
After the war in Changjin Lake, the tense atmosphere did not dissipate for several months, Chen Geng entered the DPRK medicine to get rid of the disease, Mr. Peng: There is really a set

After the war in Changjin Lake, the tense atmosphere did not dissipate for several months, Chen Geng entered the DPRK medicine to get rid of the disease, Mr. Peng: There is really a set

In June 1951, summer on the Korean Peninsula was unusually slow. In the war-torn land, the growth of plants and trees seems to be a little cringe, as if mourning for this long-suffering land. The Chinese People's Volunteers on the Korean battlefield are at a delicate and tense moment. Although a great victory was achieved in the Battle of Changjin Lake a few months ago, the tragic battle left a deep psychological shadow on the officers and men of the Volunteer Army.

When night falls, many fighters are still awakened by nightmares that echo with the roar of American planes and the explosion of artillery shells. Even in a moment of relative calm, they tensed their nerves for fear of a sudden attack by the US military. The tense atmosphere on the battlefield could not be dissipated for a long time, and even the supreme commander Peng Dehuai was frowning, unable to hide the anxiety in his heart.

After the war in Changjin Lake, the tense atmosphere did not dissipate for several months, Chen Geng entered the DPRK medicine to get rid of the disease, Mr. Peng: There is really a set

At this moment, the arrival of a person, like a fresh spring breeze, blew away the haze that shrouded the volunteer army. He is General Chen Geng. Chen Geng is burly, with a resolute face with a bit of elegance, and a pair of bright eyes flashing with wisdom. He is a man of great temperament, humorous and infectious.

Chen Geng heard that the situation on the Korean front was grim, and despite his physical injuries, he took the initiative to ask Chairman Mao to enter the DPRK. At that time, Chen Geng was recuperating in Beijing due to a recurrence of an old injury. The doctor strictly ordered him to rest in bed, but Chen Geng was restless. He said to the guards beside him: "My old bone can still carry a gun, how can I be pampered in the rear?"

After the war in Changjin Lake, the tense atmosphere did not dissipate for several months, Chen Geng entered the DPRK medicine to get rid of the disease, Mr. Peng: There is really a set

Chairman Mao was a little worried about Chen Geng's leg injury, but Chen Geng patted his chest and promised: "My injury is nothing, North Korea needs me now!" Besides, I, Chen Geng, am 'nine lives', and the American devils can't help me!" This sentence made Chairman Mao laugh, and finally agreed to Chen Geng's request.

When Chen Geng arrived in North Korea, he was just in time for Peng Dehuai to hold a meeting of senior generals. The conference room was set up in a hidden cave, and the dim oil lamps cast a long shadow on everyone's tense faces. The atmosphere of the meeting was unusually heavy, and Peng Dehuai was severely criticizing Wei Jie, the commander of the 60th Army.

After the war in Changjin Lake, the tense atmosphere did not dissipate for several months, Chen Geng entered the DPRK medicine to get rid of the disease, Mr. Peng: There is really a set

"How do you command? We have lost a single division, causing a very rare division of our army to suffer heavy losses since its founding!" Peng Dehuai asked angrily, his voice echoing in the cave, full of pain and anger. His eyes were red, and he had obviously not rested for a long time.

Wei Jie lowered his head, his face was as pale as paper, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he didn't say a word. The other generals were also silent, not daring to raise their heads, only the rustle of pencils scratching on the battle map sounded from time to time.

After the war in Changjin Lake, the tense atmosphere did not dissipate for several months, Chen Geng entered the DPRK medicine to get rid of the disease, Mr. Peng: There is really a set

The atmosphere in the conference room was tense to the point of frozen. At this moment, Chen Geng stood up, he was on crutches, with a gentle smile on his face: "Boss, after a long time of meeting, everyone didn't dare to move, I saw that their faces were red, and they didn't dare to go out to urinate, and now they have opinions in their stomachs, and they are so hungry." You must be tired from losing your temper so much. Do I recommend taking a break? Let everyone pee and have a meeting after eating, and then you will continue to criticize, okay?"

Chen Geng's words were relaxed and humorous, but they did not lose proportion. His voice was not loud, but it was like a clear spring, which instantly diluted the smell of gunpowder in the conference room. Peng Dehuai was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Chen Geng was giving himself a step. He said with a straight face: "You Chen Geng are hungry, so let's eat." With that, he turned around and left the conference room.

After the war in Changjin Lake, the tense atmosphere did not dissipate for several months, Chen Geng entered the DPRK medicine to get rid of the disease, Mr. Peng: There is really a set

The other generals were relieved and cast grateful glances at Chen Geng. Someone whispered: "Commander Chen, you saved us, we really didn't dare to go out if we were holding our urine."

