
Kunsha surrendered, and the two drug lords shook hands and made peace

author:Only for a lifetime

In December 1995, a piece of news that shocked the world became the focus of media reports in various countries.

"Khun Sha, the drug king of the Asian Golden Triangle, has surrendered to the Myanmar junta, and specific matters are being discussed."

"Kunsha, the world's biggest drug king, put down the butcher's knife."

Then, on January 2, 1996, people from all over the world watched on a television news program the surrender of the Khun Sa drug trafficking armed forces, the "Shan Mong Thai Army", at a surrender ceremony presided over by Maung Din, Minister of Ethnic Affairs of the Myanmar Military Government.

Khun Sha led more than 7,000 armed men to surrender to the government, and surrendered a large number of guns, ammunition and other military supplies.

So far, the Kunsha armed drug trafficking syndicate, which has been rampaging in the Golden Triangle for 40 years, and has the world's strongest strength, the largest scale, the largest number of troops, the latest equipment, and the most profound scourge to the world, has basically collapsed. The "Shan State" established by Khun Sha also came to an end.

Kunsha surrendered, and the two drug lords shook hands and made peace


The sudden dissolution of the Kunsha Group has puzzled the world. What happened so that this poisonous demon who never gave in would obediently surrender to the government forces overnight?

In addition to the strong international anti-drug pressure and the anti-drug efforts of Myanmar and Thailand, another important reason is that his old rival Luo Xinghan gave him a knife in the back, which made him have to take the road of surrendering to the government.

It was indeed a dramatic ending.

This knife of Luo Xinghan is his righteous son Gong Yaping.

In that year, Kunsha captured Luo Xinghan's base camp - Yang Family Dazhai, and ordered Luo Xinghan's big butler Weiqi to be cut down. At the age of 4, he witnessed the tragic murder of his father, and the seeds of hatred were buried deep in his heart from then on. Gong Yama, who became an orphan, was adopted as a righteous son by Luo Xinghan.

Gonyashi was a very hardworking child and his academic performance was always at the top. In 1985, he was admitted to the Faculty of Law of the National University of Myanmar.

In 1988, there was a student demonstration movement in Yangon against the military dictatorship. As a student leader, he gave speeches, called for freedom and democracy, organized student demonstrations, and became a wanted criminal in the military government's hunt.

Mr. Lopingham had been released and was working on a farm outside Mandalay. He had been dormant for six years, and when he saw that Kun Sha had made a fiery situation, he hated it so much. Now Yoshiko has come to him, so that he has a plot to sprout, if Gong Ya is placed in Kunsha's troops, it will definitely be a time bomb in the future, and Kunsha's old life will be killed at a critical moment.

Luo Xinghan told Gong Yatai about this idea, and Gong Yatai understood it and agreed.

Luo Xinghan introduced the character traits of Kun Sha and Zhang Suquan to Gong Yatai one by one, and repeatedly emphasized three sentences: endure humiliation, lie in ambush for a long time, and wait for an opportunity to move.

Kunsha surrendered, and the two drug lords shook hands and made peace

In October 1988, Gong Ya and dozens of wanted college students arrived in Kun Sha after more than 20 days of arduous trekking.

They were all blindfolded and tied up and pushed in front of Kun Sha and Zhang Suquan.

After untying the ropes and blindfolds of the group, both Kun Sha and Zhang Suquan were attracted by Gong Ya's big heroic eyes. Kun Sha asked him what his name was, and when he heard that he was Gong Yaya, a university student leader wanted by the government, he couldn't help but like him in three points. In particular, his stubborn and unyielding arrogance and sharp words made him appreciate it even more.

Gonya protested to them: "We have gone through so much trouble to defect to you, but you have treated us as spies, tying our hands and blindfolding, which is so disrespectful. ”

Zhang Suquan asked, "Why did you defect to us?" ”

Gong Yam replied impassionedly: "Because you are here where there is light and hope, you have suffered the blame and misunderstanding of the whole world for the independence and liberation of the Shan nation, but you have heroically fought against the military dictatorship of Ne Win for decades, and finally created this liberated area, and the hope of the Burmese people for democracy and freedom lies in you, so we have come to join you, even if you die for life, you must climb to the land of the liberated area." ”

These words were enthusiastic and infectious, which made Kunsha's ears warm and heartbeat, and he felt that he was suddenly much taller. However, Zhang Suquan relied on the vigilance he had cultivated from his years of experience as an agent, but he was a little disgusted by these beautiful words, he suddenly stared at Gong Yatai with a sharp gaze, Gong Yatai did not flinch under this compelling gaze, Zhang Suquan asked: "Are you sent by the government?" ”

Gong Ya complained aggrievedly: "If you don't believe us, please send me out of your territory, count me in the wrong place, but I will not be at odds with the Burmese junta wherever I go!" ”

Gong Ya learned from Luo Xinghan the temperament of the two of them, so he performed meticulously.

