
Today's children only speak Mandarin and can't speak dialects, so they feel that the problem is relatively big

author:Yellow chicks

Today's children, especially those born after 10, will you find that many of them can only speak Mandarin, and their hometown dialect can't speak!

The most embarrassing thing is that in the process of dialogue between the child and the grandmother, the grandmother speaks a word from her hometown, and the child answers in Mandarin. As an observer, I think this scene is strange anyway, and I don't know what the elderly grandmother thinks in her heart.

Today's children only speak Mandarin and can't speak dialects, so they feel that the problem is relatively big

The importance between Mandarin and Native Dialect

Mandarin: As the common language of the people of the whole country, it has always played a great role. Mandarin plays an important role in promoting language communication between localities and promoting the progress of society.

Dialects: As a unique carrier of local culture, it not only enriches the expression of Mandarin, but also adds local characteristics and humanistic emotions to the language expressed.

Therefore, the relationship between Mandarin and dialect dialects is not mutually exclusive, but complementary and mutually fulfilling.

Today's children only speak Mandarin and can't speak dialects, so they feel that the problem is relatively big

People's hometowns are divided into regions, just like a place that brings together people from all over the world, there will always be people who will ask where your hometown is and what dialect do you speak? If you meet your fellow countrymen at this time, then you will inevitably be excited to always say a few words of enthusiastic hometown dialect, and at this time you will not even speak or understand your hometown, so it will inevitably be embarrassing afterwards. Therefore, Mandarin is important, and as a dialect, it is also very important to learn and speak well!

Today's children only speak Mandarin and can't speak dialects, so they feel that the problem is relatively big

Today's children don't speak in tongues for several reasons

The impact of the great migration from rural to urban areas. Before 2010, many people living in rural areas brought their families to live in the cities, so more children born after 2010 were born in big cities.

The environment in a big city is that when you go out, people speak in Mandarin, and your neighbors also use Mandarin to communicate, so sometimes it is inevitable to use Mandarin to communicate when you return home. He is used to the influence of the environment, so after having a child, he was taught Mandarin for the first time, not the dialect of his hometown.

Today's children only speak Mandarin and can't speak dialects, so they feel that the problem is relatively big

As children grow up slowly, Mandarin is spoken in school, and some children's parents will send their very young children to cram schools and interest classes to learn, so that they are exposed to Mandarin, which takes up a lot of time.

After children come to big cities, they also like to speak Mandarin more, because children are still young, sometimes speaking hometown dialect in school, it will inevitably cause other classmates to say that they are "countrymen", so children prefer to speak Mandarin and forget their hometown dialect.

In the past, when the parents went out to work, the grandparents took care of the children, and the grandparents spoke their hometown, so the children's hometown dialect was very good. But now it is different, children are more brought by their parents than grandfathers, and parents and children are more communicated by Mandarin, so children have no chance to be exposed to hometown dialect, and it is very difficult to speak.

Today's children only speak Mandarin and can't speak dialects, so they feel that the problem is relatively big

Recognize the problem and solve the problem

The cultural bureaus, schools and parents in some places have already recognized many children who cannot speak dialects, and have made the following solutions: based on local realities, they will continue to strengthen the research and exploration of dialect protection, use after-school extended services, set up some dialect interest groups, and actively organize extracurricular activities for some dialects to enter the campus. Through various activities, students' interest in dialects is cultivated and students' enthusiasm for learning dialects is mobilized.

At the same time, it is recommended to the community to encourage parents to use their hometown dialect to communicate with their children more in their daily family life.

Today's children only speak Mandarin and can't speak dialects, so they feel that the problem is relatively big

Summary: The dialect of the hometown is not only a natural emotional connection between two or three generations, but also a unique cultural connection between people and their hometown. It is also necessary for children to learn dialect well, only by learning the hometown dialect well, so that the child and grandparents will not speak Mandarin and the embarrassing scene of the other speaking the hometown dialect.

In the very ordinary exchange of hometown dialect, the two sides can get more knowledge from their hometowns and localities, and it can also be a sign of mutual recognition by the villagers living in other places, and each regional culture has many different characteristics. So the child can't speak his native dialect, which is really a problem. To solve this problem, we should find and correct it in time, and find a way to let children speak their hometown dialect well from an early age, so that the accent is the original hometown dialect of the hometown people.