
The end of Escobar's career as a salesman

author:Only for a lifetime

With the money, Escobar still had a lot of pain.

First of all, he can't have his own house, a famous car, a beautiful wife and a lover like those rich people on the street. He was still confined to a dirty motel and had nothing to belong to.

Secondly, now he is still alone, and he does not have a woman of his own. Although in the past two years, he has visited almost all the fine brothels in Medellín, playing with women of all colors in the world. However, there is not a single woman who belongs to him, and there is not a single time when he does not pay before going to bed.

It's not that he doesn't have the money to marry a woman, it's that he can't marry a woman with a head, a face, a status and status. Due to the continuous car thefts in Medellín City, which have attracted the attention of the police, the rumors are getting tighter and tighter. Therefore, Ochoa repeatedly warned him not to be overly public, otherwise the police would come to the door. In this way, Escobar did not dare to act rashly, so he had to pass the long night in the bed of one prostitute after another.

Another thing that haunted Escobar was the insult he had been insulted by the lady who asked him for the ring. He could never forget the tone and demeanor in which she said to herself viciously, "I see that your suit must have been stolen."

Now, not to mention one ring, even ten rings, he can afford to wear all ten of her fingers. However, Escobar never went to her to settle the score. This has always been a problem in his heart. He went to Ochoa many times to complain about his pain, but each time Ochoa was persuaded by the same reason.

One night, Escobar walked into a brothel and was greeted by a very boring Brazilian woman. After struggling with her sexually unsexy body for dozens of minutes, Escobar threw down two dollar bills and walked out. At this time, a feeling of unfulfilled content finally drove him into the bar that had humiliated him. As soon as he entered, he found that the woman at the bar was still there. He walked over like a drunken man, snapped his fingers at the barmaid, and said with great vigour:

"Miss, bring me a glass of whiskey!"

When Escobar said this, his eyes deliberately looked up at the colorful ceiling instead of looking at her mula-like face. However, the rest of his eyes accurately caught the surprised look of the barmaid, and knew that she was slowly pouring wine into the glass.

"Sir, give you wine."

Escobar heard the barmaid greet him.

He stared at her arrogantly for a long time with a condescending gaze before he slowly took the glass and took a sip gently.

Suddenly, he frowned and shouted:

"Ah, stinky, what is this, is this also called wine? Owner, owner ......"

By the time the chubby boss heard the noise, Escobar had dropped his glass on the barmaid. The glass shattered on the marble floor with a "clang", and the wine poured over the barmaid.

The boss was surprised and said:

"What's the matter, sir, this whiskey is 2,000 pesos for me!"

The rest of the customers watched the farce with wide eyes.

Escobar became more energetic when he saw it, and he threw a wad of dollars at his boss and said:

"That's $200, that's enough for a glass of whiskey!" However, I will tell you, I saw that this woman was not whiskey, but strong Qicha wine, so you can do it! ”

And when he had said that, he walked away. When he turned around, he glanced at the girl's weeping face proudly, and his heart seemed to be much lighter.

However, Escobar's prank did not make the owner of the bar fire the bar girl's squid, but his behavior attracted the attention of many people.

A car salesman sells for $200, which is the equivalent of ten months' salary! That night, a city senator who was present at the scene to witness the farce reported the situation to the police chief of the city of Medellín. Because he seemed to recognize the man who threw down the $200, the car salesman who sold him the 1 million pesos worth 250CT Ferrari, and his own Ferrari disappeared after only four months.

On the basis of this clue, the Medellín Municipal Police Department contacted the car sales company. The investigation revealed that more than 20 of the nearly 50 cars sold by Escobar had been stolen.

This was a truly unexpected discovery.

Escobar was then summoned as a suspect, arraigned by the police, and three days later held a sworn hearing in the Medellín court, where he was formally charged.

When Ochoa heard the news, he couldn't help but scold Escobar: "Bastard! ”

Three days later, the swearing-in hearing took place as scheduled.

In addition to the three judges, there was a jury of five representatives of the citizens of the city of Medellín, including that Ochoa. In addition to reporters from various newspapers, radio and television stations, and more than 100 citizens, there were also many owners of cars who had lost their cars. The parliamentarian was among them, and he was a witness to the hearing, along with the owner of the bar and the barmaid.

Ochoa was on the jury because he was rich and famous, and belonged to the kind of respected upper class in the city of Medellín, even among celebrities. If his true face is revealed, then he should be standing in the dock.

Standing in the dock, however, today is Escobar, a car salesman. Escobar did not regret his actions that night. He knew that even without the actions of that night, this day would come sooner or later, just a matter of time. He's starting to hate this kind of day when people don't have ghosts.

He just felt a little funny about Ochoa, who was sitting on the jury bench with dignity. He couldn't help but look up at him again. He noticed that Ochoa was also looking at him at this time.

He certainly won't admit his guilt. Yesterday, Ochoa's defense lawyer for him told him that the key was not to admit that he could drive a car and that his boss would prove it for him.

Escobar, of course, knew that the lawyer's "appearance fee" would never be less than a kickback for stealing two cars.

The one-and-a-half-hour hearing ended, and the court did not find any evidence of Escobar's theft of the car. A car salesman cares about cars, goes in and out of various places with cars, and continues to keep in touch with customers after sales, asking about the condition of the car and related questions, which is within the normal scope of duty. After-sales service is worth advocating, and this is the professional ethics that any person engaged in business activities should have. Besides, a man who does not know how to drive a car cannot steal it without the help of his accomplices, unless he can push it away; If it is to be said that he has accomplices, but at the moment there is no indication of this. As for saying that he was generous and didn't take $200 as a thing, this is a bit rare and strange. In times like these, everyone has a way to make money. Customers' "kickbacks", "thank you fees", etc., are all good things that a salesman can often encounter. Also, if you like to gamble, if you're lucky, you'll make a fortune. Gambling should not be discussed in court as long as no one is killed......

- These are the main points of the lawyer's defense, and he kept Escobar out of the wind from all sides, and he exculpated it perfectly. This could not help but make Escobar look the other way. It's really "all roads lead to Rome", and the kung fu on the mouth is also high and low.

In court, Escobar's boss also testified as a witness that his subordinate not only did not know how to drive a car, but was also a loyal and dedicated employee. In order to maintain the company's image, he is willing to vouch for Escobar in his personal and corporate name.

The court finally ruled to accept the boss's guarantee, drop the charges against Escobar, release him on the spot, and "go home" with the boss.

However, as soon as Escobar returned to the company, the boss officially announced to him:

"From now on, you have been fired from the company, in the future, all your actions have nothing to do with the company, please stop swaggering in the name of the company, otherwise, I will send you to court again." Fuck off now, friend! I hope I don't see you again! ”

Escobar is completely understandable for this anger from his boss. He smiled tolerantly at his boss and walked out the door of the car sales company almost happily.

Bidding farewell to his career as a salesman, Escobar officially began his later "lifelong career".