
"Spring Festival Gala Nail Household" Guo Donglin: More than 20 times on the Spring Festival Gala, he was claimed 100 million yuan for sketch lines

author:The Lord of the Secluded Valley

Many sketch actors are called nail households of the Spring Festival Gala, such as Feng Gong, Cai Ming, Pan Changjiang and others.

Now even many of these nail households have withdrawn from the Spring Festival Gala, and the memories of a generation are about to come to an end.

Even Guo Donglin, who has created countless classics, has not been on the Spring Festival Gala for two years.

In 2024, Guo Donglin will also appear on Liaoning Satellite TV's Spring Festival Gala, indicating that he has not retired.

"Spring Festival Gala Nail Household" Guo Donglin: More than 20 times on the Spring Festival Gala, he was claimed 100 million yuan for sketch lines

So why didn't he go to the CCTV Spring Festival Gala? Is it because of the claim of 100 million?

Guo Donglin was born in an acting family, his parents are low-level literary and art workers, and their incomes are relatively low.

Because there are so many children in the family, the family can't even solve the problem of food and clothing.

Once, Guo's father couldn't bear to see a few children starving, so he took some food from the unit for them to eat.

"Spring Festival Gala Nail Household" Guo Donglin: More than 20 times on the Spring Festival Gala, he was claimed 100 million yuan for sketch lines

After being discovered, Guo's father lost his job and later broke his leg, making the family's life even more difficult.

Therefore, Guo Donglin had to follow his mother out to perform at a young age.

That period of life was the most difficult period for Guo Donglin's family, and it was also a memory that Guo Donglin did not want to remember.

However, this experience also made Guo Donglin fall in love with acting, and at the same time, it also allowed him to experience his ability to be independent.

"Spring Festival Gala Nail Household" Guo Donglin: More than 20 times on the Spring Festival Gala, he was claimed 100 million yuan for sketch lines

The so-called heaven will descend on the people, and they must first work hard and work their muscles and bones, if there is no difficult time, Guo Donglin may not be able to succeed in the future.

After Guo's father's injuries healed, the family had a stable source of income, and Guo Donglin was able to return to school.

Although Guo Donglin has been learning art from his parents since he was a child, after all, he is a wild man, and he still wants to go to a professional school for further study.

After graduating from high school, he was admitted to two performance schools, Shangju and Beijing Renyi.

"Spring Festival Gala Nail Household" Guo Donglin: More than 20 times on the Spring Festival Gala, he was claimed 100 million yuan for sketch lines

Guo Donglin's talent is good, he has practiced basic skills for many years in school, and his acting skills have been greatly improved.

After graduation, Guo Donglin came to prominence by starring in "The Story of the Editorial Department", and was later invited to participate in the 1993 Spring Festival Gala.

At that time, the Spring Festival Gala was in the era of a hundred flowers, and language arts programs were even more masterful.

In the Spring Festival Gala in 1993, the sketches included Zhao Benshan, Niu Qun, Feng Gong, and the cross talk had Hou Yaowen and Shi Fukuan, which can be said to be a fight between immortals.

"Spring Festival Gala Nail Household" Guo Donglin: More than 20 times on the Spring Festival Gala, he was claimed 100 million yuan for sketch lines

The fledgling Guo Donglin looked too immature in front of these people, and his first trip to the Spring Festival Gala did not make much waves.

Guo Donglin also noticed the wonderful performance of his predecessors, and he realized his own shortcomings in comparison.

Failure is not a bad thing, and since then, Guo Donglin has worked harder to study the baggage, waiting for the next opportunity.

After a year, Guo Donglin was invited again to the Spring Festival Gala in 1995.

"Spring Festival Gala Nail Household" Guo Donglin: More than 20 times on the Spring Festival Gala, he was claimed 100 million yuan for sketch lines

There was an accident during the rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala that year, Guo Donglin had a car accident on the way to the rehearsal, which caused him a concussion.

In the end, Guo Donglin still insisted on going on stage, and he and Mai Hongmei performed the sketch "Something You Say" together.

This time, Guo Donglin left a deep impression on the national audience, and the director team also admired this injured actor on stage.

Since then, Guo Donglin has become a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala, and has hardly missed the Spring Festival Gala for more than 20 years.

"Spring Festival Gala Nail Household" Guo Donglin: More than 20 times on the Spring Festival Gala, he was claimed 100 million yuan for sketch lines

Guo Donglin is still relatively versatile in comedy, he not only performs sketches in the Spring Festival Gala, but also occasionally stars in cross talk with Feng Gong.

