
There is one kind of person who is not suitable for napping! Have you been tricked?

author:Xiaofang medical science
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As the weather gets hotter, many people will feel sleepy after eating at noon, especially those who participate in the "21-day early check-in" activity, and they are even more powerless. As a result, many people choose to take advantage of the afternoon to take a nap.

Not everyone is suitable for napping, especially those who can't sleep at night and are sleepy during the day. Napping may not be a good option for them.

Not suitable for nappers

For people who don't have a good night's rest and are particularly sleepy during the day, napping may worsen their distress. Experts point out that if such people take a nap for an hour or two at noon, they are prone to deep sleep, and after waking up, they will feel more tired, and the whole person will become sluggish and weak. This is because when the deep sleep phase is interrupted, the person tends to feel more sleepy and reacts more slowly.

There is one kind of person who is not suitable for napping! Have you been tricked?

This can also lead to a vicious cycle: sleeping too much during the day naturally makes it difficult to fall asleep at night, resulting in a lack of sleep at night, more sleepiness during the day the next day, and a longer nap. In the long run, day and night are reversed, the body's biological clock is disrupted, and the overall health will also be affected.

For these friends, it is advisable to focus your sleep time as much as possible at night. If you are too sleepy, you can take a short break for 15-20 minutes at noon, so that you will not fall into a deep sleep, and you can recover a certain amount of energy for the afternoon's work.

There is one kind of person who is not suitable for napping! Have you been tricked?

The importance of nap time

Many people complain that they feel more uncomfortable after taking a nap, with dizziness and numbness in their hands and feet. In fact, it's usually because of too long naps.

Scientific studies have shown that the optimal length of napping is 20-30 minutes, when the body can quickly rejuvenate when you wake up in light sleep.

There is one kind of person who is not suitable for napping! Have you been tricked?

If you take a nap for too long and enter the deep sleep stage, and when you are awakened again, the body will feel extremely uncomfortable, manifested as drowsiness, dizziness and other symptoms.

The concept of the sleep cycle is particularly important here. A complete sleep cycle takes about 90 minutes and includes light, deep, and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep stages.

There is one kind of person who is not suitable for napping! Have you been tricked?

If you can get enough sleep for a full sleep cycle, you'll wake up feeling energized. However, if interrupted during the deep sleep stage, the feeling after waking up can be very bad. That's why a lot of people feel more tired after a nap.

Health effects of napping

Although napping may not work for some people, it still has many health benefits for most people. Napping can help restore energy and improve productivity and concentration in the afternoon.

Studies have shown that short naps can significantly improve memory and cognitive function, and are especially beneficial for people who have been engaged in mental work for a long time.

There is one kind of person who is not suitable for napping! Have you been tricked?

Napping can also reduce stress and boost your emotional state. Modern life is fast-paced and stressful, and a short nap can relax the body and mind, reduce stress hormone levels in the body, and help improve overall health.

It is important to note that the benefits of napping are based on moderation and regularity. Far from delivering these benefits, an excessively long nap can disrupt the biological clock and interfere with normal sleep at night. Therefore, mastering the scientific nap time and method can truly enjoy the health benefits of napping.

There is one kind of person who is not suitable for napping! Have you been tricked?

Individual differences and napping needs

Everyone's sleep needs are different, and this is especially true when it comes to napping needs. Some people can get more energy after just 7 hours of sleep a day, while others still feel tired even after 10 hours of sleep. Factors that affect the need for napping include age, health status, lifestyle habits, and psychological stress.

For those with stressful work and a fast-paced lifestyle, napping can provide a short break to help restore.

There is one kind of person who is not suitable for napping! Have you been tricked?

Some people are inherently insensitive to napping and feel more tired after a nap, so they don't have to force themselves to take a nap. Scientists have found that the effects of napping are not only related to the length of time, but also to the individual's biological clock. If your body clock isn't suitable for napping, forcing yourself to nap can be counterproductive.

Tips for proper napping

In order to ensure the effectiveness of napping, we need to master some scientific napping techniques. First of all, it is very important to choose a quiet, comfortable environment.

Avoiding external distractions during napping can effectively improve the quality of napping. Adjusting the room temperature to ensure the right temperature can also help you fall asleep quickly and get a good night's sleep.

There is one kind of person who is not suitable for napping! Have you been tricked?

The position of the nap is equally important. Lying flat is the ideal nap position to allow the body to relax completely. If conditions don't allow, you can also choose to sit in a chair, but make sure that your head and neck have enough support to avoid physical discomfort caused by improper posture.

Avoid caffeine and sugary foods before naptime, which can interfere with falling asleep and sleep quality. Consider doing some light relaxation exercises, such as deep breathing, meditation, etc., before napping, which can help you fall asleep quickly.

To sum up, the suitability of napping varies from person to person, and not everyone is suitable for napping. For those who can't sleep at night and are sleepy during the day, napping may not be a good option because it can disrupt their body clock, leading to a vicious cycle.

For most people, a scientific, moderate nap can bring many health benefits, such as increased productivity, reduced stress, and elevated mood.