes and not be shaken by the disturbances of the outside world.

Who is the real body of the sweeping monk? Jin Yong: Read the names of Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, and Xuzhu together

Xiao Feng began to cultivate internal strength, trying to find inner peace through vipassana. He has learned to stay sober and calm with every swing of his palm, making his martial arts more mellow and natural. Duan Yu integrated his emotions into martial arts, making them the source of his strength. As a result, his six-vein divine sword became more agile and no longer affected by emotional fluctuations. Under the inspiration of the sweeping monk, Xuzhu began to explore the deeper connection between the harmonious coexistence of the martial arts of the Xiaoyao School and nature, and his internal strength became more refined, and the martial arts became more natural.

Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, and Xu Zhu, three outstanding figures in the rivers and lakes, have been enlightened like never before under the teachings of the sweeping monks. They were deeply recognizant of the Sweeper's philosophy of inner peace and self-transcendence, and were determined to take these valuable teachings to heart as a guide for their future journeys.

Xiao Feng, the leader of the beggar gang who was once known for his heroism and bravery, is now under the guidance of the sweeping monk, and begins to realize that the real brave man is not to convince people with his strength, but to convince people with his heart. He realized that his past self was too obsessed with the grievances and personal honor and disgrace of the rivers and lakes, and neglected the peace and clarity of his heart. The words of the sweeping monk were like a clear stream, washing away the dust in his heart, making him realize that only by letting go of these attachments can he achieve true strength.

Duan Yu, the prince of Dali, once felt lost due to emotional entanglements and identity constraints. The teachings of the sweeping monk taught him that true freedom and liberation is not about escaping reality, but about finding peace in the depths of the heart. He began to reflect on his dedication to Wang Yuyan and his responsibility to Dali, and realized that only when his heart was at peace, could he better love others and better assume his responsibilities.

Xu Zhu, the young head of the Carefree Sect, once felt pressure due to the burden of his master and the pursuit of martial arts. The words of the sweeping monk made him realize that the highest level of martial arts is not the mastery of skills, but the harmony of the soul. He began to let go of his over-reliance on the martial arts of the Xiaoyao School, and instead sought the way of martial arts to coexist in harmony with nature, realizing that only when his mind was integrated with all things in heaven and earth could he comprehend the true meaning of martial arts.

Under the inspiration of the sweeping monks, the three of them began to reflect deeply on their past, and at the same time, they were also thinking about how to apply these teachings to their future lives. They decided that no matter where they went, no matter what difficulties and challenges they encountered, they would maintain peace and clarity in their hearts and not be shaken by the distractions of the outside world.

Xiao Feng began to add vipassana and meditation practices to his daily practice, making his martial arts more mellow and natural. He's learned to stay awake and calm with every punch he throws, making his power more precise and effective.

Duan Yu integrated his emotions into martial arts, making them the source of his strength. As a result, his six-vein divine sword became more agile and no longer affected by emotional fluctuations. He learned how to translate personal emotions into love for others and compassion for the world.

Inspired by the sweeping monks, Xuzhu began to explore the deeper connection between the harmonious coexistence of martial arts and nature. His internal strength became more refined, and his martial arts became more natural as a result. He learned how to harmonize his movements with his breath and with the rhythm of heaven and earth, so as to achieve harmony with nature.

In the scripture pavilion of the Shaolin Temple, the identity of the sweeping monk has always been a mystery. His presence seems to be isolated from the world, and he only silently sweeps the floor every day, but he gives guidance to each visitor with deep wisdom and calmness. However, as time passes, an astonishing truth is gradually revealed - the sweeping monk is actually the legendary Xiaoyaozi in the rivers and lakes.

Xiaoyaozi, the name once resounded throughout the martial arts, he is known for his otherworldly martial arts and carefree attitude to life. However, on a stormy night, he suddenly disappeared into the rivers and lakes, leaving behind countless legends and mysteries. No one knows where he went or why he left. It is only now that this mystery has been revealed in the Scripture Pavilion of the Shaolin Temple.

Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, and Xu Zhu felt an unprecedented spiritual shock under the teachings of the sweeping monk. They began to notice the extraordinary temperament of the sweeping monk in his speech and demeanor, as well as his deep understanding of martial arts and the philosophy of life. None of this is something that an ordinary monk can have. Finally, after a long conversation late at night, the Sweeper revealed his true identity to them.

The sweeping monk, also known as Xiaoyaozi, revealed a transcendent calm in his eyes, and he slowly told his story. He said: "In the rivers and lakes, I used to have countless honors and fame, but those are fleeting. The real strength lies not in how many opponents can be defeated, but in whether you can overcome your own heart. I chose to come to Shaolin Temple incognito in order to pursue inner peace and spiritual freedom. ”

Who is the real body of the sweeping monk? Jin Yong: Read the names of Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, and Xuzhu together

Xiaoyaozi's choice shows a realm that transcends fame, power, and grievances. He gave up all his status and glory in order to pursue a more essential life. His story deeply touched Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, and Xu Zhu, and they began to reflect on their dedication and pursuit of rivers and lakes.

Xiao Feng realizes that he has been tormented by the mystery of his life and the grievances of the rivers and lakes, but now he understands that the real strength lies in the peace of mind. Duan Yu realized that his attachment to emotions and confusion about his identity were all due to his lack of inner peace. Xuzhu realized that the highest level of martial arts is not the mastery of skills, but the harmony of the soul.

