
Yu Zheng responds to 'qqny': a new definition of 'shame' in the entertainment industry?

author:Xiao Hao told interesting stories


Yu Zheng's "QQNY" turmoil

In the entertainment industry, Yu Zheng's name is always closely linked to controversy. No, he has recently been pushed to the forefront because of the topic of "QQNY". Some netizens picked up the shopping account of Wang Xingyue on social media, and some of the private items sparked widespread discussion.

Yu Zheng responds to 'qqny': a new definition of 'shame' in the entertainment industry?

And when some netizens asked directly in the comment area of Yu Zheng: "Teacher Yu, do you wear QQNY?" Yu Zheng's answer was unexpectedly frank: "I don't think it's a shame to wear QQNY." He further explained that it is normal to show yourself and make it more interesting for your partner. He also asked rhetorically, I don't know what everyone is laughing at, is he the only one who thinks so?

Wang Xingyue's "shopping cart" secret


Wang Xingyue, the young actor's private life has become the focus of public discussion because of the exposure of an online shopping record. Netizens showed great interest in the items in his shopping cart, and some even began to question his personality.

Yu Zheng responds to 'qqny': a new definition of 'shame' in the entertainment industry?

But Yu Zheng's response to this matter was quite calm, not only did he deny that he would wear this kind of clothing, but also said that even if it was true, it would not be a big deal. He even questioned how feudal those who created such rumors were in their hearts to feel that such rumors could hurt others.

Yu Zheng's "calf protection" mode


Yu Zheng's response is not only an answer to a simple question, but also a manifestation of his consistent "calf protection" model in the entertainment industry.

Yu Zheng responds to 'qqny': a new definition of 'shame' in the entertainment industry?

He not only defended Wang Xingyue, but also tried to divert the public's attention, emphasizing that Wang Xingyue has always been a young boy who is serious about falling in love and has no bad record. Yu Zheng's approach is undoubtedly to maintain Wang Xingyue's image, but it has also caused more controversy and discussion.

Wang Xingyue's "top stream" road


Wang Xingyue's turmoil, although it brought him a lot of negative impacts, also invisibly increased his exposure. Some netizens even ridiculed that Wang Xingyue is really popular this time, and the next top stream must be him.

Yu Zheng responds to 'qqny': a new definition of 'shame' in the entertainment industry?

And Yu Zheng seemed to be happy to see it, and even said that even if he was "dead", he would let Wang Xingyue and Wu Jinyan continue to cooperate. This kind of almost "crazy" support makes people sigh that the entertainment industry is complex and changeable.

Controversial summary


Yu Zheng's response undoubtedly once again proved his status as a controversial figure in the entertainment industry. His views on the "QQNY" incident, although frank and direct, have also caused a lot of controversy. There is support for his openness as a sign of respect for individual freedom; There are also those who criticize him for being too indulgent, arguing that this attitude may have a bad effect on young fans. In any case, this incident reminds us once again that every small action in the entertainment industry may become the focus of public discussion, and how to deal with these focuses is not only the wisdom of celebrities, but also their personality charm.

Yu Zheng responds to 'qqny': a new definition of 'shame' in the entertainment industry?

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