
It's hot, remind heart patients: 3 small things can't be sloppy, don't exchange ignorance for life

author:Doctor Tan said health

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The heat of summer is a severe test for heart patients, and the increase in temperature will make the body's blood vessels dilate, and the burden on the heart will increase, thus increasing the risk of heart attack.

Therefore, there are some details that heart patients should pay special attention to during the hot summer months to avoid life-threatening conditions.

It's hot, remind heart patients: 3 small things can't be sloppy, don't exchange ignorance for life

The main character of the story is Mr. Lee, a retired business executive who has always been health-conscious, but as he gets older, heart problems become apparent.

On a hot summer day, Mr. Li suddenly felt chest tightness and discomfort, and his family rushed him to a nearby hospital.

In the emergency room, Mr. Li was quickly admitted to the emergency room by an experienced middle-aged doctor, who carefully inquired about Mr. Li's symptoms and medical history, and quickly arranged a series of tests such as electrocardiogram, blood tests and chest X-ray.

It's hot, remind heart patients: 3 small things can't be sloppy, don't exchange ignorance for life

After carefully reviewing the examination results, the doctor found that Mr. Li's electrocardiogram showed abnormal fluctuations, and the cardiac enzyme index of the blood test was also elevated, and the preliminary diagnosis was acute coronary syndrome, and the doctor immediately decided to transfer Mr. Li to the cardiology ward for further observation and treatment.

In the ward, Mr. Lee's attending physician is a young but very dedicated doctor.

It's hot, remind heart patients: 3 small things can't be sloppy, don't exchange ignorance for life

After confirming Mr. Lee's condition, he explained the condition to Mr. Lee and his family in detail, and emphasized the special precautions for heart disease during the summer months.

The doctor said, "Mr. Li, your condition requires our attention, especially in the summer, and there are a few things that must not be overlooked. ”

It's hot, remind heart patients: 3 small things can't be sloppy, don't exchange ignorance for life

After hearing this, Mr. Li asked nervously, "Doctor, what are the things that need special attention?" ”

The doctor replied: "First of all, the high temperature in summer can easily cause dehydration, which will increase the viscosity of the blood and increase the burden on the heart.

So it's important to stay hydrated, drink at least eight glasses of water a day, and avoid activities under the scorching sun. ”

It's hot, remind heart patients: 3 small things can't be sloppy, don't exchange ignorance for life

The doctor continued: "Secondly, you should also pay special attention to your diet, it is easy to lose your appetite in summer, but you must maintain a balanced nutrition, eat more foods rich in vitamins and fiber, and avoid foods high in salt and fat. ”

Mr. Li smiled and said, "I have always been more mindful of my diet, but I will be more careful. ”

The doctor then reminded: "Finally, in the summer, you should pay attention to rest and avoid strenuous exercise and emotional agitation. These can increase the burden on the heart.

It's hot, remind heart patients: 3 small things can't be sloppy, don't exchange ignorance for life

You can choose to take a walk early in the morning or late in the evening when the weather is cooler, but avoid going out in the middle of the day when the heat is high. ”

After listening to the doctor's advice, Mr. Li took a deep breath and sighed: "Doctor, fortunately I came in time today, otherwise I really don't know what would have happened." ”

The doctor smiled and patted Mr. Li on the shoulder: "You are in good condition now, but pay attention to these details and protect your heart." ”

It's hot, remind heart patients: 3 small things can't be sloppy, don't exchange ignorance for life

Mr. Li's condition gradually stabilized under treatment and observation in the hospital. After being discharged from the hospital, he strictly followed the doctor's advice, maintained proper exercise every day, paid attention to diet and water intake, and avoided overexertion in hot weather.

Through these lifestyle adjustments, his heart health has improved greatly.

Through Mr. Li's story, we can see that heart disease patients need to pay special attention to three small things in the summer:

It's hot, remind heart patients: 3 small things can't be sloppy, don't exchange ignorance for life

Adequate hydration, a balanced diet, and proper rest and exercise. These seemingly simple measures are the key to protecting your heart health.

Studies have shown that the increase in temperature in summer will lead to increased perspiration in the human body, and if water is not replenished in time, it will lead to blood concentration, slower blood flow, increased burden on the heart, and easy to induce cardiovascular diseases such as angina pectoris and myocardial infarction.

It's hot, remind heart patients: 3 small things can't be sloppy, don't exchange ignorance for life

Maintaining adequate water intake is especially important for people with heart disease.

In addition, loss of appetite is common in summer, but people with heart disease must maintain a balanced diet.

A diet high in salt and fat will increase the burden on the heart, while foods rich in vitamins and fiber will help reduce blood lipids and protect cardiovascular health.

It's hot, remind heart patients: 3 small things can't be sloppy, don't exchange ignorance for life

Finally, proper rest and exercise are also important for heart disease patients. Hot weather can easily cause fatigue and heat stroke, which can increase the burden on the heart, so avoid strenuous exercise under the scorching sun.

Choose light exercise, such as walking, tai chi, etc., in the early morning or late afternoon when the weather is cooler, to help improve your heart and lungs, but avoid overexertion and emotional agitation.

It's hot, remind heart patients: 3 small things can't be sloppy, don't exchange ignorance for life

The hot summer months are a challenging time for heart patients, but as long as you pay attention to the details of your life, you can effectively prevent heart attacks.

I hope that all heart disease patients can follow the doctor's advice strictly like Mr. Li, protect their hearts and enjoy a healthy and happy life.

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[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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