
Objective analysis: Is it necessary to upgrade iPhone13 Pro Max at this time?

Objective analysis: Is it necessary to upgrade iPhone13 Pro Max at this time?

Sir Ho Nan

2024-06-30 16:35

Recently, I saw some friends inquiring that the iPhone13Pro series in my hand want to change my mobile phone, mainly because the battery life is not very good now, and I want to experience the Ha Ling Dynamic Island or something, and ask if it is necessary to change the iPhone15 ProMax?

Objective analysis: Is it necessary to upgrade iPhone13 Pro Max at this time?

Haonan's objective analysis, in fact, is not necessary! There are several reasons for this.

1. At this time, it is already the end of June, and there are less than three months before the release of iPhone16ProMax, if it is not for the loss or damage of the mobile phone now, it is not recommended to upgrade the latest iPhone, and then endure the new model It is not fragrant?

Objective analysis: Is it necessary to upgrade iPhone13 Pro Max at this time?

2. iPhone 15Pro is only a slight upgrade, adding a lens of 5x zoom, which is actually of little significance to people who like to shoot very much, the interface has been changed to USB-C, and some AI support has been added inside, and the so-called AI function may not be used in the short term for most people.

3. In the case of daily use, aside from the dispensable function display of the Dynamic Island, in fact, the fluency of the two mobile phones is about the same, and the only advantage of getting started with the iPhone15Pro series may be a little lighter.

Objective analysis: Is it necessary to upgrade iPhone13 Pro Max at this time?

Although the price of the iPhone15Pro series has been dropping now, it seems that the cost performance is quite high, after looking at the above points, in fact, the significance of replacing the machine is really not much, after all, it is at this time node, waiting for an iPhone16 may be a more scientific choice, what do you think about this?

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  • Objective analysis: Is it necessary to upgrade iPhone13 Pro Max at this time?
  • Objective analysis: Is it necessary to upgrade iPhone13 Pro Max at this time?
  • Objective analysis: Is it necessary to upgrade iPhone13 Pro Max at this time?

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