
Stanley Ho spent 1.5 billion for 11 years of life, and the He family did not dare to be buried after his death, why is this?

author:Lobster says entertainment

Stanley Ho's story begins with a poor family. At the time of his birth, his father had died in failure, and his mother took him to live a difficult life. The young Stanley Ho's eyes flashed with a desire for the future, but he only had a start-up capital of 10 yuan.

The gears of fate began to turn, and Stanley Ho won the opportunity to enter the University of Hong Kong with his own efforts. After graduating from university, Stanley Ho secured a high-paying job at a Japanese trading company in Hong Kong with his fluency in English and keen business sense.

The 22-year-old has a flame of hope in his eyes and a confident smile on his lips. This job not only brings a good salary, but more importantly, it accumulates valuable experience and contacts.

As time went on, Stanley Ho's ambitions became apparent. Using the accumulated funds and experience, he founded his first company, like a chess player, and began to lay out on the business chessboard.

Stanley Ho spent 1.5 billion for 11 years of life, and the He family did not dare to be buried after his death, why is this?

His career flourished and he soon became a well-known young talent in Hong Kong at that time. In 1961, when the opportunity came, the Macau gaming industry beckoned to him. Stanley Ho did not hesitate to put all his energy into it, as if a gambler had bet all his chips on this game.

He is keenly aware of the huge potential of the gambling industry and has put his heart and soul into it. Lady Luck favored this brave adventurer. Stanley Ho not only gained a firm foothold in the gaming industry, but also extended his tentacles to real estate, aviation and other fields.

His eyes sharpened and his movements became more decisive. With his efforts, the business territory has been continuously expanded, covering many fields such as hospitality, tourism, aviation, and real estate. The title of "Macau Gambling King" followed, as if to crown this legendary figure.

Stanley Ho has successfully built the glory of Macau's gaming industry, and has also made great contributions to Macau's economic development. From starting at 10 yuan to sitting on a business empire, Stanley Ho's rise is like an inspirational movie.

Stanley Ho spent 1.5 billion for 11 years of life, and the He family did not dare to be buried after his death, why is this?

His story not only shows the power of personal struggle, but also reflects the opportunities and challenges of that era. However, this is only the beginning of his legendary life, and more challenges and opportunities await this indomitable gambling king.

Stanley Ho's love life is as exciting as his career. Four marriages and seventeen children form a complex family map. Every marriage is like a big gamble in life, and each child is an important bargaining chip in this gamble.

Stanley Ho's first wife was a cousin of his childhood sweetheart. However, as fate would have it, the marriage did not last long. Subsequently, he ushered in his second wife, which is known to the outside world as the "second wife".

followed by the "third wife" and "fourth wife", each marriage added new blood to the He family. At the family gathering, Stanley Ho's eyes flashed with relief and worry. He is well aware that a large family means more responsibilities and potential contradictions.

Stanley Ho spent 1.5 billion for 11 years of life, and the He family did not dare to be buried after his death, why is this?

In the eyes of the children, there is not only reverence for their father, but also the expectation of family wealth. As Stanley Ho grew older, the question of succession gradually surfaced. Relationships between family members become delicate and sometimes tense.

Competition between houses is becoming increasingly fierce, and everyone wants a larger share of this wealth distribution. Stanley Ho often sits alone late at night, frowning, thinking about how to balance the interests of all parties.

He tried to make sure that each of his children would receive a reasonable inheritance through careful arrangement. However, the task was much more difficult than he had imagined. Every gathering of this huge family is like a silent game.

As the core of the family, Stanley Ho strives to maintain the harmony on the surface. However, he knew in his heart that the real test was yet to come. What does the future hold for the family? This question often haunted the gambling king's mind and became one of the biggest knots in his later years.

Stanley Ho spent 1.5 billion for 11 years of life, and the He family did not dare to be buried after his death, why is this?

He hopes that his children can unite and develop the family business together. But the reality is that the contradictions between the houses are deepening day by day. Stanley Ho's family story is not only the internal strife of a business empire, but also a true portrayal of human nature in the face of huge wealth.

