
The reversal of the Fudan beating incident? The students supported the teacher to reveal the truth, and the identity of the beater was finally exposed!

author:Clever pineapple
The reversal of the Fudan beating incident? The students supported the teacher to reveal the truth, and the identity of the beater was finally exposed!

Behind the Campus Violence: How Colleges and Universities Can Solve the Mental Health Dilemma of Students

On June 19, the originally solemn graduation ceremony of Fudan University Law School fell into a storm due to a sudden incident of campus violence. A boy rushed to the front desk and threw his fist at the teacher standing in the front row, startling both the teachers and students at the scene. This incident instantly aroused widespread concern from all walks of life.

The reversal of events and the truth

The reversal of the Fudan beating incident? The students supported the teacher to reveal the truth, and the identity of the beater was finally exposed!

How exactly did it happen? What kind of motives do students have for hitting people? What is the truth?

With the in-depth investigation of the incident, this seemingly simple beating incident turned out to be a dramatic reversal. It turned out that the student who hit the student was not aimed at the teacher who was beaten, but mistakenly recognized the teacher as another school leader.

It is reported that the beating student's name is Xia, a special student from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan at the Law School of Fudan University, who is from Taiwan. The investigation found that Xia had been strongly dissatisfied with certain policies of the school, and had repeatedly tried to use extreme measures to express his demands, including scribbling on test papers and making inappropriate remarks. However, these actions did not attract the attention of the school, but put him in an even more embarrassing situation.

The reversal of the Fudan beating incident? The students supported the teacher to reveal the truth, and the identity of the beater was finally exposed!

On the day of the graduation ceremony, a desperate Xia finally made up his mind to use violent means to try to get the attention of the school. Unfortunately, due to his impulsiveness and recklessness, he mistook the teacher who was loved by his students in the front row for his target.

According to the students present, the beaten teacher usually treats people kindly and is deeply loved by the students. The teachers are not only knowledgeable, but also very patient and meticulous in dealing with students, and often take the initiative to answer students' questions and give a lot of help. This incident left everyone very shocked and puzzled.

Looking at this shocking incident of campus violence, I couldn't help but sigh: what is the reason why a once ordinary student has embarked on such an extreme path? What's the story behind this?

The reversal of the Fudan beating incident? The students supported the teacher to reveal the truth, and the identity of the beater was finally exposed!

The inner world of the student

Through an in-depth investigation of the incident, we found that the personal condition of the beating student Xia may have been an important cause of the incident.

It is understood that Xia is usually very withdrawn, and his relationship with his classmates is also tense. Moreover, he has always had a strong dissatisfaction with the school's policies, and has repeatedly tried to use extreme measures to express his demands, but has failed to attract the attention of the school.

The reversal of the Fudan beating incident? The students supported the teacher to reveal the truth, and the identity of the beater was finally exposed!

While facing family pressure, Xia's heart was also full of helplessness and despair. He had always hoped to drop out, but for various reasons, he never did. This long-term anxiety and frustration undoubtedly exacerbated his inner instability, so that he finally chose a violent way to get the attention of the school.

It is not difficult for us to find that Xia's extreme behavior is closely related to his long-term psychological condition. As a withdrawn, introverted student, he may have been facing the dilemma of not being able to get along with others and finding support and help. The school also lacks sufficient attention and attention to the mental health of these students.

The reversal of this incident once again triggered my thinking about mental health education for college students. How exactly can schools better care for students' mental health so as to avoid similar tragedies from happening again?

The reversal of the Fudan beating incident? The students supported the teacher to reveal the truth, and the identity of the beater was finally exposed!

Lack of mental health education in colleges and universities

Through the analysis of this incident, it is not difficult to find that colleges and universities do have some problems and deficiencies in student mental health education.

First of all, colleges and universities need to pay more attention to students' mental health problems. Many colleges and universities focus on students' academic performance and career prospects, while often ignoring the psychological state of students. For a student like Xia, the school may focus more on his academic performance and behavior and ignore his inner struggles and dilemmas.

Second, mental health counseling in colleges and universities needs to be strengthened. Although many colleges and universities have established psychological counseling centers, the actual results of these counseling centers are not satisfactory due to the limited faculty, uneven professional standards, and low awareness of psychological counseling among students. When many students encounter problems, they often choose to bear them alone rather than seek help in time.

Thirdly, colleges and universities also have some deficiencies in the construction of campus culture. Some colleges and universities pay too much attention to test-taking education and credit grades, and ignore the all-round development of students. During their time at school, students may lack channels to participate in the construction of campus culture and lack opportunities to communicate with school management, which can lead to the accumulation of inner dissatisfaction and anxiety to a certain extent.

In addition, there are also some problems in the home-school linkage of colleges and universities. When dealing with student issues, schools often rely more on their own strength and ignore the role of parents. For students like Xia, the care and guidance of parents is particularly important, but if the school cannot form good communication and cooperation with parents, it is difficult to really help students get out of the predicament.

Overall, this incident reflects some shortcomings and deficiencies in the mental health education of students in colleges and universities. If effective measures are not taken in time to improve it, I am afraid that more similar incidents will occur.

Countermeasures to improve mental health education in colleges and universities

In view of the problems existing in the mental health education of students in colleges and universities, I believe that we should start to improve and enhance from the following aspects:

First, colleges and universities should pay more attention to students' mental health. Schools should make the holistic development of students a top priority, focusing not only on students' academic performance, but also on their psychological well-being. School leaders should personally attach importance to and participate in the work of students' mental health education, and make it the top priority of the school's work.

Second, colleges and universities should improve the mental health counseling system. Schools should increase investment in mental health counseling centers, introduce more professional psychological counselors, and improve the professional quality of counselors. At the same time, cooperation with external mental health professional institutions should be strengthened to provide students with more professional and comprehensive services.

Third, colleges and universities should create a good campus cultural atmosphere. Schools should take the initiative to pay attention to students' demands and provide them with more channels for expression and participation. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the construction of campus culture and create a more democratic, free and inclusive campus environment, so that students can grow up healthily and happily during their time at school.

In addition, colleges and universities should also strengthen home-school linkage. Schools should establish regular communication mechanisms with parents to keep abreast of students' performance and dynamics in the family, and work together to find solutions. At the same time, it is also necessary to guide parents to better participate in students' mental health education, and form a school-family-society linkage mechanism.

Finally, colleges and universities should also strengthen the construction of teaching staff. In addition to counselors, schools should also cultivate a team of teachers who understand mental health and are good at paying attention to the needs of students. Through special training, teachers can improve their ability to observe and analyze students' psychological conditions, and enhance their awareness of mental health education in the daily teaching process.

By taking the above measures, I believe that we will be able to further improve the level of mental health education for college students, effectively maintain campus safety, and promote the all-round and healthy growth of students.

In fact, this incident of violence on campus in Fudan is not an isolated case. In recent years, similar incidents have occurred from time to time, which has aroused widespread concern from all walks of life. We must be vigilant to understand the importance and urgency of mental health education for college students. Only by fundamentally solving the mental health problems of students can we truly create a harmonious and stable campus environment and cultivate more healthy and mature talents for the future development of the country.

Let us work together to inject new vitality into the mental health education of college students and pave the way for them to a better future. Only by solving the inner predicament of students can we fundamentally avoid the occurrence of tragedy.