
Liu Jin Huang Wei cooperated again, partnered with Tang Guoqiang Wang Wufu to perform the main drama, and Lu Qiguo Lianwen played a bone

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A drama can gather Liu Jin, Tang Guoqiang and Wang Wufu three old drama bones, it can already be said to be a big production, and "People's Premier Zhou Enlai" in addition to these three, but also invited Huang Wei, Lu Qi and Guo Lianwen and other special actors, is definitely a drama of conscience.

Liu Jin Huang Wei cooperated again, partnered with Tang Guoqiang Wang Wufu to perform the main drama, and Lu Qiguo Lianwen played a bone

"People's Premier Zhou Enlai" tells the story of Premier Zhou's life of working for the country and the people, as well as the emotional story between him and Deng Yingchao, showing the image of Premier Zhou to the audience in many ways. In the play, premier Zhou is played by special actor Liu Jin, and Deng Yingchao is played by Huang Wei, and the two once again play Zhou Enlai and his wife, and there is no need to worry about the tacit understanding.

Liu Jin Huang Wei cooperated again, partnered with Tang Guoqiang Wang Wufu to perform the main drama, and Lu Qiguo Lianwen played a bone

Since Wang Tiesheng and others faded out of the entertainment circle, Liu Jin and Sun Weimin have become the mainstays of Premier Zhou's special actors, especially Liu Jin, who has repeatedly starred in tribute dramas with Tang Guoqiang, Wang Wufu and others. The audience's evaluation of Liu Jin is very high, and they all feel that he not only looks like Premier Zhou, but also has superb acting skills. The most important thing is that Liu Jin has a diligent and studious heart, even if he is already the first choice for Premier Zhou's special actor, he still has not given up on improving his performance.

Liu Jin Huang Wei cooperated again, partnered with Tang Guoqiang Wang Wufu to perform the main drama, and Lu Qiguo Lianwen played a bone

Huang Wei, who plays Deng Yingchao, is no stranger to the audience, because she is currently the only female special actor, who specializes in playing Comrade Deng Yingchao. Although she is not from a science class and has no acting experience, Huang Wei is talented and intelligent, and she is transparent at one point, coupled with her appearance similar to Deng Yingchao, and is praised by many audiences as a grandfather who appreciates rice.

Liu Jin Huang Wei cooperated again, partnered with Tang Guoqiang Wang Wufu to perform the main drama, and Lu Qiguo Lianwen played a bone

Tang Guoqiang and Wang Wufu are old faces who often appear in the main drama, and the TV series they have co-starred in are countless, chairman Mao played by Tang Guoqiang and Marshal Zhu De, played by Wang Wufu, are classics. In the movie "Chosin Lake", which was being screened some time ago, the two once again joined hands to play a great man, which won unanimous praise from the audience. Before Tang Guoqiang was always spat at playing everything like himself, and this time the audience bluntly said that it was Tang Guoqiang, which showed how brilliant his performance was.

Liu Jin Huang Wei cooperated again, partnered with Tang Guoqiang Wang Wufu to perform the main drama, and Lu Qiguo Lianwen played a bone

Lu Qi became famous for playing Comrade Deng Xiaoping, and in the nearly 40 years since he became a special actor, he has played this role more than 60 times, and even Deng Xiaoping's daughter has praised Lu Qi for acting most likely. In the face of praise, Lu Qi showed great modesty, bluntly saying that he still had room for improvement, and he also stressed that playing a great man can not only be similar, but must also have both form and god, and he himself has done this very well.

Liu Jin Huang Wei cooperated again, partnered with Tang Guoqiang Wang Wufu to perform the main drama, and Lu Qiguo Lianwen played a bone

Guo Lianwen, who plays Comrade Liu Shaoqi, is also a low-key powerful actor, compared to several other special actors in the play, Guo Lianwen has not starred in many film and television dramas, but good works are not expensive, and Guo Lianwen's acting skills are not lost to others. In works such as "Comrade Shaoqi" and "Changed the Human World", Guo Lianwen has performed very well.

Liu Jin Huang Wei cooperated again, partnered with Tang Guoqiang Wang Wufu to perform the main drama, and Lu Qiguo Lianwen played a bone

The acting skills and appearances of Tang Guoqiang, Wang Wufu and others are all recognized by the public, but it is inevitable that they are getting older and older, and they can no longer play the great people of their youth, while the young generation of special actors is very few, which is worrying. Previously, Liu Ye had played the role of Chairman Mao in the movie and was well received by the audience, but Liu Ye did not seem to have the will to become a special actor, and recently he was busy making movies and receiving endorsements, and the online game playing Blue Moon endorsed by him was very popular.

Liu Jin Huang Wei cooperated again, partnered with Tang Guoqiang Wang Wufu to perform the main drama, and Lu Qiguo Lianwen played a bone

"People's Premier Zhou Enlai" this drama restores the legendary life of Premier Zhou who bowed down and died, and is a good work worth watching by everyone.

Liu Jin Huang Wei cooperated again, partnered with Tang Guoqiang Wang Wufu to perform the main drama, and Lu Qiguo Lianwen played a bone

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