
Plummeting overnight! Wheat "180° big turn"? Wheat market on June 28, 2024

author:Delightful lark K
Plummeting overnight! Wheat "180° big turn"? Wheat market on June 28, 2024

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Price fluctuations after a bumper summer grain harvest: farmers' joys and sorrows

This year's summer grain harvest should be a good day for farmers to smile, but the sharp decline in wheat prices has cast a shadow on this joy, some time ago was still rejoicing in the rise in prices, but now we have to worry about the price fall, the gap in which people can't help but ask: what caused the sharp fluctuations in wheat prices? What does this mean for farmers?

Plummeting overnight! Wheat "180° big turn"? Wheat market on June 28, 2024

I still remember some time ago, the policy wheat purchase was in full swing, the grain storage increased many times, grain stations all over the country are actively warehousing new wheat, the market is thriving, wheat prices are also going all the way up, but the good times are not long, after entering the second half of June, the situation took a sharp turn for the worse, wheat prices began to turn down, so that farmers and friends were caught off guard, taking June 28 as an example, as the main wheat producing areas of Shandong, Hebei, Henan and other places, the quotations of milling enterprises have fallen, The decline is generally about 0.5 points, for example, the price of Hebei Hualong Farm has dropped to 1.23 yuan / catty, Shandong Luhua Noodle Industry, Liangshan Lisheng and other enterprises, as well as Henan Anyang Yihai Kerry, COFCO Anyang and other enterprises have also lowered their prices

Behind the fluctuations in wheat prices: changes in supply and demand

So, what is causing the "rollercoaster" volatility of wheat prices? In the final analysis, the relationship between supply and demand has changed, this year's summer grain wheat production has increased, the market supply is sufficient, and the supply of wheat in the market is more relaxed after the centralized purchase of grain reserves and grain stations in various places; In addition, it is currently in the off-season of flour sales, high temperature weather and frequent rainfall are not conducive to flour storage, the downstream market demand is weak, and the operating rate of milling enterprises is not high, which further inhibits the demand for wheat

Plummeting overnight! Wheat "180° big turn"? Wheat market on June 28, 2024

In addition to the changes in the relationship between supply and demand, there are some other factors that have also had a certain impact on wheat prices, for example, last year's wheat purchased by flour mills at a high price and the current market price has been inverted, which has also intensified the market wait-and-see sentiment, inhibited the rise in wheat prices, feed enterprises have increased demand for wheat substitutes, and traders are not willing to build warehouses and other factors have also caused some pressure on wheat prices

In the face of price fluctuations, how should farmers respond?

In the face of fluctuations in wheat prices, farmers will inevitably feel confused and anxious. Or should we continue to wait and see for the price to recover?

Plummeting overnight! Wheat "180° big turn"? Wheat market on June 28, 2024

Experts suggest that farmers should stay calm, do not blindly follow the trend, pay close attention to the market, keep abreast of the latest developments in wheat prices, and reasonably arrange wheat sales plans according to their own conditions. If the storage conditions are good, you can wait and see and wait for a better time

National policies protect wheat prices

It is worth noting that the state has always attached great importance to food security, introduced a series of policy measures to protect the interests of farmers, the minimum purchase price of wheat this year is 1.17 yuan / catty, although the current market price is higher than the minimum purchase price, but this provides a "safety cushion" for wheat prices, which can effectively prevent excessive price declines and protect farmers' enthusiasm for growing grain

Plummeting overnight! Wheat "180° big turn"? Wheat market on June 28, 2024

Wheat price fluctuations are the result of changes in market supply and demand, farmers should look at it rationally, do not panic excessively, I believe that with the support of national policies, the wheat market will eventually return to stability, and farmers will usher in a good year

The impact of wheat price fluctuations on future grain markets

In the context of global climate change and intensifying geopolitical risks, the importance of food security is becoming increasingly prominent, and how to ensure the stability of food supply and price stability is an important issue in front of us

Plummeting overnight! Wheat "180° big turn"? Wheat market on June 28, 2024

It is necessary to continue to strengthen the construction of agricultural infrastructure, improve agricultural production efficiency, and enhance the ability to resist natural disasters. In addition, it is necessary to improve the grain reserve system, regulate the relationship between supply and demand in the market, and stabilize grain prices; It is also necessary to strengthen international cooperation to jointly address the challenge of global food security

How can farmers use market information to seize the initiative?

In the information age, farmers should also learn to use the Internet, mobile phones and other tools to obtain market information, and keep abreast of national policies, market conditions, price trends, etc., so as to make more scientific and reasonable planting and sales decisions

Plummeting overnight! Wheat "180° big turn"? Wheat market on June 28, 2024

For example, you can pay attention to some professional agricultural information websites, WeChat public accounts, etc., and you can also join some farmer exchange groups to exchange experiences and share information with other farmers, through which farmers can better grasp the market dynamics and improve their ability to deal with market risks

Call on all sectors of society to pay attention to the "three rural" issues

We also want to call on all sectors of society to pay more attention to the "three rural" issues, care for and support farmers, only a strong agriculture, beautiful countryside, and prosperous farmers can realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

Dear friends, what are your thoughts on this fluctuation in wheat prices? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, share your views and suggestions, and let us contribute to ensuring national food security and promoting agricultural development!

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