
Should the in-laws bring grandchildren, should the daughter-in-law be paid? After listening to the lawyer's explanation, netizens were not calm

author:Planting flowers and rabbits
Should the in-laws bring grandchildren, should the daughter-in-law be paid? After listening to the lawyer's explanation, netizens were not calm


Material source: Douyin Shenzhen Qu lawyer

In today's society, with the change of family structure and the acceleration of modernization, a thought-provoking question has gradually surfaced: when in-laws take the initiative to take care of their grandchildren, should daughters-in-law give them a certain amount of compensation?

This is not only about emotional communication within the family, but also involves both legal and moral considerations.

"Filial piety comes first, no trace of the heart, no trace of the poor family, no filial piety." This ancient adage shows the important position of filial piety in Chinese culture. However, in modern society, with the concept of the rule of law deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, should we re-examine this traditional concept of family ethics?

When the in-laws give up their leisurely life in their later years to devote themselves to the busy work of taking care of their grandchildren, how should the daughters-in-law respond to their hard work?

Should the in-laws bring grandchildren, should the daughter-in-law be paid? After listening to the lawyer's explanation, netizens were not calm

Case review

In the bustling city, Aunt Zhang and Uncle Wang, a retired couple, originally lived a leisurely life in their old age. However, with the birth of their grandson, Xiao Ming, their lives have changed dramatically.

The son and daughter-in-law were busy with work and had no time to take care of Xiao Ming, so Aunt Zhang and Uncle Wang took the initiative to take care of their grandson.

Every day, they get up early to prepare breakfast, pick up Xiao Ming to and from school, and help him with his homework in the evening. Despite the hard work, they never complained.

Should the in-laws bring grandchildren, should the daughter-in-law be paid? After listening to the lawyer's explanation, netizens were not calm

As time passed, her daughter-in-law Xiao Li gradually realized that her in-laws' efforts were not taken for granted.

She saw her in-laws give up their hobbies and social activities in order to take care of Xiao Ming, and even sacrificed time with old friends. Xiao Li felt deeply guilty, and she began to think about how to repay her in-laws for their hard work.

One night, Xiao Li proposed his thoughts to his in-laws at the dinner table: "Mom and Dad, you have paid so much for us to take care of Xiao Ming, I am really grateful." I want to give you some money every month as a reward, and I hope you will accept it. ”

Aunt Zhang and Uncle Wang were stunned when they heard this, they never thought of getting any reward from Xiao Li. In their minds, taking care of their grandchildren is a matter of course. But Xiao Li's sincerity and persistence made them feel the filial piety and respect of their daughter-in-law. Eventually, they accepted Xiao Li's offer.

Should the in-laws bring grandchildren, should the daughter-in-law be paid? After listening to the lawyer's explanation, netizens were not calm

Legal analysis

According to the relevant provisions of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, parents have the obligation to raise, educate and protect their minor children. However, there is no clear obligation in law for in-laws to bring grandchildren.

In other words, it is not a legal obligation for in-laws to take grandchildren. On the other hand, the Civil Code also emphasizes the principle that family members should respect and help each other.

Therefore, it is in line with the spirit of the law for a daughter-in-law to give her in-laws a certain amount of remuneration if conditions permit.

Should the in-laws bring grandchildren, should the daughter-in-law be paid? After listening to the lawyer's explanation, netizens were not calm

Profound lessons

Through this case, it is not difficult for us to see that the traditional concept of family ethics and the modern concept of the rule of law are not incompatible. With respect for the law, we can be more flexible in our relationships within the family.

Regarding the issue of in-laws bringing grandchildren, we should abandon the old concept of "natural righteousness" and respect the labor and sacrifice of in-laws more.

By giving them a certain amount of remuneration or other forms of return, we can make our in-laws feel the warmth and respect of the family, and we can also make our daughters-in-law cherish this hard-won family affection more.

The majority of netizens also expressed their views on this matter

Should the in-laws bring grandchildren, should the daughter-in-law be paid? After listening to the lawyer's explanation, netizens were not calm
Should the in-laws bring grandchildren, should the daughter-in-law be paid? After listening to the lawyer's explanation, netizens were not calm
Should the in-laws bring grandchildren, should the daughter-in-law be paid? After listening to the lawyer's explanation, netizens were not calm
Should the in-laws bring grandchildren, should the daughter-in-law be paid? After listening to the lawyer's explanation, netizens were not calm
Should the in-laws bring grandchildren, should the daughter-in-law be paid? After listening to the lawyer's explanation, netizens were not calm


"Family and everything is prosperous", family harmony and happiness are inseparable from the joint efforts and dedication of each family member. When in-laws take the initiative to take care of their grandchildren, daughters-in-law should be more open and tolerant of their contributions.

By giving our in-laws a certain amount of remuneration or other forms of return, we can not only express our gratitude and respect for them, but also make the family relationship more harmonious.

In this era of rapid change, let's look at family relationships from both legal and moral perspectives to create a better future together.

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