
When a woman begins to age, most of the body will have 4 manifestations, did you know?

author:Dr. Xiaoli's health science
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As we age, our body functions change, especially in women. For women over the age of 35, understanding the specific manifestations of aging and its causes can not only help them take effective maintenance measures, but also prepare them psychologically and face the process more calmly. This article will discuss in detail the four common physical manifestations of female aging, and provide scientific maintenance recommendations based on relevant research data.

Increased skin sagging and wrinkles

Skin is one of the most intuitive manifestations of female aging. As we age, the collagen and elastin fibers in the skin gradually decrease, causing the skin to lose its elasticity and become saggy.

The skin's moisture content also decreases, making the skin dry, rough, and wrinkles begin to appear, especially on the face, neck, and hands.

When a woman begins to age, most of the body will have 4 manifestations, did you know?

The severity and distribution of skin wrinkles can predict bone mineral density (BMD) and fracture risk in women. A study conducted by the American Endocrine Society evaluated skin wrinkles and bone mineral density in 114 early menopausal women and found that the deeper the wrinkles, the lower the bone density. The stiffness of the skin is associated with higher bone density, suggesting that collagen changes in the skin and bones may be one of the reasons for the changes in bone density.

Care Recommendations:

1. Keep your skin clean, exfoliate regularly, and use moisturizing skincare products.

2. Avoid prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays, use sunscreen and wear protective clothing.

3. Eat a balanced diet with plenty of antioxidant-rich foods, such as fruits and vegetables.

4. Get enough sleep and have good lifestyle habits.

Decreased bone density and osteoporosis

As women age, their bone density gradually decreases and their risk of osteoporosis increases. Osteoporosis is a bone disease characterized by thinning, weakening bones that are prone to fractures. This phenomenon is particularly pronounced in postmenopausal women, as the decline in estrogen levels accelerates the decline in bone density.

When a woman begins to age, most of the body will have 4 manifestations, did you know?

Researchers have found that there is a significant correlation between the severity of skin wrinkles and bone density. In a study led by Lubna Pal, researchers evaluated skin wrinkles and bone mineral density in 114 early menopausal women and found that the deeper the wrinkles, the lower the bone density . This suggests that by observing changes in the skin, doctors can predict the risk of fractures and provide more precise prevention and treatment options.

When a woman begins to age, most of the body will have 4 manifestations, did you know?

Prevention and treatment:

1. Maintain a balanced diet with adequate calcium and vitamin D.

2. Engage in moderate exercise, such as walking, jogging, yoga, etc.

3. Regular bone density tests for early detection and treatment of osteoporosis.

4. Avoid alcohol and tobacco and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Decreased metabolic rate and weight gain

As we age, a woman's basal metabolic rate gradually decreases, which means that the body consumes fewer calories at rest, which can easily lead to weight gain.

As women age, their muscle mass also gradually decreases, while fat mass may increase, which can also lead to weight gain.

When a woman begins to age, most of the body will have 4 manifestations, did you know?

A Mayo Clinic study noted that as we age, the body's metabolic rate decreases, especially in the case of inactivity, which can lead to weight gain.

In order to maintain a healthy weight, it is recommended that women exercise regularly and choose foods that are low in fat, sugar, and fiber, and avoid excessive intake of foods that are high in calories, fat, and sugar.

When a woman begins to age, most of the body will have 4 manifestations, did you know?

Ways to control your weight:

1. Choose foods that are low in fat, sugar, and fiber, and control your dietary intake.

2. Regular aerobic exercise and strength training to increase muscle mass and metabolic rate.

3. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid sitting and overeating.

Decreased physiological function and menopausal symptoms

As women age, their physiological functions gradually decline, especially their ovaries. When ovarian function gradually declines, women will experience menopause with a series of symptoms such as irregular menstruation, hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, mood swings, etc. These symptoms not only affect a woman's quality of life, but can also have a negative impact on mental health.

When a woman begins to age, most of the body will have 4 manifestations, did you know?

In a study by the American Endocrine Society, collagen changes in the skin and bones were strongly associated with a decrease in physiological function, especially during menopause, where wrinkles and changes in skin stiffness were closely associated with a decrease in bone density.

Ways to relieve symptoms:

1. Maintain good lifestyle habits and attitude, and face physical changes positively.

2. Get enough sleep and avoid staying up late and overexertion.

3. Conduct regular health check-ups to detect and treat symptoms early.

4. Under the guidance of a doctor, rational use of drugs and psychological counseling.


As we age, a woman's body undergoes a series of changes, including sagging skin, increased wrinkles, decreased bone density, decreased metabolic rate, weight gain, decreased physiological function and menopausal symptoms.

These changes not only affect a woman's appearance, but can also have a profound impact on their health and quality of life. By being aware of these changes and taking appropriate care measures, women can slow down the aging process and maintain a healthy and positive attitude towards life.

Women should focus on eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and having regular health check-ups to detect and treat possible problems early when facing aging. Maintaining a positive and optimistic mindset is also one of the important strategies to cope with aging.

When a woman begins to age, most of the body will have 4 manifestations, did you know?


1. Lubna Pal. Not Just Skin and Bones: Wrinkles Could Predict Women’s Bone Fracture Risk. Yale News, 2011年6月.

2. Endocrine Society. Skin wrinkles may predict bone density in early menopause. Contemporary OB/GYN, 2011年6月.

3. Mayo Clinic Staff. Aging: What to expect. Mayo Clinic, 2023年.

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