Chen Geng smiled and said, "Why don't you go peeing quickly, don't let go and pee on your pants." The joke immediately dissipated the tension and everyone laughed easily. Laughter echoed through the cave, as if the long-lost sunlight had dispelled the gloom.

Chen Geng's arrival not only eased the tension between senior generals, but also brought new vitality to the entire front line of the Chinese People's Volunteers. He often went to the grassroots level and chatted with ordinary soldiers. Once, Chen Geng came to a company that had just been withdrawn from the Battle of Changjin Lake.

After the war in Changjin Lake, the tense atmosphere did not dissipate for several months, Chen Geng entered the DPRK medicine to get rid of the disease, Mr. Peng: There is really a set

It was getting late, but the warriors were still heavily armed and watchful of their surroundings. Chen Geng noticed that even on his own position, many soldiers did not dare to take off their cotton clothes to sleep, for fear of a sudden attack by the US army. Their eyes were full of exhaustion and fear, which made Chen Geng's heart sour.

Chen Geng walked up to a young soldier and patted him lightly on the shoulder: "Young man, what's your name?"

The soldier hurriedly stood up and saluted: "Report chief, my name is Wang Dayong, and I am a recruit."

After the war in Changjin Lake, the tense atmosphere did not dissipate for several months, Chen Geng entered the DPRK medicine to get rid of the disease, Mr. Peng: There is really a set

Chen Geng smiled and said, "Dayong, are you nervous?"

Wang Dayong lowered his head, his voice trembling a little: "Chief, I... I'm scared. The battle at Changjin Lake was so terrible that I could hear the sound of artillery in my dreams at night. "

Chen Geng nodded understandingly: "It's normal to be afraid, we are all human beings, not iron." But you know what? Fear is like darkness, when you face it, it disappears. "

He looked around, raised his voice and said: "Comrades, we have passed the most difficult moment. The Americans are indeed strong, but we are stronger. We have courage, we have wisdom, and more importantly, we have the belief that we will win!"

After the war in Changjin Lake, the tense atmosphere did not dissipate for several months, Chen Geng entered the DPRK medicine to get rid of the disease, Mr. Peng: There is really a set

Chen Geng's words were like a shot in the arm, injected into the hearts of every soldier. Their eyes grew firm, and their backs straightened.

In order to further ease the tension of the fighters, Chen Geng came up with various methods. He organized theatrical performances for the soldiers, and he often improvised humorous sketches. At one point, he even put on a woman's costume and played the role of a village girl, which made the soldiers laugh constantly.

Chen Geng also encouraged everyone to write a letter to their families, telling about their combat experiences and homesickness. "Writing the letter is not only to reassure the family, but also to remind myself what I am fighting for," he said. At his initiative, many fighters began to record their thoughts in plain language. These seemingly simple activities greatly relieved the psychological pressure of the fighters and allowed them to regain their confidence and courage to fight.

After the war in Changjin Lake, the tense atmosphere did not dissipate for several months, Chen Geng entered the DPRK medicine to get rid of the disease, Mr. Peng: There is really a set

Chen Geng is not only a "pistachio" who is good at adjusting the atmosphere, but also a military strategist. He keenly observed that the war had entered a phase of stalemate, and positional warfare was becoming more and more important. However, the Volunteer Army was not well prepared in this regard. The U.S. military's air superiority and firepower superiority put the volunteers in a passive position in positional warfare.

Late one night, Chen Geng stood alone on the top of the mountain, looking out in the direction of the US military position. From time to time, flares rise in the night sky, illuminating the rolling hills. Chen Geng's gaze swept over the land, and a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind. He immediately summoned experts in the sappers and came up with a bold idea: the large-scale construction of underground tunnel fortifications at the front.

After the war in Changjin Lake, the tense atmosphere did not dissipate for several months, Chen Geng entered the DPRK medicine to get rid of the disease, Mr. Peng: There is really a set

Chen Geng excitedly explained to the experts: "We need to take advantage of the terrain and dig criss-crossing underground tunnels on the hillside. In this way, it can not only effectively defend against the artillery bombardment of the US army, but also flexibly maneuver in battle and deal a fatal blow to the enemy. "

He quickly sketched his idea on the sand table, and the tunnel system was like a giant spider web, connecting the entire position into an organic whole. After listening to Chen Geng's idea, the engineering experts were deeply excited. A chief of staff said: "Commander Chen, this is simply building an underground Great Wall on the Korean battlefield!"

Chen Geng said with a smile: "That's right, it is to let the Americans know that the Chinese will not only build the Great Wall, but also build an invisible underground Great Wall under their noses!"

After the war in Changjin Lake, the tense atmosphere did not dissipate for several months, Chen Geng entered the DPRK medicine to get rid of the disease, Mr. Peng: There is really a set

Under the command of Chen Geng, the volunteer soldiers began the intensive construction of the tunnel. They dug day and night and overcame many difficulties. On a hot summer day, the warriors sweated like rain; On cold winter nights, they braved the biting north winds. Even when enemy aircraft bombed, they insisted on construction, simply moving the operation underground.

