
cheated in marriage, but beat a rake, three children and two fathers, what does supergirl He Jie want?

author:Lobster says entertainment

In 2005, 21-year-old He Jie stood on the stage of "Super Girl", her young face was full of love for music. Originally from Sichuan, with her unique voice and sweet image, she stood out in the Chengdu division and won the runner-up.

This seemingly ordinary girl has embarked on a dazzling star journey. He Jie cherishes the hard-won opportunity and strives to improve her musical strength. She has released several solo albums, and her hard-working attitude and outstanding performance have made her one of the top singers in just a few years.

He Jie's popularity has been rising, and the number of fans has also grown rapidly, and she has become a leader among the new generation of singers. However, with the growth of fame, He Jie gradually felt the pressure of the entertainment industry.

In order to break through herself, she began to try to develop into the field of actressing. In the TV series "Love Curse", He Jie contributed her screen debut. Although her acting skills still need to be improved, she has shown her determination to diversify her development.

cheated in marriage, but beat a rake, three children and two fathers, what does supergirl He Jie want?

At this stage, He Jie's career is thriving, and she frequently participates in various variety shows and award ceremonies, becoming the focus of media attention. However, behind the flash, He Jie's heart began to sprout a desire for a stable life.

Despite her promising career, she was exhausted by long-term high-pressure work and public scrutiny. He Jie began to think about what she really wanted. Do you continue to chase a higher pinnacle of your acting career, or do you look for a harbor where you can make a living? This question is constantly swirling in her mind, affecting her next life choices.

Just when her career was in full swing, He Jie made an important decision, she chose to enter the palace of marriage, hoping to find her sense of belonging in the family. This decision also laid the groundwork for her later life trajectory.

In 2009, He Jie and Zhao Yazhi entered the marriage hall and opened a new chapter in her life. This marriage was initially envied by the outside world and was regarded as a model couple in the entertainment industry. He Jie struggled to balance her career and family, and soon had children of her own.

cheated in marriage, but beat a rake, three children and two fathers, what does supergirl He Jie want?

She has expressed her cherishing of her family many times in variety shows, showing the image of a happy wife and mother. However, married life is not a fairy tale of imagination. He Jie gradually felt the double pressure of family and career.

She needs to take care of her children while maintaining her position in the entertainment industry. This state of lack of skills made her feel exhausted. He Jie revealed in an interview that she often did not have time to spend with her children because she was busy with work, which made her feel very guilty.

During this period, He Jie's career development also encountered a bottleneck. She tried to transform into an actress, but it didn't work out well. His performance in the TV series "Love Curse" did not receive unanimous praise from the audience.

This professional frustration, coupled with the trivialities of family life, made He Jie begin to doubt her life choices. Despite this, He Jie still struggled to maintain family harmony.

cheated in marriage, but beat a rake, three children and two fathers, what does supergirl He Jie want?

She and Zhao Yazhi participated in variety shows together, showing the image of affection. But attentive viewers may find that there seems to be a trace of exhaustion and reluctance hidden behind He Jie's smile.

For the sake of the family, He Jie also made a lot of sacrifices. She has less work and more dedication to family life. However, such a choice also made her exposure in the entertainment industry less and affected her career development.

As time passed, He Jie felt more and more overwhelmed by the burden of family and career. She longs for breakthroughs, for change, but she doesn't know what to do.

Under this contradiction and pressure, He Jie's heart began to waver, laying the groundwork for what happened later. He Jie at this stage is a happy married actress on the surface, but her heart is full of confusion and struggle.

cheated in marriage, but beat a rake, three children and two fathers, what does supergirl He Jie want?

She oscillated between family responsibilities and personal pursuits, never being able to find a balance. In 2012, He Jie's life took a turn for the better. On an outing, she made a new friend.

At first, it was just an ordinary friendship, but as time went on, the relationship between the two gradually warmed up. He Jie found a long-lost passion and understanding in this relationship, which rekindled her enthusiasm for life.

