
Is it important to be a person, or is it important to do things?

author:This peace of mind
Is it important to be a person, or is it important to do things?

There is a clip in the TV series "Yongzheng Dynasty":

At the beginning of Yongzheng's accession to the throne, Sun Jiacheng openly fought with the cousins of Huwen for the matter of coinage in the new dynasty. was called by Yongzheng, because he did not agree with Prince Lian's opinion on the ratio of copper and lead in coins, and directly contradicted the "Prime Minister Wang".

So, he was severely reprimanded by Yongzheng and thrown out.

Later, when talking about Sun Jiacheng with his confidant minister Zhang Tingyu, Zhang Tingyu said:

"This person has been trained and experienced, and he can still be of great use."

As a result, Yongzheng rejected Zhang Tingyu's suggestion and said something very meaningful, which roughly means: What is experience? Could it be that with the passage of time, people's edges and corners have been smoothed out, and they have learned to cater and accommodate regardless of principles, and they will maintain the situation of "a group of harmony", which is called "good experience"?

As a result, Yongzheng issued a holy decree and directly asked Sun Jia to honestly make up for the imperial history of the Imperial Court of the Imperial Palace, and he was promoted two levels in a row.

Is it important to be a person, or is it important to do things?

Here, Yongzheng and Zhang Tingyu, the old fritter of officialdom, look at people from different angles: Zhang Tingyu focuses on "being a man", while Yongzheng focuses on "doing things".

is also Hanchen, Zhang Tingyu of course wants to protect Sun Jiacheng and give him a chance. But the first thing he thought of was to let Sun Jiacheng know how to be restrained, learn to judge the situation, talk about people when he sees people, talk nonsense when he sees ghosts, save his husband, and then develop.

There's certainly nothing wrong with that.

As Yongzheng, who is the first to ascend to the throne, his task is to reform the rule of officials and refresh the maladministration, and what he needs is a direct minister who can tell the truth, not a slave who only promises. If everyone didn't tell the truth, wouldn't the emperor be blind and deaf?

In "Yongzheng Dynasty", almost all of them are human spirits. Some are deeply hidden, some are not crazy, and some are wise and foolish, in short, they have their own way of life and progress.

In real life, no matter what kind of work you are engaged in, as long as there are people, there are two important dimensions, one is "being a person" and the other is "doing things".

Therefore, people are divided into four categories: 1. They can be both human beings and do things, 2. They can be human beings and cannot do things, 3. They cannot be human beings and can do things, and 4. They can neither be human nor do things.

The first is talented. For example, Zhang Tingyu, Tong Guowei, Wu Sidao, etc., have reached the realm of "great wisdom and close to demons", and the proportion of people at this level is very small. People like Lao Thirteen Yinxiang, Li Wei, Ma Qi and others are also powerful characters, but they are not the same.

The fourth type is stupid. The actual number of people is not much. Like the boss, the tenth, Ma Guocheng and others, they actually have scheming, and they are not as unbearable as they appear.

The second and third are the majority of this world.

Is it important to be a person, or is it important to do things?

Human beings are complex and constantly changing, so it is not scientific to simply divide them into categories. The same person, on different occasions, doing different things, and facing different people, shows different levels.

Back to Sun Jiacheng and his person, he is a cadre and has a strong ability to do things, and he is not unaware of the danger of being hard at the same time. Since he has a sense of mission, he has shown the courage that ordinary people do not have, "although tens of millions of people go to me".

In the end, he was sent to the northwest as a tool for Yongzheng to contain Nian Qianyao, and was finally killed by the arrogant Nian Qianyao.

Is it important to be a person, or is it important to do things?

That's a really hard question to answer.