Kunsha really liked this young college student so much that he preemptively accepted this batch of college students.

After the college student left, Zhang Suquan spoke: "This person cannot be reused. ”

Kunsha asked, "What do you think?" ”

Zhang Suquan said: "Anyway, people who speak too beautifully are not reliable, this person is either a genius actor or a real martyr." ”

Kun Sha said: "I feel that this man is a fierce man. ”

Zhang Suquan didn't have a full reason, but said: "Observe and test more in the future." ”

In the days that followed, Gong Yatai and his college students were indeed extraordinary, marching and fighting, analyzing the enemy's situation, and using tactics, which were a cut above the soil buns. In particular, Gong Ya Ya stands out from the crowd in all aspects.

Gong Ya was quickly promoted, but when Kun Sha was about to promote him to deputy commander-in-chief, he was firmly opposed by Zhang Suquan. But this time, Zhang Suquan's reasons for opposition failed to convince Kunsha. Indeed, you can't find fault with Gong Ya, not only does he have a set of tactics, has excellent strategic vision, and his style of life is also rigorous, but he also marries a local Shan woman and starts a family, so there is nothing to doubt or worry about. Zhang Suquan felt that this person was unreliable completely intuitively, and he also praised the performance in other aspects, but Kun Sha still insisted on his own opinion and promoted Gong Yatai to deputy commander-in-chief.

Gong Ya-tai, who became the deputy commander-in-chief, was still cautious, handled all aspects of the relationship very well, was deferential to Zhang Suquan, considerate to his subordinates, and perfect for Kun Sha's sycophants.

Kun Sha had a heart disease and wanted to be president, but Zhang Suquan always advised him not to be greedy for that false hat, and used the example of Cao Cao's reluctance to be emperor and the example of putting himself on the stove to persuade him to give up this idea. But it seems that Kunsha's ultimate wish is to pursue this. Gong Yatai skillfully instigated senior officers to come to the table, forcing Zhang Suquan to agree, satisfying Kun Sha's desire to be president. The deeper Kunsha's trust in Gong Ya-ying became, the more Zhang Suquan couldn't listen to his words. When Zhang Suquan left Myanmar and went to Taiwan, he warned Kun Sha to guard against three people: Gong Ya-tai, Mo Songwa, and Sha Yilin, but Kun Sha only regarded the suspicion of the elderly and did not take it to heart.

After Zhang Suquan, a cunning and shrewd "military advisor," went to Taiwan, Gong Yatai began to carry out activities in a big way. He colluded with Mosonwa and most of the university students in the army, most of whom had been promoted to the position of regimental commander, to form a rebel alliance. At the same time, the deputy chief of general staff of the Tatmadaw appointed Lo Sing Han as a senior adviser to the government army. Luo Xinghan cooperated with Gong Yatai to rebel on August 26, 1995, and Gong Yatai and Mo Songwa together led the Mongol and Thai army and some directly subordinate troops totaling more than 10,000 people to surrender to the government army, and issued a proclamation of the uprising. The proclamation denounced Khun Sa's crime of drug trafficking and the general interest of safeguarding national unity, and called Khun Sa the heinous culprit of the people of all ethnic groups in Myanmar with blood on his hands.

When Khun Sha learned of this news and saw the signatures of the uprising proclamation on the tribute to Ya Ya and Mo Songwa, he vomited blood and fainted.

When he woke him up, he just looked up to the sky and sighed, muttering, "I regret it!" I regret that I should not have listened to the advice of the Chief of Staff! ”

Kunsha surrendered, and the two drug lords shook hands and made peace

These more than 10,000 elite soldiers have poured a lot of effort into Kunsha, and most of the money earned from drug trafficking has been invested in the troops, the most advanced weapons, the most expensive equipment, but all this has been taken away by the "successor" he has trained......

What's the point of continuing to resist?

Kunsha felt that he was too old to withstand the toss anymore. His unyielding pride and ruthlessness in eating iron and steel were gone, and he just wanted to live a little idle, and he was determined to surrender despite the opposition of his subordinates.