This game of wealth, power and family affection will continue after Stanley Ho's death and become an unavoidable challenge for the legendary family. In 2009, fate played a cruel joke on Stanley Ho.

The powerful gambling king accidentally fell at home, suffered a head injury, and was rushed to the hospital. This accident pushed the once high-spirited Stanley Ho to the brink of life.

In the hospital room, he was lying on the hospital bed, looking extremely fragile, in stark contrast to his usual demeanor. Faced with the threat of death, Stanley Ho made an astonishing decision - to spend 1.5 billion yuan to extend his life by 11 years.

Stanley Ho spent 1.5 billion for 11 years of life, and the He family did not dare to be buried after his death, why is this?

It was as if it was the last big gamble in his life, and the stake was his own life. He is determined to trade money for time and a chance to race against death. To achieve this, Stanley Ho hired a top-notch medical team to tailor an expensive treatment plan for himself.

Every day, he was given an injection of nutrient solution. His brow furrowed slightly as the needle pierced into his skin, but his eyes remained steadfast. This once powerful gambling king is racing against time at the moment, trying his best to extend his life.

In these 11 years, Stanley Ho's life has changed dramatically. His once hectic schedule was replaced by medical care, but his will did not diminish in the slightest. He insisted on doing moderate exercise every day, keeping his mind clear, and trying to maintain his health.

Even though his health deteriorated, he still paid attention to the development of the family business and never forgot his responsibilities as the core of the family. In this way, Stanley Ho proved to the world that even in the face of threats to his life, he is still the gambling king who dares to place heavy bets.

Stanley Ho spent 1.5 billion for 11 years of life, and the He family did not dare to be buried after his death, why is this?

His persistence is not only for himself, but also to give his family more time to arrange the future of the family. During this time, he tried to mediate the conflicts within the family and make a final effort for the harmonious development of the family.

However, time is merciless after all. Despite the huge amount of money invested and all kinds of high-tech means, the length of life is limited after all. On May 26, 2020, Stanley Ho still left this world at the age of 98.

At the last moment of his life, a trace of relief flashed in his eyes, as if to say: "These 11 years are worth it." Stanley Ho's last big gamble not only won precious time, but also left the world with food for thought.

Can the value of life be measured in money? What does the 1.5 billion yuan in exchange for 11 years mean? For Stanley Ho, this may be his last contribution to his family and his last gift to future generations.

Stanley Ho spent 1.5 billion for 11 years of life, and the He family did not dare to be buried after his death, why is this?

This decision reflects both Stanley Ho's cherishing of life and his way of thinking as a successful businessman - exchanging money for what he needs most.

This gamble of life has become the last footnote to Stanley Ho's legendary life, and it has also added a unique color to his life. On May 26, 2020, after the death of Stanley Ho, a new mystery ensued.

This powerful gambling king was not buried after his death. The family members looked solemn, as if they were waiting for something. There is a lot of speculation from the outside world, some people believe that it is the internal conflicts within the family that make it impossible to decide the burial place, and some people speculate that it may involve the distribution of inheritance.

However, the truth soon emerges - it turns out to be a sentence from a feng shui master that puts the He family in a dilemma. "Good luck has not arrived", these four simple words, but like an invisible lock, imprisoned Stanley Ho's coffin in the sun.

Stanley Ho spent 1.5 billion for 11 years of life, and the He family did not dare to be buried after his death, why is this?

Feng Shui masters believe that Stanley Ho's good fortune has not yet fully manifested, and if he is buried at this time, it may affect the future development of the family. The eyes of the family showed anxiety and hesitation.

They believe that only when the right time is right can they ensure the prosperity of the family. This seemingly superstitious behavior actually reflects the He family's deep anxiety about the future.

After all, under Stanley Ho's leadership, the family business is thriving, and it is natural for children and grandchildren to hope that this good fortune can continue. In order to find the best time for burial, the He family invited a number of feng shui masters to deduce.

They carefully studied the geographical location, the time of day, and the auspicious situation, hoping that Stanley Ho would find the most perfect place to rest. This is not only the last tribute to Stanley Ho, but also a kind of sustenance for the future of the family.

