
"Liu Shaoqi" actor Guo Lianwen passed away, and he had appeared before, and he was much thinner and haggard

author:A treasure trove of knowledge, Bck
"Liu Shaoqi" actor Guo Lianwen passed away, and he had appeared before, and he was much thinner and haggard

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A generation of great people, screen creators, and performance artists Mr. Guo Lianwen passed away

The death of Mr. Guo Lianwen is a huge loss to the Chinese film and television industry, and it has also made countless audiences sigh, he has created many classic roles, especially the interpretation of Comrade Liu Shaoqi, which is the most deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and has become an unforgettable screen image in the hearts of generations of audiences

"Liu Shaoqi" actor Guo Lianwen passed away, and he had appeared before, and he was much thinner and haggard

Mr. Guo Lianwen has devoted his life to the performing arts, he has superb acting skills and a deep understanding of the role, and presented a vivid character image in front of the audience, he played Comrade Liu Shaoqi, both form and spirit, lifelike, not only showing the demeanor and bearing of the great man, but also highlighting the noble spirit and firm belief of the older generation of revolutionaries, his performance, touched countless audiences, and has become a classic in the history of Chinese film and television

He has been in the art for decades and has shaped countless classics, and he interprets the true meaning of art with his life

Mr. Guo Lianwen's acting career began in the 60s of the last century, he has participated in many popular film and television works such as "The Founding Ceremony", "The Great Battle", "Zhou Enlai in Shanghai", etc., and has created many distinctive and impressive characters

"Liu Shaoqi" actor Guo Lianwen passed away, and he had appeared before, and he was much thinner and haggard

He has always maintained a rigorous and serious attitude towards the performing arts, each role has been repeatedly figured out and scrutinized by him, and strives to shape the character image to be more three-dimensional and real, he is not only an excellent actor, but also an artist with both virtue and art, his professionalism and unremitting pursuit of art, set a glorious example for future generations

Off the screen, he is low-key and humble in life and is respected by his peers

Unlike the glorious roles he portrayed on the screen, Mr. Guo Lianwen in life is very low-key and humble, he rarely appears in public, and he is not good at self-promotion, he puts all his enthusiasm and energy into the acting career he loves

"Liu Shaoqi" actor Guo Lianwen passed away, and he had appeared before, and he was much thinner and haggard

Although he rarely appears in public, his love and dedication to the performing arts are infectious to everyone around him, and he is willing to promote the younger generations, unreservedly passing on his years of accumulated acting experience to young actors, and his personality charm and artistic attainments have also won the respect and love of his peers

At the event a few months ago, he was already showing signs of illness and causing concern

In recent years, Mr. Guo Lianwen's physical condition has deteriorated, but he still insists on participating in some important activities and contributing to China's film and television industry in his own way

"Liu Shaoqi" actor Guo Lianwen passed away, and he had appeared before, and he was much thinner and haggard

He was visibly thinner, and his mental state was not as good as before, but he still boured up and communicated cordially with the guests, always with a warm smile on his face, and those who knew him well could feel from his tired expression that he was struggling with illness

When the bad news came, all sectors of society expressed deep regret and expressed their condolences

The sudden death of Mr. Guo Lianwen has immersed the whole society in grief, and people have spontaneously expressed their remembrance and remembrance of this artist in various ways

"Liu Shaoqi" actor Guo Lianwen passed away, and he had appeared before, and he was much thinner and haggard

Mr. Tang Guoqiang posted on social media to mourn this old friend, full of sadness and reluctance, he recalled the past of cooperation with Mr. Guo Lianwen, and praised him as "an artist with both virtue and art, and an amiable and respectable elder"

His life is a life of struggle, and his life of dedication has left valuable wealth for Chinese film and television

Mr. Guo Lianwen's life is a life of dedication to art, he uses his own actions to practice the original intention and mission of a literary and artistic worker, he dedicates his life's energy to the acting career he loves, and has made outstanding contributions to the development of Chinese film and television art

His artistic achievements lie not only in how many classic roles he has created, but also in the positive spiritual strength and values he has conveyed to the audience through these roles, and he will continue to inspire future generations of film and television workers, not forgetting his original intention, forging ahead, creating more excellent works, and contributing to the development of Chinese film and television art

The man is gone, but his spirit will always inspire us

The departure of Mr. Guo Lianwen is a great loss to the film industry, but his love and dedication to art will always inspire us, and his voice and smile will always remain in our hearts, so that we will always remember this artist and take him as an example to contribute to the development of China's film and television industry

Mr. Guo Lianwen goes all the way!

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