
Truth! Zhang Lan exposed the secret of divorce and revealed her son's situation 3 years ago, and netizens scolded Da S for having no heart

author:Brother Cong, gotta gotcha

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Truth! Zhang Lan exposed the secret of divorce and revealed her son's situation 3 years ago, and netizens scolded Da S for having no heart

Zhang Lan's live broadcast sprinkled tears on the screen: revealing the truth about Wang Xiaofei's divorce

In a recent live broadcast, Zhang Lan couldn't help but burst into tears on the screen and said what was in her heart with emotion. She not only mentioned the twists and turns in her son Wang Xiaofei's career, but also revealed for the first time the real reason why Wang Xiaofei divorced Da S. Zhang Lan revealed that Wang Xiaofei sold her car three years ago to solve the economic crisis, and this point in time was when Big S filed for divorce. This detail revealed by Zhang Lan in the live broadcast sparked extensive discussions among netizens. Some people pointed out that during this period of time, during the epidemic, Wang Xiaofei's career was at a low point and encountered great financial difficulties. Therefore, Zhang Lan's words were interpreted as an important reason for Da S to file for divorce because of money issues. Wang Xiaofei once had to sell her car in order to pay her employees on time. Zhang Lan said that at that time, Wang Xiaofei sold the car in order to cope with the economic difficulties, and now that the economy is improving, he has bought the car back. This behavior not only shows Wang Xiaofei's nostalgia for the past, but also allows netizens to see his difficult choices when the economy is at a low point.

Truth! Zhang Lan exposed the secret of divorce and revealed her son's situation 3 years ago, and netizens scolded Da S for having no heart

Netizens' feelings: The importance of a man's career

Netizens lamented Wang Xiaofei's love and righteousness, but some people believe that this further confirms Zhang Lan's statement: Big S chose to divorce Wang Xiaofei when she was in financial difficulties. This point of view has been shared by many netizens, who believe that Da S's divorce decision is closely related to Wang Xiaofei's economic situation. Some netizens said that a man's status in marriage has a lot to do with their career achievements. When Wang Xiaofei was in financial difficulties, Da S filed for divorce, which to a certain extent shows that she attaches great importance to the economic situation. Netizens believe that if Wang Xiaofei had enough financial strength at that time, maybe Big S would not easily file for divorce. Such a point of view has sparked more discussions, and many netizens believe that the economic factors in marriage cannot be ignored. Although feelings are the foundation of marriage, in real life, financial status also plays a crucial role.

Truth! Zhang Lan exposed the secret of divorce and revealed her son's situation 3 years ago, and netizens scolded Da S for having no heart

Xiaomei's high emotional intelligence: a happy life in a new marriage

Today, Wang Xiaofei and his new wife Xiaomei's life looks very happy. Zhang Lan was very satisfied with her new daughter-in-law and called her "girl", and Xiaomei also changed her name to "Mom", which made Zhang Lan smile from ear to ear. Xiaomei not only has high emotional intelligence, but also does things very decently, and she is also very good to Wang Xiaofei's two children, which makes Zhang Lan more satisfied with her. Some netizens believe that the reason why Xiaomei can quickly win Zhang Lan's love may be because she is pregnant. But regardless of the facts, Xiaomei did show her intelligence and high emotional intelligence, not only accompanying Wang Xiaofei intimately, but also handling the relationship with Zhang Lan. Against the backdrop of Wang Xiaofei and Xiaomei's happy life, netizens can't help but compare Big S's choice. Some people believe that Da S's divorce when Wang Xiaofei was in financial difficulties shows her short-sightedness and lack of support for her husband. In contrast, Xiaomei showed her wisdom and high emotional intelligence, and quickly won the love of Wang Xiaofei and Zhang Lan.

Truth! Zhang Lan exposed the secret of divorce and revealed her son's situation 3 years ago, and netizens scolded Da S for having no heart

Wang Xiaofei's comeback: the double harvest of career and marriage

This contrast made netizens feel emotional, and they believed that marriage not only needs emotional support, but also mutual support at critical moments. Big S chose to leave, while Xiaomei chose to stay, and these two choices brought very different results. After experiencing a low point in her career, Wang Xiaofei is now standing up again. His business is gradually improving, and he is even expected to list "Ma Liuji", which means endless wealth and glory. Wang Xiaofei not only achieved success in her career, but also found new happiness in her marriage. All this made Zhang Lan feel gratified, although she did not specify the specific reason for her son's divorce in the live broadcast, but by mentioning that Wang Xiaofei bought back the original car, it seemed to hint at a lot of things. Zhang Lan's words reveal a sense of relief for the past and expectations for the future.

