
Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and the netizens in the comment area were busy and had fried the pot

author:Fog and flowers on the clouds

On a sunny day, Wei Dongyi's cousin walked into the historic campus of Peking University with her two children. The children ran around the campus excitedly, while the cousin visited Wei Dongyi, who was busy with academic research, with full care. They walked along the paths of the campus, and Wei Dongyi patiently explained to the children the charm of the campus and the fun of science. In a small restaurant on campus, they sat around a table, shared a simple meal, and talked and laughed. The dessert after the meal is Wei Dongyi's favorite steamed bun and mineral water, which is simple and pure. This scene was recorded, and the video circulated on the Internet, attracting the attention and concern of countless netizens.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and the netizens in the comment area were busy and had fried the pot

As the video spread, netizens were moved by this warm family scene. Their focus quickly shifted from the heartwarming scene to Wei Dongyi's personal life. The comment area was quickly filled with words of concern, and some netizens noticed that the sleeves of Wei Dongyi's autumn clothes were broken, so they left a message to remind: "Sister remember to buy a few changes of clothes for my brother, the sleeves of his autumn clothes were torn last time I watched his video." The cousin responded in the comment area: "Okay, what the people of the whole country are concerned about, I will definitely do it." "This kind of interaction makes people feel the warmth of cyberspace.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and the netizens in the comment area were busy and had fried the pot

The cousin not only replied in the comment area, but also revealed more details about Wei Dongyi's daily life. Her words were full of care and love from her family, "No problem, I'll take care of him." Her attitude and commitment put netizens at ease. For those netizens who are concerned about whether Wei Dongyi is single, my cousin also replied: "No, he is still single." This made some enthusiastic netizens begin to brew looking for a suitable partner for Wei Dongyi.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and the netizens in the comment area were busy and had fried the pot

Netizens' concern extends from clothing to Wei Dongyi's diet and lifelong events. Someone asked: "Can you leave us some love that he has used, or can he write a draft?" The cousin said that this was a little embarrassing, but she also felt the deep affection of netizens. A netizen in Beijing even volunteered to take care of Wei Dongyi's daily life in person, hoping to get some learning guidance occasionally. Such a proposal sparked a light-hearted discussion, and the humor and talent of netizens were vividly displayed in the comment section.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and the netizens in the comment area were busy and had fried the pot

Among the many comments, a netizen specifically mentioned his concern that Wei Dongyi only eats vegetarian food: "This is not good, you have to eat some fish, beef, meat and vegetarian combinations, and have balanced nutrition." The cousin responded: "Yes, we will take care of it." There are even enthusiastic people who want to give Wei Dongyi a book on nutrition, hoping that he can have a healthy lifestyle. The cousin thanked her for this and promised to convey the suggestions to Wei Dongyi.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and the netizens in the comment area were busy and had fried the pot

, The enthusiasm of netizens has not diminished, and they hope that Wei Dongyi can find a suitable partner and walk through the future together. Their love and concern have transcended the virtual space and transformed into a real blessing to an outstanding young man far away. Someone half-jokingly said: "The steamed buns that Wei Shen eats are definitely different, and I quickly let my son eat them." Such words are full of warmth and humor, and make people feel the warmth of the online community.

Wei Dongyi's cousin took the child to have dinner with Wei Shen, and the netizens in the comment area were busy and had fried the pot

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