The versatile Guo Donglin is also a partner that other comedians compete for, and he has worked with Feng Gong, Niu Li, Cai Ming and others.

In terms of the attainments of the sketches, even if Guo Donglin is not as good as Zhao Benshan, Chen Peisi and others, he is definitely the first group of people.

"Spring Festival Gala Nail Household" Guo Donglin: More than 20 times on the Spring Festival Gala, he was claimed 100 million yuan for sketch lines

The audience has always praised him, but one year Guo Donglin caused public anger because of the Spring Festival Gala sketch.

It was at the Beijing Spring Festival Gala in 2017, and Guo Donglin performed the sketch "Withdraw Money".

The content of the sketch itself is very normal, but the scammer in it has a Henan accent.

"Spring Festival Gala Nail Household" Guo Donglin: More than 20 times on the Spring Festival Gala, he was claimed 100 million yuan for sketch lines

If there are no special circumstances, the Spring Festival Gala is generally Mandarin, and it is really abrupt to suddenly come a few words of Henan dialect.

But this little problem is harmless at all, and the people of Henan will not bother with him.

Who knew that a lawyer in Henan actually sued Guo Donglin, and said on the platform that he violated the reputation rights of Henan people.

There are more than 100 million people in a province in Henan, so the lawyer asked Guo Donglin to pay 100 million yuan in compensation!

"Spring Festival Gala Nail Household" Guo Donglin: More than 20 times on the Spring Festival Gala, he was claimed 100 million yuan for sketch lines

Not long ago, singer Rainie Yang said at the concert that Henan people love to deceive people, which caused dissatisfaction among Henan netizens.

Rainie Yang's words really offended her compatriots in Henan, and she finally apologized.

Guo Donglin's sketch incident is similar to Rainie Yang, but this incident is not Guo Donglin's pot.

The lines were designed by the screenwriter of the sketch, and the person who said this line was not Guo Donglin, but because Guo Donglin was popular, the lawyer waved his weapon at him.

In the end, the screenwriter of the sketch posted an article to explain the truth for Guo Donglin, and took the initiative to apologize.

"Spring Festival Gala Nail Household" Guo Donglin: More than 20 times on the Spring Festival Gala, he was claimed 100 million yuan for sketch lines

It is certainly impossible for the court to pass the lawyer's lawsuit, but some people who do not know the facts of the melon have been maliciously instigated and have misunderstood Guo Donglin.

This incident will not make Guo Donglin a controversial artist, and Guo Donglin will also appear on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala in 2022, which shows that things have little impact at all.

Maybe Guo Donglin wanted to leave the opportunity to young people, so he didn't continue to participate in the Spring Festival Gala.

"Spring Festival Gala Nail Household" Guo Donglin: More than 20 times on the Spring Festival Gala, he was claimed 100 million yuan for sketch lines

Maybe he just wants to take a break for two years, and he will have a chance to see him at the Spring Festival Gala in the future.

Guo Donglin doesn't look very old, but in fact, he is almost sixty years old, and he has reached the age when he should rest.

"Spring Festival Gala Nail Household" Guo Donglin: More than 20 times on the Spring Festival Gala, he was claimed 100 million yuan for sketch lines

The 58-year-old Guo Dong never married and had no children.

When he cooperated with Niu Li in the past, everyone thought they were husband and wife, but in fact, he and Niu Li were just simple work partners.

Except for Niu Li, Guo Donglin didn't even have a scandal.

"Spring Festival Gala Nail Household" Guo Donglin: More than 20 times on the Spring Festival Gala, he was claimed 100 million yuan for sketch lines

After his father died, Guo Donglin no longer had few relatives around him.

Perhaps in Guo Donglin's eyes, the audience is his relatives.

Nowadays, Guo Donglin's exposure is indeed getting lower and lower, but he seems to have turned to the field of short videos.

On the short video platform, Guo Donglin filmed a lot of jokes.

"Spring Festival Gala Nail Household" Guo Donglin: More than 20 times on the Spring Festival Gala, he was claimed 100 million yuan for sketch lines

With the fan base accumulated over the years, the small videos shot by Guo Donglin are not low, and he has also experienced the feeling of being an "Internet celebrity".

As an old artist, Guo Donglin keeps pace with the times, is willing to touch the things of young people, and doesn't care about the size of the platform at all.

Regardless of whether he can go to the Spring Festival Gala again, he will continue to bring happiness to the audience in new ways.

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