
The barbecue restaurant opened by Big S and Gu Junye is no worse than Ma Liuji! It turns out that they have been making a fortune in silence

author:Xiaoxian accompanies you in the story

Text/Xiaoxian accompanies you with the story

Ladies and gentlemen, today let's talk about a popular couple in the entertainment industry - Da S and Gu Junye.

These two are not only thriving in the entertainment industry, but they have even started a cross-border catering and opened a barbecue restaurant.

It is said that Gu Junye brought the authentic Korean barbecue technology to China, wanting everyone to taste the authentic Korean flavor.

Don't say it, it's a smart choice.

The barbecue restaurant opened by Big S and Gu Junye is no worse than Ma Liuji! It turns out that they have been making a fortune in silence

Nowadays, cultural exchanges between China and South Korea are becoming more and more frequent, and Korean food is also highly sought after in China.

Koo Junye is Korean himself, has a deep understanding of Korean barbecue, and coupled with his star effect, this barbecue restaurant has attracted many diners to try it as soon as it opens.

The barbecue restaurant opened by Big S and Gu Junye is no worse than Ma Liuji! It turns out that they have been making a fortune in silence

When you walk into the store, you will find that it is very distinctively decorated, and there is a Korean style everywhere.

There are photos of some Korean stars hanging on the walls, as well as photos of Gu Junye and Da S, which makes people feel like walking into a small shop on the streets of Korea.

The waiters are also dressed in traditional Korean costumes, giving them a warm and welcoming feel.

The barbecue restaurant opened by Big S and Gu Junye is no worse than Ma Liuji! It turns out that they have been making a fortune in silence

Of course, the most important thing is the taste of the barbecue. It is said that the barbecue here is carefully selected and the grilling technique is unique, and you can eat the tenderness of the meat and the mellow spices of each bite.

The barbecue restaurant opened by Big S and Gu Junye is no worse than Ma Liuji! It turns out that they have been making a fortune in silence

And, ah, there's also a special dish here - braised eggs.

Don't underestimate this braised egg, it's one of the store's signatures.

The production process of this braised egg is very complex, requiring a variety of spices and secret sauces to be boiled together, and the taste is delicious and the aftertaste is endless.

It is said that the recipe for this boiled egg was developed by Da S himself!

[Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter]

The barbecue restaurant opened by Big S and Gu Junye is no worse than Ma Liuji! It turns out that they have been making a fortune in silence

In addition to the food, there is another highlight of this barbecue restaurant - that is, the personality signature of the braised egg. This signature is not just a random signature, it is customized according to the tastes and preferences of each diner.

For example, if you like spicy food, there will be a chili pattern on the signature; If you like sweets, the signature will have a candy motif on it.

In this way, not only does the diners feel the personalized service experience, but also adds to the fun and interactivity of the restaurant.

Of course, the success of this barbecue restaurant is also inseparable from the fame of Big S.

The barbecue restaurant opened by Big S and Gu Junye is no worse than Ma Liuji! It turns out that they have been making a fortune in silence

As a well-known figure in the entertainment industry, Big S has always had a high degree of popularity and attention

She not only has extensive contacts and resources in the entertainment industry, but also has a large number of fans and followers on social media.

From time to time, she will post photos and videos of herself in the barbecue restaurant on social media, sharing the joy and experience of food with her fans.

In this way, it not only allowed fans to better understand the life and taste of Big S, but also drove the popularity and customer flow of the barbecue restaurant.

The barbecue restaurant opened by Big S and Gu Junye is no worse than Ma Liuji! It turns out that they have been making a fortune in silence

Of course, the success of this rotisserie did not happen overnight.

In the early days of the business, they also encountered a lot of difficulties and challenges. For example, the unstable supply of ingredients, inadequate staff management, uneven service quality and other problems have caused them headaches.

But they didn't give up, but actively sought solutions, continuous improvement and promotion.

The barbecue restaurant opened by Big S and Gu Junye is no worse than Ma Liuji! It turns out that they have been making a fortune in silence

Now, this barbecue restaurant has become a local Internet celebrity restaurant, and there are many people waiting in line to eat every day!

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