
Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and the netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

author:Gentle wung at the fingertips

Chapter 1: A Warm Campus Reunion

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and the netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

Wei Dongyi, a mathematical genius on the campus of Peking University, is affectionately called "Wei Shen" by netizens because of his unique academic charm. In the soft autumn sun, his cousin walked into the campus of Peking University with two lively children. It was a long-lost reunion, and the children's laughter echoed in the quiet schoolyard, and Wei Dongyi's face showed a rare smile. They strolled the campus paths together, and finally chose an on-campus cafeteria, where they sat around and shared food and fun.

During this period, my cousin took pictures of heartwarming moments and uploaded these videos to the Internet. Wei Dongyi in the picture interacted with the children, and his gentle eyes and loving gestures immediately attracted the attention of thousands of netizens.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and the netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

Chapter 2: Careful Observation of Netizens

As the video spread, the comment section began to be lively. However, in addition to the praise of this warm scene, some sharp-eyed netizens noticed some small details about Wei Dongyi. A netizen left a message: "Look, the edges of Wei Shen's sleeves are worn, and no one around him reminds him to pay attention to these life details?" Another netizen also added: "Sister, can you help my brother buy a few new clothes, we should take good care of such a genius." ”

These messages are not only full of care, but also reveal the subtle attention and love of netizens for Wei Dongyi's daily life.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and the netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

Chapter 3: The Cousin's Positive Response

In the face of netizens' proposals, my cousin showed her caring side. She replied to every message in the comment area that cared about Wei Dongyi's life, promising to take Wei Dongyi to buy some new clothes and ensure that he would have a comfortable lifestyle. The cousin's response not only made netizens feel warm, but also showed her sense of responsibility for the family.

"Don't worry, I'll do it according to everyone's concerns, and I'll definitely make my brother's life better." The cousin said in the comment area that her words made many netizens feel reassured.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and the netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

Chapter 4: Speculation on Love Life

While caring about Wei Dongyi's daily life, there are always some enthusiastic netizens who lead the topic to a more personal realm. A netizen half-jokingly asked @cousin in the comments: "Sister, how is Wei Shen's love life?" Does he have a girlfriend? Faced with a sudden question, my cousin simply replied, "Oh, well, not yet." ”

Although it was a light-hearted answer, it also indirectly revealed that Wei's personal life as an academic-focused mathematician may not have been as colorful as his academic achievements.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and the netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

Chapter 5: Love and Care in the Community

With the passage of time, netizens' concern for Wei Dongyi gradually converged into a trend. Someone summarized several issues that netizens are most concerned about in the comment area, such as "Don't let Wei Shen take the college entrance examination questions, leave him some time for research", "Make sure Wei Shen has enough clothes and daily necessities", and "Wei Shen should be taken care of by someone".

My cousin was very touched by the community's help and seriously considered how to implement the kindness of these networks. "I really appreciate everyone for caring so much and I will do my best." The cousin said in a reply under the video.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and the netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

Chapter 6: The Unexpected Appearance of Volunteers

Just when everyone was still discussing how to provide better care for Wei Dongyi, a netizen in Beijing unexpectedly spoke: "I am from Beijing, if I can, I am willing to take care of Wei Shen's daily life, including diet and daily arrangements." I just hope that he can give me some guidance on my child's education. ”

This netizen's proposal surprised everyone, but it also made people feel the respect and admiration of the society for talents. My cousin was both surprised and grateful for the unexpected volunteer, but she also understood that any decision about Wei Dongyi would require his own consent.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and the netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

In short, this series of stories not only shows the interaction between a scholar, his family, and society, but also reflects the public's respect and love for talent and pure academic pursuits.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and the netizens in the comment area were so busy that they fainted with laughter

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