Truth! Zhang Lan exposed the secret of divorce and revealed her son's situation 3 years ago, and netizens scolded Da S for having no heart

Big S's regret: The regret of missing a good opportunity

Some netizens believe that Big S may regret his choice. She chose to divorce Wang Xiaofei when she was in financial difficulties, but now she is watching Wang Xiaofei's career make a comeback, and her wealth and status are gradually recovering. In contrast, Big S's choice appears short-sighted and fails to see the possibilities of the future. This point of view has sparked more controversy, and netizens have discussed Da S's marriage choice and her judgment on the future. Some people think that she is short-sighted and focuses only on short-term interests, and does not see long-term potential and opportunities. Xiaomei's high emotional intelligence and intelligence not only won Wang Xiaofei's heart, but also Zhang Lan's recognition. Not only can she handle her relationship with Wang Xiaofei, but she can also perform well in front of Zhang Lan, which allows her to gain a firm foothold in this family. Xiaomei's intelligence and caringness show her wisdom in marriage. Such wisdom and emotional intelligence have made netizens have more praise for Xiaomei. Not only can she get along with Zhang Lan, but she can also help Wang Xiaofei deal with interpersonal relationships, such a woman is undoubtedly Wang Xiaofei's right-hand man.

Truth! Zhang Lan exposed the secret of divorce and revealed her son's situation 3 years ago, and netizens scolded Da S for having no heart

The tacit understanding between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law: the key to family harmony

The tacit understanding between Zhang Lan and Xiaomei is the key to family harmony. Zhang Lan's recognition and support for Xiaomei made Xiaomei more confident in the family, and Xiaomei's intelligence and caringness also made Zhang Lan feel very satisfied. This tacit understanding between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law makes the whole family more harmonious and happy. This harmonious atmosphere of the family not only helps Wang Xiaofei's career development, but also makes the whole family feel more warm. Zhang Lan hopes that through this tacit understanding and harmony, Wang Xiaofei's career and family can continue to improve. Xiaomei's support for Wang Xiaofei is an important driving force for his career development. She not only takes good care of her family, but also gives Wang Xiaofei help and advice in her career. This kind of support has made Wang Xiaofei more motivated and confident in her career, and she can better cope with various challenges.

Truth! Zhang Lan exposed the secret of divorce and revealed her son's situation 3 years ago, and netizens scolded Da S for having no heart

Zhang Lan's emotion: Behind the happiness of the family

Xiaomei's support is not only reflected in her daily life, but also in her understanding and help for Wang Xiaofei's career. She was able to provide help and advice at critical moments, making Wang Xiaofei's career smoother. This kind of support and help has allowed Wang Xiaofei to continue to make progress in her career. Zhang Lan mentioned the happiness and harmony of the family many times in the live broadcast, and she was pleased with her son's career and marriage. She believes that Xiaomei's arrival not only makes the family more harmonious, but also brings more motivation and hope to Wang Xiaofei's career. Zhang Lan's emotion reflects her beautiful vision for her future family life. Behind this family happiness is Xiaomei's intelligence and high emotional intelligence, as well as her support and help for her family and career. Zhang Lan hopes that through this kind of family harmony and happiness, Wang Xiaofei's career and family can continue to improve.

Truth! Zhang Lan exposed the secret of divorce and revealed her son's situation 3 years ago, and netizens scolded Da S for having no heart
Truth! Zhang Lan exposed the secret of divorce and revealed her son's situation 3 years ago, and netizens scolded Da S for having no heart

The choice of marriage: different destinies

The choice of Big S and Xiaomei has brought a completely different fate. Big S chose to divorce Wang Xiaofei when she was in financial difficulties, while Xiaomei chose to insist and support. This difference in choice leads to two very different results. Da S's divorce made her lose a husband who was expected to make a comeback, and Xiaomei's persistence and support allowed her to gain more recognition and support in the family. This choice of marriage reflects the different attitudes and decisions of each person in the face of difficulties. Some people believe that Da S's choice shows her short-sightedness and lack of support, while Xiaomei's choice shows her wisdom and high emotional intelligence.

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