In November 1995, Khun Sa released a tentative balloon through a reporter from Thailand's Bangkok Post that he was willing to retire with dignity.

Kunsha surrendered, and the two drug lords shook hands and made peace

Khun Sha was questioned by reporters at his "presidential palace" in the town of Homon.

The reporter asked: "Your Excellency, is it conditional or unconditional that you have expressed your desire to give up the drug trafficking industry and retire peacefully and decently?" ”

Kun Sha replied: "Of course there are conditions. ”

The reporter asked: "What are your conditions?" ”

Kun Sha replied: "Allow me to have a civil right, and allow my subordinates to have this right, and I am not to blame for the past." ”

The reporter asked: "Are you really willing to put down all your weapons, including the little pistol you carry with you?" ”

Kun Sha replied: "Yes, not a single shot." I solemnly declare here that I will lay down all my weapons, surrender all my territory, and give up all drug trafficking. ”

The journalist asked: "Why did you surrender?" ”

Kun Sha replied: "I lost, I will no longer be an enemy of the government." ”

The reporter asked, "Will your subordinates listen to you?" ”

Kunsha replied: "I will convince them to go with me, but I will not force them. ”

The reporter asked: "I heard that your failure was caused by Luo Xinghan?" ”

Kun Sha replied: "The rebellion of Luo Xinghan's righteous son Gong Ya is the main reason, but not everything, you know that in the past I was defeated to only 2,000 men, but I can still make a comeback, I am tired of this life now. ”

The reporter asked: "Where are you going to live after you retire?" ”

Kun Sha replied: "I want to go to a place, if the local authorities agree. ”

The reporter asked: "What place?" ”

Kunsha replied: "I beg your pardon, there is no comment for the time being. ”

The reporter asked: "Do you hate Luo Xinghan and Gong Yaya, will you take revenge on them?" ”

Kunsha replied: "I think this question is left for you to think about for me. ”

Kunsha surrendered, and the two drug lords shook hands and made peace
Kunsha surrendered, and the two drug lords shook hands and made peace

The reporter asked: "After you surrender, will the opium in the Golden Triangle disappear?" ”

Kun Sha replied: "That's nonsense, opium will not decrease, but will increase. ”

The reporter asked, "Why?" ”

Kun Sha replied: "Because the people of the Golden Triangle want to eat." ”

The reporter asked: "After you retire, who will take your place?" ”

Kun Sha replied: "Lin Ming, who is close to the Chinese border city of Phansai. ”

Kunsha surrendered, and the two drug lords shook hands and made peace
Kunsha surrendered, and the two drug lords shook hands and made peace

Golden triangle

After Khun Sha's tentative balloon was released, the Burmese government responded quickly. The Burmese junta immediately sent an envoy to negotiate with Khun Sa, making it clear that as long as he surrendered to the government, all other conditions would be negotiable.

On 18 December 1995, the Burmese military junta reached a ceasefire agreement with Khun Sa, and as soon as the ceasefire agreement was signed, government troops continued to advance into the town of Kha Mon.

On 2 January 1996, at a surrender ceremony presided over by the Minister of Ethnic Affairs of Myanmar, Maung Din, Khun Sa reaffirmed his commitment and his speech was welcomed.

After disarming, Khun Sha looked calm and calm, and he shook hands with the attendees cordially, and government officials wished him a happy old age after retirement.

Kunsha surrendered, and the two drug lords shook hands and made peace


When Kun Sha held the hand of the last old man and wanted to leave, the old man took off his broad-brimmed straw hat and sunglasses, and said with a smile:

"Old friend, don't know each other?!"

Only then did Kun Sha recognize that the old man with a kind face in front of him was actually his life and death enemy, Luo Xinghan!

"Ah, old friend, it's you! General Luo, how are you doing? ”

"Thanks to you, Your Excellency, don't come unharmed."

The two looked at each other and laughed.

"Your Excellency the President, I have offended you in the past, and I hope you will forgive me a lot!"

"General Luo, I don't remember the past anymore."

"Good hero! Luo admired. ”

"We're all old, so let's stop fighting for anything."

"With the words of Your Excellency the President, I will sleep peacefully."

The two hands were clasped together.

Since then, the Kunsha family bandits, who have plagued mankind for more than 40 years, have been dispersed. The "kingdom of drug trafficking" was destroyed, and the "Shan State Army" was scattered. But to this day, in the golden triangle with high mountains and dense forests, the shadow of the white ghost still lingers, and the struggle against drugs and bandits is still extremely fierce......

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