
The student was beaten by the coach so that "I don't know my father" and was taken criminal coercive measures, and netizens fried the pot

author:Ink 0 Danqing
The student was beaten by the coach so that "I don't know my father" and was taken criminal coercive measures, and netizens fried the pot

What kind of nightmare did this child go through? The father went to the martial arts school to quietly see his son, and found that the 14-year-old child was being pressed to the ground by the coach to smoke, is this a strict teacher or abuse? This matter has once again triggered extensive discussion and thinking among parents. Can such a martial arts school child really go?


The cause of the matter

Recently, the father of a child complained about the Shaolin Tagou Martial Arts School in Songshan, Dengfeng, Henan, saying that he went to visit the child at the school on June 21, and happened to see the child being pressed to the ground by the coach and beaten.

The student was beaten by the coach so that "I don't know my father" and was taken criminal coercive measures, and netizens fried the pot

The child was in a sluggish state of mind, and even did not recognize his father, and after being sent to the hospital for treatment, he was also found to have large bruises, redness, swelling and scars on the child's entire buttocks, thighs, neck, and body. The hospital diagnosis certificate shows that the child has a mental disorder.

The student was beaten by the coach so that "I don't know my father" and was taken criminal coercive measures, and netizens fried the pot

The child's father told reporters that since February 15, the child has been sent to this school, and the tuition and miscellaneous fees are as high as 40,000 or 50,000 yuan a year. On June 21, he quietly went to visit the school, and happened to see the scene just mentioned, and according to the information he provided to reporters, the continuous beating of the child has been happening for half a month, and it is beaten with a stick.

The student was beaten by the coach so that "I don't know my father" and was taken criminal coercive measures, and netizens fried the pot

In today's situation, after the incident, the child's father decisively chose to call the police, and the coach involved has been detained by the police, and he has reported it with his real name to seek an explanation for the child. Netizens have a lot of discussions about this.

See what netizens have to say

The student was beaten by the coach so that "I don't know my father" and was taken criminal coercive measures, and netizens fried the pot
The student was beaten by the coach so that "I don't know my father" and was taken criminal coercive measures, and netizens fried the pot

[捂脸] [捂脸] [捂脸]

The student was beaten by the coach so that "I don't know my father" and was taken criminal coercive measures, and netizens fried the pot

[I want to be quiet] [I want to be quiet] [I want to be quiet]

The student was beaten by the coach so that "I don't know my father" and was taken criminal coercive measures, and netizens fried the pot

I only wish the child a speedy recovery, and may the truth come out and give an explanation to the family.

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