Eventually, a vast system of underground tunnels took shape. This system not only has combat fortifications, but also various functional areas such as command posts, medical stations, ammunition depots, etc., which can be called an underground military city. The interior of the tunnel is intricate, but well laid out, well ventilated, and even has a simple drainage system.

After the war in Changjin Lake, the tense atmosphere did not dissipate for several months, Chen Geng entered the DPRK medicine to get rid of the disease, Mr. Peng: There is really a set

The U.S. military soon learned the power of this "underground Great Wall." Whenever they attacked, the volunteer fighters were like gophers, and the American troops were dizzy. Even if the U.S. military used massive bombing, it would not be able to destroy this impregnable underground line. U.S. pilots often report in confusion that they see the bomb hitting the target accurately, but when the smoke clears, the Chinese army will magically appear again, as if there are endless troops underground.

US commander Li Qiwei had to sigh at a post-war summary meeting: "This Chinese general is simply not here to fight, but to build the underground Great Wall!" Our bombing was like giving them free underground extensions. "

After the war in Changjin Lake, the tense atmosphere did not dissipate for several months, Chen Geng entered the DPRK medicine to get rid of the disease, Mr. Peng: There is really a set

Chen Geng's tunnel tactics not only played a huge role on the battlefield, but more importantly, greatly boosted the morale of the officers and men of the volunteers. The warriors were no longer in fear, but full of confidence in victory. A company commander wrote in his diary: "With such an underground Great Wall, we are iron-clad warriors. No matter how powerful the Americans are, they don't want to blow us out! Now we are not afraid of bombing, but we are looking forward to them to bomb them. After each bombing, we get an 'unexpected surprise' – the soil that has been loosened is just right in time to reinforce our tunnels. "

Peng Dehuai was overjoyed when he learned of Chen Geng's innovation. He personally came to the front line to inspect and saw the intricate tunnel system, and he couldn't help but praise it again and again. He patted Chen Geng's shoulder and said, "Old Chen, you really have a set of optimist generals!" Not only can I adjust the atmosphere, but I can also come up with such a good tactic, which really impresses Lao Peng!"

After the war in Changjin Lake, the tense atmosphere did not dissipate for several months, Chen Geng entered the DPRK medicine to get rid of the disease, Mr. Peng: There is really a set

Chen Geng said modestly: "Mr. Peng has won the award. I'm just combining the wisdom of our ancestors with modern warfare. This is the result of the joint efforts of all commanders and fighters. "

Peng Dehuai said with deep feelings: "You are right. We Chinese have this ability to make the impossible possible. With a general like you, with so many valiant soldiers, I am more confident in defeating the Americans!"

Chen Geng's arrival not only brought about tactical innovation, but more importantly, reshaped the spiritual outlook of the volunteers. He used humor to resolve tension, wisdom to stimulate creativity, and personality charm to unite the military's heart. Under his influence, the entire volunteer army radiated new vitality and vitality.

After the war in Changjin Lake, the tense atmosphere did not dissipate for several months, Chen Geng entered the DPRK medicine to get rid of the disease, Mr. Peng: There is really a set

However, Chen Geng is not only telling jokes and jokes. He had a deep understanding of the brutality of war. Whenever he saw a casualty report, a trace of pain flashed in Chen Geng's eyes. He often paced alone at headquarters late at night, thinking about how he could achieve victory while minimizing casualties.

Once, Chen Geng saw a young soldier writing a letter home, so he walked over to chat with him.

Chen Geng asked kindly, "Young man, what about writing a letter?" What do you want to say to your family?"

After the war in Changjin Lake, the tense atmosphere did not dissipate for several months, Chen Geng entered the DPRK medicine to get rid of the disease, Mr. Peng: There is really a set

The young warrior hurriedly stood up and saluted, and Chen Geng waved his hand to signal him to sit down. The soldier replied a little shyly: "Report to the chief, I am writing to my mother."

Chen Geng nodded: "Okay, write a letter to my mother." The mother must have been happy to see her son's letter. What did you say in your letter?"

The warrior hesitated for a moment and said, "I... I didn't dare tell my mom what was going on here. I was afraid that she would be worried, so I said that I was safe in the rear, well fed, and warmly dressed. "

After the war in Changjin Lake, the tense atmosphere did not dissipate for several months, Chen Geng entered the DPRK medicine to get rid of the disease, Mr. Peng: There is really a set

Chen Geng was silent for a moment, and gently patted the soldier's shoulder: "I understand your feelings. But have you ever thought that your mom would want to know your real situation?"