According to reports, He Jie told her husband Zhao Yazhi that she was going out to play for a few days on the grounds of distraction. During this outing, He Jie met the person who changed the trajectory of her life.

The two talked happily and confided in each other, and He Jie felt the warmth of being understood and supported. However, this relationship also brought huge psychological pressure to He Jie.

cheated in marriage, but beat a rake, three children and two fathers, what does supergirl He Jie want?

She knew she was doing something wrong, but she couldn't let go of it. Her inner struggles and feelings of guilt tormented her. He Jie began to become absent-minded, and her attitude towards family and work also underwent a subtle change.

Zhao Yazhi noticed his wife's abnormality, but chose to believe and wait. He hopes to save this marriage by giving He Jie more care and support. However, He Jie fell deeper and deeper and couldn't extricate herself.

During this period, He Jie's career was also affected. She has made fewer public appearances and is less enthusiastic about her work. The once energetic stage presence became mechanical and detached, which attracted attention and speculation from the media and fans.

He Jie's relationship with her new friend gradually warmed up, from confiding in each other to secretly falling in love, and then to secretly dating. They confirmed their relationship in an ambiguous way at four o'clock in the morning, and He Jie even took a photo of the excitement at this moment and sent it to that person.

cheated in marriage, but beat a rake, three children and two fathers, what does supergirl He Jie want?

He Jie in this period is still the glamorous star on the surface, but her heart is full of contradictions and pain. She oscillates between marriage, morality, and personal desires, and has never been able to make a clear choice.

He Jie's state lasted for quite some time. On the one hand, she enjoys the excitement and joy of her new relationship, but on the other hand, she feels deeply guilty for betraying her marriage.

This inner contradiction and struggle laid the groundwork for a series of events that followed. Between 2016 and 2018, He Jie lived a dual life. In front of the public, she is still the happy married actress; And in private, she is getting closer and closer to her new boyfriend.

This divided state of life has brought great psychological pressure to He Jie. In December 2016, a pivotal event became the trigger. He Jie had a phone call with her husband Zhao Yazhi, and in this phone call, He Jie did not mention her children, which aroused Zhao Yazhi's suspicions.

cheated in marriage, but beat a rake, three children and two fathers, what does supergirl He Jie want?

Subsequently, Zhao Yazhi found that He Jie and a man had a tryst in the hotel through positioning, and the contradiction between the two sides broke out completely. Despite this, He Jie still did not confess the truth. She chose to deny and conceal it, and even gave birth to her third child in July 2018.

The child's father is her new boyfriend, not her husband Zhao Yazhi. He Jie's decision made her situation more complicated and difficult. In this process, He Jie's heart was full of contradictions and guilt.

She knew that her actions would hurt her family, but she couldn't give up the relationship. She wanted the best of both worlds, but reality put her in a dilemma.

He Jie's two-sided life not only brought her huge psychological pressure, but also affected her career. She's made fewer public appearances and less enthusiastic about her work.

cheated in marriage, but beat a rake, three children and two fathers, what does supergirl He Jie want?

In some public places, people can clearly feel her absent-mindedness and exhaustion. During this period, He Jie's life was full of lies and deception. She often had to make up all sorts of reasons to explain her whereabouts, which made her feel exhausted.

At the same time, she also faced pressure and skepticism from all sides, including family, friends and the media. He Jie tries to maintain her apparent calm, but her inner torment intensifies.

She has said in interviews that she is "very stressed" and "not making a lot of money", and behind these words are hidden inner pain and struggle. As time passed, He Jie's secret became more and more difficult to hide.

Her behavior became more and more erratic, which attracted the attention of the media and the public. People began to speculate about whether there was something wrong with her marriage, but He Jie remained silent and did not give any explanation.

cheated in marriage, but beat a rake, three children and two fathers, what does supergirl He Jie want?