Stanley Ho spent 1.5 billion for 11 years of life, and the He family did not dare to be buried after his death, why is this?

However, this decision has also sparked all kinds of speculation from the outside world. Some people see this as a manifestation of contradictions within the family, while others see it as the last tribute to Stanley Ho.

In any case, this unsolved mystery adds a touch of mystery to Stanley Ho's legendary life. In the days of waiting for "good luck" to come, every member of the He family was burdened with invisible pressure.

They are looking forward to the auspicious day in the mouth of the feng shui master, hoping that Stanley Ho will find a perfect place to rest and seek a bright future for the family. Although this practice may seem superstitious in modern society, it reflects to some extent the Ho family's respect for Stanley Ho and their cautious attitude towards the family's future.

They would rather endure the skepticism of the outside world than make sure that every detail is perfect. Stanley Ho was a winning general in the casino during his lifetime, but after his death, he could not rest because of the sentence "good luck has not arrived".

Stanley Ho spent 1.5 billion for 11 years of life, and the He family did not dare to be buried after his death, why is this?

This mysterious decision has become the last mystery of Stanley Ho's legendary life, and it has also made the world full of curiosity and anticipation for the future of this family. In his lifetime, Stanley Ho has accumulated an astonishing wealth of more than 500 billion.

This huge asset, like a mountain of gold, has attracted the attention of countless people. From the original "10 yuan kid" to the "gambling king" with 500 billion assets, Stanley Ho's wealth accumulation is legendary.

Honors poured in, and Stanley Ho received a number of honors, including the Grand Bauhinia Medal of the Macau Special Administrative Region. These accolades not only bear witness to his achievements in business, but also reflect his contribution to the social development of Macau.

It is worth mentioning that Stanley Ho is the first person to receive the highest honour in both Hong Kong and Macau, which highlights his important position in both Hong Kong and Macau. However, these accolades and vast wealth have also raised some voices of skepticism.

Stanley Ho spent 1.5 billion for 11 years of life, and the He family did not dare to be buried after his death, why is this?

Some praised him as a business wizard who contributed greatly to the prosperity of Macau; There are also those who criticize the fact that his wealth comes mainly from the gambling industry, questioning the impact of this business model on society.

After Stanley Ho's death, family members had mixed expressions. They are both proud of their family's prominence and worried about the upcoming distribution of their inheritance. This huge wealth is both a blessing and a trigger for family splits.

Competition between houses is becoming increasingly fierce, and everyone wants a larger share of this wealth distribution. In Macau, Stanley Ho's influence remains. In the streets, people talk about the story of this legendary figure.

Some people miss the prosperity he brought to Macau, while others question the impact of gambling on society. Stanley Ho's legacy is not only about material wealth, but also about the profound impact he had on Macau's social economy.

Stanley Ho spent 1.5 billion for 11 years of life, and the He family did not dare to be buried after his death, why is this?

Stanley Ho's life is like a thrilling gamble, and his wealth and influence are the chips he wins after betting everything. However, the final outcome of this gamble may only be revealed in the future.

Stanley Ho left behind not only a huge fortune, but also a legacy full of controversy and thought. Stanley Ho's life is legendary. From a poor boy who started at 10 yuan to a powerful Macau gambling king, his life trajectory is like an inspirational blockbuster.

Stanley Ho has used his life to interpret what courage, wisdom and perseverance are. However, when the curtain of life finally falls, we can't help but ask: Can wealth, honor, and longevity really bring happiness and tranquility? Stanley Ho's 11 years of life in exchange for 1.5 billion, as well as the regret that he could not be buried after his death, seem to give a complicated answer.

The end of this saga may be the beginning of our reflection on the true meaning of life. Stanley Ho's life is not only a model of personal struggle, but also a product of the opportunities of the times.

Stanley Ho spent 1.5 billion for 11 years of life, and the He family did not dare to be buried after his death, why is this?

His story reminds us that success often comes with challenges and controversy, and that the real value may not only lie in what we gain, but also in how we impact the world.