
A report from my father's experience

author:When will my spring breeze come?

The health center of our town organizes a free physical examination for the elderly in the town every year.

This event has been held many times, and each time the car sent by the health center to pick up people in the village, everyone gathers in the village, and then waits patiently for the car to arrive.

The elderly who go for free physical examinations start from the age of 60 years old (including 60 years old), and on the first day of their visit, the doctor of the village committee will notify them from village to village, from house to house, and one by one.

Some time ago, the doctor of the village committee came to inform the old people in the village to go to the town health center for a free physical examination.

Early the next morning, a car drove from the health center and took the elderly in the village to the town's health center for a physical examination in three trips.

After the experience, it was divided into three trains and pulled all the old people back to the village.

A few days later, the doctors from the village committee health center sent their physical examination reports to the elderly people in the village.

I sent two copies from home, one for my father's medical examination report and one for my mother.

This time for the physical examination, I was very fortunate that I did not hear of any elderly people in the village who were seriously ill, which is gratifying.

After the physical examination report was delivered to me, I opened the report, which was densely filled with various physical examination data, which was relatively professional and I couldn't understand it.

After the physical examination, is there any abnormality in the body? I can't understand this report just by reading it, because the technical terminology in it is very strong, and only doctors in this profession can understand it.

I looked at the report, left and right, and was there anything unusual in this report?

Part II: Inspection Report

the name of the general condition item; test results; Unit; Project name; test results; Unit.

Body temperature 36.3

The height is 156.5cm and the weight is 65.9KG

Pulse rate 80 beats/min

Respiratory rate 18 breaths/minute





A report from my father's experience

Urinalysis data

A report from my father's experience


A report from my father's experience


A report from my father's experience

To put it bluntly, I really can't read it!

However, I heard the doctor of the village committee who sent the report say: "Through the physical examination, the two elderly people in your family have high blood pressure and fatty liver, so they usually pay more attention to diet, rest, and exercise, and the problem should not be big." ”

It was indeed a lot of relief to hear her say this.