Seeing the soldier's puzzled eyes, Chen Geng continued: "You know what? Each of us is here to defend the motherland and protect our families. Your mother must be proud of you. If you tell her the truth, she will be worried, but she will be even more proud of you. "

The warrior nodded thoughtfully. Chen Geng also said: "Moreover, if you tell the truth, you can also let the people in the rear better understand the situation on the front line and cherish peace more." This is also our responsibility. "

After the war in Changjin Lake, the tense atmosphere did not dissipate for several months, Chen Geng entered the DPRK medicine to get rid of the disease, Mr. Peng: There is really a set

Inspired by Chen Geng, the warrior picked up the pen again and began to write down his real experiences and feelings. Chen Geng looked at him seriously, with a relieved smile on his face.

Such scenes are constantly played out in the volunteer army. Under Chen Geng's influence, more and more soldiers began to describe the real situation on the front line in their letters to their families. These simple and unpretentious words have become the most precious historical records, and they have also made the people in the rear more understanding and support the front-line soldiers.

Chen Geng also paid special attention to training young officers. He often gave them lectures in person, imparting combat experience and the art of leadership. Once, he said to a group of newly promoted company commanders: "Being an officer is not for enjoyment, but for better service." Always remember that your words and actions will affect the entire company. We must be strict with ourselves, be lenient with others, and use our actions to win the respect and trust of our soldiers. "

After the war in Changjin Lake, the tense atmosphere did not dissipate for several months, Chen Geng entered the DPRK medicine to get rid of the disease, Mr. Peng: There is really a set

Thanks to Chen Geng's efforts, the combat effectiveness and cohesion of the volunteer army have been greatly improved. The U.S. military soon felt the change. In the following battles, the Volunteer Army showed amazing resilience and combat effectiveness, which made the US army suffer a lot.

U.S. Army Commander Ridgway wrote in a report: "The Chinese military seems to have been given a new lease of life. Not only have they become more tactically flexible, but their morale has also improved significantly. We are no longer faced with a group of exhausted soldiers, but with an army full of energy and creativity. This change is disturbing. "

In July 1953, the Korean War finally ushered in an armistice. When the signing ceremony of the armistice agreement was held, Chen Geng stood on the hillside in the distance, silently watching this historic moment. There was no smugness on his face as a victor, only a sigh of relief at the hard-won peace.

After the war in Changjin Lake, the tense atmosphere did not dissipate for several months, Chen Geng entered the DPRK medicine to get rid of the disease, Mr. Peng: There is really a set

An adjutant came over and said, "Commander Chen, we have won!"

Chen Geng shook his head slightly: "In war, there is no real winner. We have paid a huge price for this hard-won peace. We must always remember this lesson and cherish peace, but we must also always be ready to defend it. "

After the war in Changjin Lake, the tense atmosphere did not dissipate for several months, Chen Geng entered the DPRK medicine to get rid of the disease, Mr. Peng: There is really a set

Chen Geng's work on the Korean front not only had a significant impact on the war situation at that time, but also left valuable experience for future generations. His leadership skills can be summed up as follows:

1. Be good at adjusting the atmosphere. Chen Geng uses humor to dissolve tension, relieve pressure, and create a positive atmosphere.

2. Go to the grassroots and care for the soldiers. He often communicated with ordinary fighters, understood their thoughts and needs, solved problems in a timely manner.

3. Innovate tactics. In the face of difficulties, Chen Geng is able to break through conventional thinking and propose innovative solutions.

4. Pay attention to psychological construction. He used various ways to boost morale and reshape the mental outlook of the army.

5. Be realistic. Chen Geng encouraged the soldiers to truthfully report the battle situation, which not only respects the historical truth, but is also conducive to rallying the hearts of the people in the rear.

6. Balance harshness with tolerance. He was able to be strict with his subordinates and was tolerant and understanding when appropriate.

7. Be good at learning and summarizing. Chen Geng continues to learn from practice, and summarizes and refines his experience to form a generalizable experience.

Chen Geng's leadership skills are not only applicable to the military field, but also have important reference significance for modern management work. In any organization, creating a positive atmosphere, caring for subordinates, encouraging innovation, focusing on psychological construction, insisting on honest communication, balancing strictness and tolerance, and being good at learning and summarizing are all qualities that a good leader should have.

After the war in Changjin Lake, the tense atmosphere did not dissipate for several months, Chen Geng entered the DPRK medicine to get rid of the disease, Mr. Peng: There is really a set

Today, when we look back on this history, we can't help but sigh: such leaders are often needed in the most difficult moments. They are able to find hope in desperate situations, stimulate creativity in the face of difficulties, and use their wisdom and courage to lead people to victory. Chen Geng's story is not only a piece of military history, but also a vivid leadership lesson, which is worthy of our in-depth study and reflection.
