
This round of heavy rainfall and high temperature situation has changed greatly, and the heavy rain and heavy rain will go north, and the weather will be on July 2~3 the day after tomorrow

author:Long Tianyu said the weather

Text: Long Tianyu

Edited by I Long Tianyu

Friends, good afternoon, I'm Long Tianyu, today is Monday, July 1, 2024, July 1st Party Day.

July 1 Party Day is the birthday of the Communist Party of China, and it is an important day for every Chinese. On this day, we commemorate the founding of the party, review the glorious course of the party, and feel the great spirit of the party.

Let's see what the weather looks like

This round of heavy rainfall and high temperature situation has changed greatly, and the heavy rain and heavy rain will go north, and the weather will be on July 2~3 the day after tomorrow
This round of heavy rainfall and high temperature situation has changed greatly, and the heavy rain and heavy rain will go north, and the weather will be on July 2~3 the day after tomorrow


July 1st is the small heat in the traditional 24 solar terms of the eastern country, which means that the weather will enter the eleventh solar term of the year. On this day, there was rainy weather in many places in the eastern countries, including heavy rain in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River to Guizhou and Guangxi. According to the latest forecast of the Central Meteorological Observatory, in the next few days, this wave of rainy weather will continue to affect relevant areas, and there may even be heavy rain. Under the influence of the subtropical high, the temperature in North China, Huanghuai and other places dropped sharply, and there was an obvious cooling process. Such drastic weather changes make it possible to speculate deeply about the effects of climate change.

This round of heavy rainfall and high temperature situation has changed greatly, and the heavy rain and heavy rain will go north, and the weather will be on July 2~3 the day after tomorrow

1. Heavy rainfall strikes frequently

This round of heavy rainfall and high temperature situation has changed greatly, and the heavy rain and heavy rain will go north, and the weather will be on July 2~3 the day after tomorrow

1. Heavy rain and heavy rain are coming one after another

Since July 1, under the influence of the northward strengthening of the subtropical high, the westerly wind belt has been active again, and the warm and humid airflow has been smoothly lifted northward, forming a significant rainfall weather process. Under the influence of this warm and humid airflow, there has been a wide range of rainy weather from the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River to Guizhou and Guangxi, and some areas have even experienced heavy rainstorms. According to the monitoring of the meteorological department, as of 8 o'clock on July 2, there was a heavy rainstorm in Chenzhou, Hunan, Hechi, Guangxi and other places.

This round of heavy rainfall and high temperature situation has changed greatly, and the heavy rain and heavy rain will go north, and the weather will be on July 2~3 the day after tomorrow

2. Rainstormy weather may last for several days

According to the latest forecast of the Central Meteorological Observatory, under the influence of the subtropical high pressure, this warm and humid airflow will continue to affect the eastern countries in the next few days, and the heavy rain or heavy rain weather is mainly concentrated in Anhui, Hunan, Guizhou, Guangxi and other places, while some other areas will also have moderate to heavy rain weather. Among them, after July 3, the rainfall in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River will gradually weaken due to the influence of the high-altitude trough, while the rainfall range in the Huanghuai and North China will gradually expand, and there may be a significant cooling process.

This round of heavy rainfall and high temperature situation has changed greatly, and the heavy rain and heavy rain will go north, and the weather will be on July 2~3 the day after tomorrow

Second, the sudden drop in temperature is a cause for concern

This round of heavy rainfall and high temperature situation has changed greatly, and the heavy rain and heavy rain will go north, and the weather will be on July 2~3 the day after tomorrow

1. The temperature in North China, Huanghuai and other places plummeted

In addition to the heavy rainfall, this precipitation process also brought a significant temperature drop to people. Affected by the warm and humid airflow, the temperature in Huanghuai and other places in North China has dropped significantly, and the maximum temperature has generally dropped by 6~8 °C, while in the areas affected by the rainstorm process, the temperature has even dropped by more than 10 °C, bringing people a cool feeling.

This round of heavy rainfall and high temperature situation has changed greatly, and the heavy rain and heavy rain will go north, and the weather will be on July 2~3 the day after tomorrow

2. A sudden drop in temperature may lead to a high incidence of colds

The sudden drop in temperature has also brought a certain impact on people's lives, especially for groups that are easy to make people feel uncomfortable, such as the elderly and children, the sudden drop in temperature is easy to cause colds and other diseases, so in the process of such weather, the public must do a good job of cold protection and warmth to avoid accidents.

3. Sudden drop in temperature may affect crop growth

For agricultural production, such a sudden drop in temperature may also have a certain impact on the growth of local crops, especially in some areas where the temperature drops for a long time, the sudden drop in temperature is easy to make crops grow sluggish, and even affect the yield and quality of crops.

This round of heavy rainfall and high temperature situation has changed greatly, and the heavy rain and heavy rain will go north, and the weather will be on July 2~3 the day after tomorrow

3. Reflect on the impacts of climate change

This round of heavy rainfall and high temperature situation has changed greatly, and the heavy rain and heavy rain will go north, and the weather will be on July 2~3 the day after tomorrow

1. Climate change is frequent, and extreme weather is frequent

Such weather processes have undoubtedly aroused public concern about climate change. In recent years, with the intensification of climate change, extreme weather phenomena have become more and more frequent, such as continuous high temperatures and heavy rainfall, which have brought many inconveniences to people's production and life, and even brought a certain impact on the local ecological environment and agricultural production.

This round of heavy rainfall and high temperature situation has changed greatly, and the heavy rain and heavy rain will go north, and the weather will be on July 2~3 the day after tomorrow

2. Measures are needed to address climate change

In the face of the impact of climate change, we must not be helpless, but actively take a series of measures to deal with the possible impacts of climate change. It is necessary to strengthen the scientific understanding of climate change and understand the causes and laws of climate change, so as to better cope with the challenge of climate change.

This round of heavy rainfall and high temperature situation has changed greatly, and the heavy rain and heavy rain will go north, and the weather will be on July 2~3 the day after tomorrow

3. Conventional wisdom may be inspiring

We can also learn from some traditional wisdom, such as the climate laws contained in agricultural proverbs, through which we may be able to better understand the laws of climate change, and can also provide us with some inspiration for dealing with climate change, so as to better adapt to the effects of climate change.

This round of heavy rainfall and high temperature situation has changed greatly, and the heavy rain and heavy rain will go north, and the weather will be on July 2~3 the day after tomorrow

4. Respond to climate change according to local conditions

It is also necessary to take measures according to local conditions, because the impact of climate change on different regions is different, so when responding to climate change, we should also take corresponding measures according to the actual local situation, such as strengthening ecological protection, promoting green and low-carbon development, and building a social system for disaster resistance and mitigation, so as to better adapt to the impact of climate change.


There is no sun in the small summer, and the stones are dried in the big summer, this ancient agricultural proverb may be able to give us some inspiration. On the occasion of the arrival of the great heat and the hottest temperature, I hope that everyone can do a good job of preventing heatstroke and cooling down, and at the same time, we must maintain a clear understanding of the impact of climate change, actively participate in the action to respond to climate change, and jointly protect our beautiful home on the earth.