
The man escaped parking fees 56 times, and he actually used this method, netizens: Habitual offenders are real hammers

author:The post-90s sound Yue Tai

Recently, I saw a case of "car evasion" on the Internet, and netizens sighed: If you are greedy for a small price, you will suffer a big loss after all!

On January 30, 2024, an ordinary working day, the Dongfeng Police Station of Licheng Public Security received an unusual alarm. It turned out that the property staff of the Xinyuan Xin Center parking lot in the jurisdiction found that a man repeatedly drove out of the parking lot without paying the parking fee. How did this "master of order evasion" do it?

The man escaped parking fees 56 times, and he actually used this method, netizens: Habitual offenders are real hammers

After police investigation, the man's surname is Cheng, and since November 12, 2023, he has evaded payment as many as 56 times in just 79 days! On average, such a "play" comes every 1.4 days. The cumulative amount of evasion is as high as 2149 yuan, which is not a small amount!

So, how did Cheng do so "unaware"?

It turned out that he had discovered a "loophole" in the unattended electronic toll parking lot: in the sensing area, the parking pole would remain raised. So, he followed the car in front of him every time, cleverly avoiding the payment link. This trick of "following the car to evade the order" can be described as painstaking!

The man escaped parking fees 56 times, and he actually used this method, netizens: Habitual offenders are real hammers

However, Skynet is magnificent, negligent but not leaky. By viewing the surveillance video of the parking lot, the police discovered Cheng's "unique secret skill". In order to fix the evidence, the police carried out multi-party tracking and judgment. However, Cheng also seemed to be aware of the illegality of his actions and began to wander around, trying to evade legal punishment.

After the police squatted for many days, they finally arrested Cheng at his home. Faced with ironclad evidence, Cheng could only admit his guilt obediently. This "cat and mouse game", which lasted for nearly three months, finally ended with Cheng being criminally dealt with in accordance with the law.

The man escaped parking fees 56 times, and he actually used this method, netizens: Habitual offenders are real hammers

This case can't help but make people think deeply: Is it really worth it for a moment of cleverness? Not to mention the parking fee of 2,149 yuan, the fact that he was criminally dealt with alone is enough to make Cheng regret not being at the beginning. More importantly, this kind of behavior seriously damages the social integrity system and affects the normal operation of the parking lot.

For the majority of car owners, this case is undoubtedly a wake-up call. Whether it is a traditional manned parking lot or a modern electronic toll parking lot, we should abide by the basic rules of "one car, one pole" and "one car, one pass". After all, coveting a small bargain can have unpredictable consequences.

The man escaped parking fees 56 times, and he actually used this method, netizens: Habitual offenders are real hammers

Finally, I hope that this case can attract the attention of all sectors of society. On the one hand, the relevant departments should strengthen the supervision of parking lots, improve the charging system, and plug possible loopholes. On the other hand, each of us should enhance our awareness of law and integrity, start from ourselves, and jointly maintain an honest and orderly social environment.