
Chose to close this restaurant because of a bad review! Shop: There are only 5 pieces left after a bowl of noodles is drawn

author:The one who eats the bread

In this noisy world, everyone is running for life, and some people, their travel seems to be more difficult and less easy to be seen. Today, I want to tell such a story, a story about persistence and abandonment, understanding and misunderstanding, and human fragility and warmth.

Chose to close this restaurant because of a bad review! Shop: There are only 5 pieces left after a bowl of noodles is drawn

It's a humble little restaurant owned by a young couple with a few months old baby, who wake up early every day and stay up late every day, running the shop with sweat and hard work. Their noodles have a unique taste and an affordable price, 12 yuan a bowl, which should be the favorite of customers. However, the reality is always much more skinny than ideal.

Chose to close this restaurant because of a bad review! Shop: There are only 5 pieces left after a bowl of noodles is drawn

That day, the restaurant received a bad review. The reason was that a customer claimed not to have received chopsticks and boiled eggs. When the owner saw the message, he immediately replied to the customer, apologized sincerely, and quickly checked the packaging monitoring to confirm that the chopsticks and boiled eggs had been placed.

Chose to close this restaurant because of a bad review! Shop: There are only 5 pieces left after a bowl of noodles is drawn

Even after contacting the customer and learning that he had already eaten half of it, the owner chose to refund the money. This should be a good story that reflects the sense of service, but I didn't expect that the customer changed hands and it was a bad review, saying that the business could not be contacted.

Chose to close this restaurant because of a bad review! Shop: There are only 5 pieces left after a bowl of noodles is drawn

The moment I saw this bad review, the owner's heart collapsed. This is not because of a simple misunderstanding, but because of the exhaustion and helplessness that has accumulated in my heart for a long time. They work hard every day, but they are scolded by customers for some inexplicable reasons. The bowl of 12 yuan noodles, after the platform's commission, only five or six yuan were left in their hands.

Days like this, too tired, too tired.

So, they made a decision: to close the restaurant. It's not just because of a bad review, it's because countless such "straws" crush them. They hope that everyone in this world can be kind and tolerant. They use their stories to show us the fragility and warmth in human nature.

Netizen comments

1. From the beginning of the careful reply to compensation, to the later sloppy, or to serve the real customers!

Chose to close this restaurant because of a bad review! Shop: There are only 5 pieces left after a bowl of noodles is drawn

2. Netizens said that their brother opened a hot pot restaurant. Two customers went to eat, saying that there were stones in the rice that damaged his teeth, and there was no way to compensate 1,000 yuan, but they still used the same trick in another store, and they happened to be met by their brother and called the police directly. It's too hard to do business now!

Chose to close this restaurant because of a bad review! Shop: There are only 5 pieces left after a bowl of noodles is drawn

3. Netizens suggested that if there is evidence of video surveillance, you don't need to get used to it, and you can deal with it as you want.

Chose to close this restaurant because of a bad review! Shop: There are only 5 pieces left after a bowl of noodles is drawn

I think this story is not just about the closure of a restaurant, it's a deep reflection on human nature. Should we be more empathetic to those who are running for life? Should we cherish more those who serve us with sweat and hard work? Should we be kinder and more tolerant to make this world a better place?

The owner said, "I won't be in the restaurant business again in my life." Behind this sentence, there is a lot of bitterness and helplessness. I hope that each of us can take something out of this story, about understanding, about kindness, about the beauty of human nature.

Finally, I would like to say to the shopkeeper: we have all seen your persistence and hard work. Although your restaurant is closed, your story will inspire more people to understand and respect everyone who works hard to live. May your future path be smoother and brighter. I also hope that each of us can have more kindness and understanding in life, so that this world can become warmer and better. #头条创作挑战赛#