
Wei Shen and his cousin took a group photo at Peking University, some people said that he rubbed traffic, and Wei Jingzhou's comment area replied to the trolls!



Dr. Wei Dongyi, Assistant Professor of the School of Mathematical Sciences of Peking University, is originally from Dongyang, Zhejiang.

His father, Wei Zhongli, worked at Shandong Jianzhu University, and the family came to Shandong. His mother, who also worked at Shandong Jianzhu University, is now retired, and his father died of illness in 2016. So we saw that Wei Dongyi was alone at Peking University, and he was never accompanied by his parents, and few relatives appeared.

Wei Shen and his cousin took a group photo at Peking University, some people said that he rubbed traffic, and Wei Jingzhou's comment area replied to the trolls!

Wei Dongyi was born in 1991 and was brought by his grandmother for five years when he was a child.

Dong is the meaning of Dongyang, and the word "Yi" is because Grandma Lu Qiao'e called it from Houyi. Wei Dongyi's grandfather Wei Yanren has three children, and Wei Dongyi also has an uncle, Wei Shigong, and an aunt.

Uncle is in the curtain business in Dongyang, and Uncle has two children, daughter Wei Danqing and son Wei Jingzhou.

Wei Shen and his cousin took a group photo at Peking University, some people said that he rubbed traffic, and Wei Jingzhou's comment area replied to the trolls!

Wei Dongyi is shy by nature and has a simple personality, and when he first went to study at Peking University, his mother was still by his side for two years.

Now working at Peking University, I hardly play with my colleagues, and I don't usually play the Internet myself. Immerse yourself wholeheartedly in the world of mathematics. No distractions, low material needs.

My favorite thing is to do math problems, and if you talk to him about math, he's interested, and nothing else.

Wei Shen and his cousin took a group photo at Peking University, some people said that he rubbed traffic, and Wei Jingzhou's comment area replied to the trolls!

Recently, Wei Dongyi's cousin Wei Danqing took her children to Beijing to play with her cousin during the summer vacation. They ate together at the Peking University Spoon Garden. climbed the Great Wall together and went to the Forbidden City. We saw that Wei Shen was very particular about family affection and accompanied him throughout the process. The cousin also bought shoes for Wei Shen. Everyone asked his cousin to take care of him and give him a few new clothes.

Just yesterday, Wei Dongyi's cousin also posted a photo of himself and Wei Dongyi on the campus of Peking University. However, it was said by netizens to be rubbing traffic.

Wei Shen and his cousin took a group photo at Peking University, some people said that he rubbed traffic, and Wei Jingzhou's comment area replied to the trolls!

This is the first time we have seen Wei Shen and others take a photo. In the photo, the cousin is holding Wei Dongyi's shoulder and keeping some distance, maybe the cousin knows that Wei is shy and afraid that he will be restrained. Wei Shen didn't look at the camera, and his expression was indeed a little shy and restrained. This is because he is introverted and does not have much contact with people. This is also his strength, he lives in a pure, pure, true spiritual world.

Wei Shen and his cousin took a group photo at Peking University, some people said that he rubbed traffic, and Wei Jingzhou's comment area replied to the trolls!

Some netizens began to accuse when they saw Wei Dongyi's cousin posting their group photo on social platforms. said that he disturbed Wei Shen and won attention and traffic. They just sent a photo, what's wrong. As long as we take it as an ordinary family photo, will we still make such unwarranted accusations? A group photo is just a daily routine. His cousin is not an Internet celebrity, nor does he live broadcast goods.

Wei Shen and his cousin took a group photo at Peking University, some people said that he rubbed traffic, and Wei Jingzhou's comment area replied to the trolls!

Wei Shen usually doesn't go online, he doesn't pay attention to these, if Wei Shen sees others attacking his cousin, he will be unhappy! Worship the god Wei and please respect his family. His mother is not around, and it is rare for relatives to go to Beijing from Zhejiang to visit him and let him feel family affection. I would like to ask some netizens to be less speculative and more peaceful and kind.