During this period, He Jie was like an acrobat walking on a tightrope, who could stumble and fall at any time. Her heart was full of fear and uneasiness, but she didn't know what to do.

This state of affairs continued until 2018, when the truth was finally revealed. In 2018, He Jie's extramarital affair was finally exposed by the media. This news is like a bombshell and has caused a huge sensation in the entertainment industry.

The public's evaluation of He Jie instantly changed from praise to abuse, and the positive image she had built over the years collapsed overnight. According to media reports, He Jie not only cheated, but also gave birth to a third child, and the father of this child is her new boyfriend, not her husband Zhao Yazhi.

The news completely angered the public, and many accused He Jie of being irresponsible and betraying the marriage. In the face of overwhelming doubts and accusations, He Jie chose to remain silent. She did not immediately come forward to explain or apologize, an attitude that angered the public even more.

cheated in marriage, but beat a rake, three children and two fathers, what does supergirl He Jie want?

Many people believe that she is not only cheating, but also trying to evade responsibility. He Jie's social media account was overrun by angry netizens, and the comment section was filled with criticism and abuse. After Zhao Yazhi learned the truth, she chose to divorce.

The divorce case sparked a heated debate over the division of property and custody of the children. He Jie reportedly behaved unusually tough during the divorce process, demanding custody of most of the property and children.

This attitude puts her at a greater disadvantage in public opinion. This turmoil dealt a devastating blow to He Jie's career. A number of endorsement contracts have been terminated, and acting invitations have also decreased suddenly.

She once fell into a low point in her career and life, and some people even doubted whether she could continue to develop in the entertainment industry. During this difficult period, He Jie was almost completely cut off from the outside world.

cheated in marriage, but beat a rake, three children and two fathers, what does supergirl He Jie want?

She avoided all public appearances and refused to give any interviews. The media once photographed her going out alone with her children, and her face was full of exhaustion and helplessness.

This marriage turmoil not only affected He Jie herself, but also brought great harm to her family. Her parents and siblings also had to face public scrutiny and criticism.

He Jie said in a later interview that the experience had caused a lot of damage to her family, and she felt very guilty about it. After experiencing this turmoil, He Jie chose to temporarily withdraw from the public eye.

It took her a long time to adjust her mindset and reflect on her past mistakes. In the process, she received support and encouragement from her new partner, which gave her the courage to start over.

cheated in marriage, but beat a rake, three children and two fathers, what does supergirl He Jie want?

In 2021, He Jie began to try to publish content on short video platforms to reconnect with the public. She chose a more realistic and down-to-earth image to show her daily life and parenting experience.

This change gained the approval of some viewers, and her fan count gradually recovered. At this stage, He Jie showed a different side. Instead of creating a flawless image, she chooses to show her life authentically, including the hardships and troubles of raising children.

This sense of realism has led some viewers to re-embrace her. He Jie also began to replan her career. She is no longer limited to being a singer or actress, but is trying to diversify.

She has participated in the recording of some variety shows, and is also exploring other possible development directions, such as live streaming. Although He Jie's image and career have been seriously affected, she has not given up.

cheated in marriage, but beat a rake, three children and two fathers, what does supergirl He Jie want?

She worked hard to reinvent herself, hoping to be understood and accepted by the public. In an interview, He Jie confessed: "I know I made mistakes, but I hope to have a chance to start over."

Through this experience, He Jie seems to have found what she really wants: it is no longer an illusory perfect image, but the courage to face herself and face life calmly.

She wrote on social media: "Life has hit me hard, but it has also taught me what is most important. Although He Jie's comeback road is still full of challenges, she has shown strong will and determination.

She is trying to balance her career and family to rebuild her life. Although the future is still full of uncertainties, He Jie seems to have found a new direction in life.

cheated in marriage, but beat a rake, three children and two fathers, what does supergirl He Jie want?

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