Xiaoyaozi's story and choices became a catalyst for the spiritual growth of the trio. They began to learn from Xiaoyaozi, let go of their attachment to the rivers and lakes, and pursue inner peace and spiritual freedom. They know that only when their hearts are strong enough can they truly transcend the chaos of the rivers and lakes and reach a higher realm.

With the passage of time, the three of them gradually realized the importance of peace of mind under the inspiration of Xiaoyaozi. Their hearts have become stronger, and their martial arts have become more sophisticated as a result. They began to look at martial arts, life, and the world with a new perspective.

Xiaoyaozi's teachings are like a beacon, illuminating the path of the three of them. Their hearts have become broader, and their martial arts have become more profound as a result. They knew that this conversation with Xiaoyaozi would be an important turning point in their martial arts practice, leading them to a higher realm.

In the Scripture Pavilion, the dialogue between Xiaoyaozi and the Big Three lasted for a long time. They discussed martial arts, life, the universe, and discussed the heart, emotions, and wisdom. Xiaoyaozi's words were like a clear spring, nourishing the hearts of the three giants, allowing them to take a solid step on the path of martial arts cultivation.

With the passage of time, the three giants, under the inspiration of Xiaoyaozi, gradually comprehended the true meaning of martial arts. Their hearts have become stronger, and their martial arts have become more sophisticated as a result. They knew that this conversation with Xiaoyaozi would be an important turning point in their martial arts practice, leading them to a higher realm.

In the scripture pavilion of Shaolin Temple, the identity of the sweeping monk has always been a mystery. His presence seems to be isolated from the world, and he only silently sweeps the floor every day, but he gives guidance to each visitor with deep wisdom and calmness. However, as time passes, an astonishing truth is gradually revealed - the sweeping monk is actually the legendary Xiaoyaozi in the rivers and lakes.

Xiaoyaozi, the name once resounded throughout the martial arts, he is known for his otherworldly martial arts and carefree attitude to life. He was once a legendary figure in the martial arts, and won the admiration of countless martial arts people with his extraordinary martial arts and transcendent philosophy. However, after reaching the pinnacle of martial arts, he suddenly disappeared into the rivers and lakes, leaving behind countless legends and mysteries. No one knows where he went or why he left.

It wasn't until in the Shaolin Temple's Scripture Pavilion that the mystery was revealed. The sweeping monk, this obscure monk on weekdays, turned out to be the Xiaoyaozi of the year. He chose to go incognito and came to the Shaolin Temple to pursue inner peace and spiritual freedom.

In the legends of the rivers and lakes, Xiaoyaozi was once a generation of martial arts masters, his martial arts were unfathomable, his whereabouts were erratic, and he pursued the highest level of martial arts all his life. However, as the years passed, he gradually realized that the true meaning of martial arts was not to defeat his opponents, but to have peace and freedom of heart. So, he made an astonishing decision - to give up all fame and fortune, go incognito, come to Shaolin Temple, become a sweeping monk, and live an indifferent and quiet life in obscurity.

Xiaoyaozi's choice is a profound self-transcendence. He transcended the temptation of fame and fortune, the shackles of power, and the entanglement of grievances, and chose a path to spiritual freedom and inner peace. In the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion of Shaolin Temple, he was accompanied by the scriptures and dust every day, but he found his true self in this ordinary.

Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, and Xuzhu were deeply touched after learning that the sweeping monk was Xiaoyaozi. They began to reflect on what they had done in the past in the rivers and lakes, whether they had also been trapped by fame and fortune, burdened by power, and disturbed by grievances. The story of Xiaoyaozi is like a mirror, reflecting their inner confusion and persistence.

Xiaoyaozi told them: "The way of martial arts lies in the heart. If the heart is restless, no matter how high the martial arts are, it is just a castle in the air. A true warrior should take the heart as the sword and the intention as the edge, surpass the self, and achieve the realm of internal and external unity. His words were simple and profound, and they went straight to the heart.

Xiao Feng was deeply inspired, and he began to understand that the reason why he was able to become the leader of the beggar gang was not only because of his strong martial arts, but also because of his firmness and broadness of heart. He decided to put aside his past grievances and face the challenges of the future with a more open mind.

Duan Yu found his emotional home in Xiaoyaozi's teachings. He understands that his dedication to Wang Yuyan should not become his shackles, but his inner strength. He learned how to translate personal emotions into love for others and compassion for the world.

Under the influence of Xiaoyaozi, Xuzhu began to re-examine his martial arts path. He realized that the martial arts of the Xiaoyao School should not just be a pile of skills, but a cultivation of the soul. He began to explore how to combine the martial arts of the Xiaoyao School with inner peace in order to reach the highest level of martial arts.

Xiaoyaozi's story and choices not only affected Xiao Feng, Duan Yu, and Xuzhu, but also affected the entire martial arts. With his actions, he has shown the world an attitude of life that is detached from the world, pursuing spiritual freedom and inner peace. His existence has become a legend and an inspiration, leading people to pursue a higher state of life.

In the Scripture Pavilion of the Shaolin Temple, the dialogue between Xiaoyaozi and the Big Three lasted for a long time. They discussed martial arts, life, the universe, and discussed the heart, emotions, and wisdom. Xiaoyaozi's words were like a clear spring, nourishing the hearts of the three giants, allowing them to take a solid step on the path of martial arts cultivation.

As time passed, the triumvirate, under the inspiration of Xiaoyaozi, gradually realized the importance of peace of mind. Their hearts have become stronger, and their martial arts have become more sophisticated as a result. They began to look at martial arts, life, and the world with a new perspective.