
Italy in Pompeii newly discovered exquisite blue rooms, with holy beauties, what is the sacristy?


On June 4, 2024, Italy claimed to have discovered a new beautiful blue room in Pompeii, said to date back to 1900! According to the Italian Ministry of Culture, this fine room may have been the "sacristy" of ancient Rome. The walls of the room are painted with women and depicted with the seasons of the year.

Italy in Pompeii newly discovered exquisite blue rooms, with holy beauties, what is the sacristy?

On a summer day in 2024, the sun shines through the dense foliage and dappled the grounds of Pompeii. This once-thriving ancient city, sealed in history by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, is now filled with unknown stories in every inch of it. On this day, the Italian Ministry of Culture announced a shocking announcement - in Pompeii, an extremely well-preserved blue room was discovered, which is speculated to be the "sacristy" of the ancient Roman period.

Italy in Pompeii newly discovered exquisite blue rooms, with holy beauties, what is the sacristy?

What is a holy artifact? I am an uneducated flower, I saw a pile of cement sand on the ground, I didn't find the holy artifact, I don't know if it was cement sand, this is a holy artifact? What is a holy artifact for?

Italy in Pompeii newly discovered exquisite blue rooms, with holy beauties, what is the sacristy?

The walls of the room were covered with a precious blue pigment, which at the time was not only priceless, but also a status symbol. The paintings on the walls are even more striking, depicting graceful female figures and scenes of the changing of the seasons. These paintings not only show the high level of ancient Roman art, but also the most recently erased ones!

Italy in Pompeii newly discovered exquisite blue rooms, with holy beauties, what is the sacristy?

Archaeologists are thrilled with the discovery. They speculate that this room may have been the private sacristy of a high-ranking official or nobleman of the time, used to store religious ritual items and perform prayers. Every fresco, every object in the room, may reveal the religious beliefs and details of daily life in ancient Roman society.

Italy in Pompeii newly discovered exquisite blue rooms, with holy beauties, what is the sacristy?

With further investigation, the experts found some tiny inscriptions in the corner of the room. These inscriptions record the owner of the room and his family, as well as their devotion to the gods. These texts not only provide a precise historical context for the research, but also add a touch of mystery to the space.

Italy in Pompeii newly discovered exquisite blue rooms, with holy beauties, what is the sacristy?

After the news was announced, historians and tourists from all over the world flocked to see the Blue Room in style. As a result, Pompeii has once again been in the global spotlight and interest in ancient Roman civilization has been rekindled. In fact, I knew that the Colosseum in ancient Rome and all roads led to Rome!

Italy in Pompeii newly discovered exquisite blue rooms, with holy beauties, what is the sacristy?

The discovery of the Blue Room not only enriches people's understanding of ancient Roman civilization! The Roman Empire was also a country that had been subjugated to Europe for a long time! Hey, hey, no, I remember that I started talking about Italy, didn't I?

Check out Italy is Rome, the Roman Empire originated in Italy!

Italy in Pompeii newly discovered exquisite blue rooms, with holy beauties, what is the sacristy?

Hey, hey, hey, let's continue to talk about the blue house, it is said that the blue house was left before 1900, and now it is dug up carelessly! But I thought that the Mediterranean climate was so humid that the walls would not peel off, and sure enough, the Roman Empire was too powerful! Why can't you get long hair on the southern wall of the continent? Does anyone have any questions? Huahua is shallow [crying]


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