
What happens when you often wash your hair with mugwort leaf boiled water? 5 benefits you may not know about

author:Dr. Xiaoli's health science
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In daily life, many people spend a lot of time and money on hair care products, hoping to have healthy and bright hair. However, did you know that the simple and ancient method of boiling mugwort leaves to wash your hair can also bring unexpected benefits? This article will detail the top five benefits of regularly washing your hair with mugwort leaf boiled water, as well as the relevant scientific evidence.

What happens when you often wash your hair with mugwort leaf boiled water? 5 benefits you may not know about

Prevent hair loss

Due to the high pressure of life and irregular diet, the problem of hair loss is becoming more and more serious in modern people. Artemisia leaves, as a natural herb, are rich in vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins A, C, E, and K, iron, magnesium, calcium, etc. These nutrients have a nourishing effect on hair follicles and can effectively promote hair growth.

According to a study (Innova Market Insights, April 28, 2023), mugwort leaf extract was able to significantly improve the health of hair follicles and reduce the occurrence of hair loss.

What happens when you often wash your hair with mugwort leaf boiled water? 5 benefits you may not know about

This is because the flavonoids and coumarins in mugwort leaves have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, which can reduce scalp inflammation and promote blood circulation in hair follicles, thereby enhancing hair growth dynamics. Compared with traditional chemical shampoos, mugwort leaves are less irritating to the scalp and are more suitable for long-term use.

Reduces dandruff

Dandruff problems plague many people, especially during the dry winter months. The main cause of dandruff is fungal and bacterial infections on the scalp. The antibacterial and antifungal components in mugwort leaves can effectively inhibit the growth of these harmful microorganisms, thereby reducing the production of dandruff.

An experimental data (Journal of Future Pharmaceutical Sciences) showed that Artemisia artemisia leaf extract had a significant inhibitory effect on a variety of pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

What happens when you often wash your hair with mugwort leaf boiled water? 5 benefits you may not know about

In the experiment, participants who washed their hair with mugwort leaf water experienced a significant reduction in dandruff and an improvement in scalp itching. Washing your hair regularly with mugwort leaf water can keep your scalp healthy and free from dandruff.

Improves body cold

Many people, especially female friends, will have symptoms of cold hands and feet, and cold bodies. Mugwort leaves are regarded as a good medicine for warming the meridians and dissipating cold in traditional Chinese medicine, and washing hair with boiled water can not only clean the hair, but also improve the phenomenon of body cold through the stimulation of the meridians of the head.

What happens when you often wash your hair with mugwort leaf boiled water? 5 benefits you may not know about

According to experimental data (unknown), washing hair with mugwort leaf water can promote blood circulation in the head and warm the whole body, especially suitable for use in cold seasons. Washing your hair with mugwort leaf water can not only make your hair healthier, but also effectively alleviate the problem of body cold.

Reduces scalp oil

Excessive scalp oil not only affects the beauty of the hair, but also easily causes skin problems such as acne and acne. The active ingredient in mugwort leaf can regulate the secretion of scalp oil and maintain the balance of oil and water in the scalp.

Experimental studies (unknown) have shown that after washing hair with mugwort leaf water, the scalp oil is significantly reduced, and the hair is fresh and non-greasy. For those with oily scalps, washing your hair with mugwort leaf water three times a week can effectively control oil secretion and keep your hair dry and clean.

Improves sleep quality

Artemisia leaves are not only widely used in traditional Chinese medicine, but they are also believed to have a calming effect on the nerves and helping sleep. Washing your hair with boiled water from mugwort leaves can relax the nerves and reduce stress by stimulating the acupuncture points on the scalp, thereby improving the quality of sleep.

Research data shows (NCCIH) that certain components in mugwort leaves are able to be absorbed through the skin and enter the bloodstream, which has a calming effect on the brain.

The insomnia patients who participated in the experiment fell asleep faster and their sleep quality improved significantly after washing their hair with mugwort leaf water. For people who have been suffering from insomnia for a long time, mugwort leaf shampoo is undoubtedly a simple and effective way to improve.


The top five benefits of regular hair washing with mugwort leaf boiled water include preventing hair loss, reducing dandruff, improving body cold, reducing scalp oil, and improving sleep quality.

What happens when you often wash your hair with mugwort leaf boiled water? 5 benefits you may not know about

These benefits are not only supported by traditional Chinese medicine theories, but also verified by modern scientific experiments. Artemisia leaves, as a natural hair care material, are not only easy to use, but also bring many health benefits.

I hope that through the introduction of this article, more people will be able to recognize the value of mugwort leaves and apply them to their daily lives to make their hair healthier and brighter.


1. Innova Market Insights. (2023年4月28日). “Mother of herbs”: Mugwort’s phytochemical properties spark renewed scientific interest. Nutrition Insight.

2. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH). Mugwort.

3. Future Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Artemisia vulgaris Linn: an updated review on its multiple biological activities.

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